Gman wrote on Dec 10th, 2014 at 12:50am:Good Day All. This is an "Imagination Afterlife Forum". ..So that what you imagine in your Conscious and Sub-Conscious mind is really what happens to you after physical death!?..
Actually, no, it's an Afterlife Knowledge forum not an Imagination Afterlife Forum.
It's a common error many of us make to think that the word "fantasy" and the word "imagination" have the same meaning, they don't. One way to think of it is that Imagination is the "sense" we can use to perceive our fantasies. But, imagination can also be used to perceive things that are real.
The important question from an afterlife knowledge gathering perspective then becomes, how can I tell whether what I am perceiving is real or fantasy?
In the system I teach, to tell the difference, I use what I call the Basic Premise which says:
!. Find a way to make contact and communicate with a person known to be deceased.
2. Gather information from this person you have
absolutely no way of knowing except by your contact and communication with this deceased person.
3. If you can verify that the information you gathered is accurate and truce.
4. You have not "proven" anything yet, but you have gathered evidence that this deceased person continues to exist "somewhere."
5. Continue this process until the weight of your own evidence, gathered only through your own direct experience, leads you to your own conclusion regarding the existence of our afterlife.
From my experience I would say that when you have accomplished this, along the way you will have developed the skills and abilities to more deeply explore our afterlife or any other nonphysical reality that exists.
I agree with Einstein who said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."