No Brendan, I did not retrieve a magician. I retrieved Peter, disciple of Yeshua. It was a self retrieval as I was Peter. I'm copying below what I posted here before.
First, I have to say that Sananda is Yeshua's ascended self. Virgil is my deceased husband who has been the Helper with me with every retrieval I've done.
Sananda told Sheri to tell me that Peter was stuck in a Belief System Territory. I decided to go after him and appear as
Jeshua. I asked Virgil if he would go with me and he said of course he would. I kept losing focus but could tell I was talking to
Peter but then would click out and keep coming back. So I wrote to Sheri and Sananda told her that I had retrieved Peter.
Here's Sananda's description of the retrieval:
You appeared to Peter as Peter. You found him sitting at the table at the
place where Jeshua and his disciples used to meet. It was the place that I met him at just before he was arrested. He was drinking, and was drunk, and very sad. You sat across from him at the table, and was talking with him. You tried to explain to him that he was dead, and if he goes with you, you
can take him to Jeshua and the other disciples. I guess because he was talking with himself, he didn't believe you. Virgil went with you, and took on the guise as Paul. Peter was able to see Paul while Peter was talking with you. Paul was able to convince him that he was dead, by telling him the same thing. When Peter accepted the fact that he was dead, Jeshua met him there, and Peter was able to see him and the rest of the disciples.
Great work!
Now Brendan, I don't expect you or anyone else to believe this. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe this or anyone else. I KNOW that it happened. And Peter has come to me many times since then and thanked me. He took me with him to the Sea of Galilee where I could smell the water and the fish. He took me to a hillside where Yeshua was speaking.
The fact that he was stuck doesn't mean that he didn't reincarnate as he did or obviously I wouldn't be here. An aspect of him was stuck and that is the aspect that I retrieved, plain and simple.
With Love, Mairlyn