Vicky, Alysia, Don, and Spooky,
The reason I created this thread was because I wanted to convey that projection (at least on the astral plane) is nothing more than the exploration of our own thoughts/dreams and other peoples creations. That doesn't make the projection experience invalid it justs helps figure out what is provable and what isn't.
The Maimonides dream experiments where Person A projected a thought and Person B dreamed it shows that our thoughts are connected but doesn't give us the technical details of how this occurs.
It's interesting to note that the famous studies of Karl Osis seemed to disprove or at least weaken the case for the validity of out of body experiences. But I believe the reason for this, was that the experiment was set up to validate whether OBE'rs could pick out information in the
physical world.
I think OBE'rs,LD'ers, explorers, etc. are much better at picking up information of the nonphysical world which in principle is a collection of people's dreams and thought patterns.
Don - you bring up the interesting point about simultaneity. If I go visit you out-of-body, I may bump into one of your energetic bodies, or I might enter into one of your dream bubbles (or I might not get anything pertaining to you) But it's extremely likely that you won't ever remember the experience. That connects to Vicky's point - you or your dream environment may be intruded on by me and you would never know. The only way I can prove that to you though is if I pick up something about you that I couldn't have known beforehand.
(BTW, I've done this experiment many times with what I feel are positive results. See the "Psychic Inspection subforum" on my website if you are curious:
Alysia - isn't this how you proved partnered exploration to yourself? When your friend picked up on a thought bubble that you had intended for awhile, you knew she had reached your bubble.
The only thing that is left for me to do is for me to meet one of you, in my bubble or yours, shake hands, exchange info, and then validate this experience in the physical. This so far has been unattainable for me - but Bruce Moen and many other TMI'ers have shown this to be eminently possible.