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Nov 12 PE (Read 22285 times)
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Nov 12 PE
Nov 13th, 2005 at 2:43am
it's the 13th just barely, 1am here in NM.

I'll start off, sure hope to get your pe's here!

started off using conscious imaginative method, no sleep this time. felt that tickle wave between the ears and back of the head. pleasant. I'm just there. I walk up to the crystal and I see a crowd. I go inside it and smile at everybody. we all hold hands and circle round. we sit on floor crosslegged around crystal. then I see a man with an afro? I don't expect this. he walks down a hall coming to get us. I don't get a name. he is affiliated with TMI is all I know. we all get ourselves in a wave thing and fly..he's leading.  we don't fly in a straight line, I'm in the rear looking at our wave which is like a big S shape. he leads us into a big saucer space ship. I start to lose it here. not what I expected.
we sit down and I can hear him speaking to us about upcoming PE's, but I dont hear words. just that there are plans.  then I ask if I can give each person a gift as I liked the way Hannah did that, and I wanted to see each person and acknowledge each one. he said of course. I had like a grab bag thing with items in it & I would reach in it and feel something and pull it out. First I saw Mairlyn: I had in my hand a delicate pink hanky with lace, it looked fragile and beautiful.
  these kind of hankies are not manufactured anymore, but they are lovely. I wanted one myself. it had "M" monogram on the corner.
then Vicky I gave a gold book, which was her own book, and it was embossed with raised lettering, this was very special also as it contained some very ancient knowledge and the kind of book you would want to display on your coffee table, it was so beautiful. Ryan, I pulled out one of those toy cars where it runs on friction when you give it a few spins, it was red. I think that has something to do with his natural ability to move out there. Tim: an award pin, of an electric guitar, this was like after some service in this area, only the best players get to be pinned. Spooky: a white crystal about the size of to hold in your palm, this increases his energy. Doc: a stethoscope. wouldn't u know? hee. this way he can hear anybody's heartbeat anytime he wants to. Wishtoyou: silly putty, a purple color, this she molds and bounces it and shapes it however she wants, to say creative stuff is pliable. Shirley: a wisp broom. to wisp away any cobwebs so you can fly higher, also an invitation to come visit me again! and bring the broom as I need to sweep some webs away too. Jean: a magic wand that makes the room change color.

now I know you guys can do better than what I just came up
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #1 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 7:07am
A wisp broom?  Interesting!  I just bought one yesterday.  A small broom and dustpan, cuz we keep losing our dustpan.  Must have about 10 around the house by now, and this has a handle..and came with the broom that also has about a three foot handle.. Cheesy

I went to bed early.

Focused on the chrystal..and felt myself drawn inside of it.  There were others there, but I felt like I was "seperate".
Inside, I felt a sense of panic from clostraphobia..but managed to relax before I lost it totally.  Colors were swirling all around me, just beautiful!

No space ship for me..I was on a train..heading south. It was like the old west on the prairie, even down to my dress.

I felt a strong need to get off the train, a sense of danger.  I wanted to jump, but it was dark.  I reached out astrally, but could not find a place to jump to safely.

A man on a horse was coming up the side of the train, the east side. (funny thing though, I know it was going south, and he was on the east..but the directions were opposite what they here in C1)

I had to get away from this man.  He was coming to kill me.  I didn't have that overwhelming sense of fear one would expect being faced with such a thing.

I thought to jump off the other side..when another man on horseback came riding up.  He had a rifle/shotgun in his hand and I motioned him over.  I jumped on the back of the horse and held on to him.  I told him "This is the fake train, the gold is on the other one."  He responded that he knew this.

I told him to ride west. (90 degree angle away from the train, which in C1 would really have been east..)

We seemed to go oob together, him beneath me, still touching, both facing the ground.  Then my cat plopped on my pillow, and I was back in that body, on the horse.  Somehow, I could see "us" riding in a long dress, with high leather boots.

Even with my cat purring on my head, I still didn't lose it completely.  I thought I was awake.  I was thirsty, and reached for my water on the nightstand, but it was empty. (In reality, it wasn't there, only part of a soda)

So, I got up, stepped into the hall to go to the kitchen to get more water (which is silly..the bottled water is in my bedroom!)  The AC was on in the livingroom, but all was dark.  There was light from somewhere, maybe the bathroom? and I could see my BIL sitting on the couch.  I went to the kitchen to close the window, because if you're going to run the AC, you need to close the windows..

That's when I really woke up..very thirsty!  Finished the soda..husband came in from outside and I got some more water..

I tried to go back to the chrystal..and ended up elsewhere..weird images from that one.  Similar to the convention center/hotel/school thing..
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #2 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 10:15am
  I sat down in meditation, some time passed and I intended to go to the crystal. I ended up inside it, could tell there were others with me  (I heard laughter) stayed there for for a time and then I was back in my room....

Intended to go to the crystal as I laid down to sleep, had a dream of being out in the country, we're walking down a dirt road in sunlight, I recognise Alysia among a group of us (I'm going to have to look at avatars later, saw someone very clear but don't remember their name, not sure if they put their name down for this) we're talking as we walk along... Was lying in bed this morning remembering when an insistent, very talkative cat brought me out of the in-between state... it's pretty fuzzy now, 'cept for the little I've said.

               Love, Tim
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #3 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 10:56am
Hi Guys,

I went to bed early and placed my intention by repeating that I was going to meet at the crystal by visualizing it.  I had a pretty rough night but every time I woke, I repeated my intention.  I kept playing hemi sync tapes, Mission Night and Exploration of Sleep to put me back to sleep again and kept my worries at bay.  All I got, as I kept waking up throughout the night, were slight memories of the tale ends of conversations, but no memories of their contents. 

My subconscious stress level is running very high due to concern for my husband (he’s coming back slowly) and it appears that my own body is starting to break done even though I’m still doing a lot of activity to keep things together.  This morning I woke up feeling drained, but as I sit with my coffee, I stare at the tile floor as it reflects rainbows of iridescent color in patches in my kitchen.  Looking at the reflections energized me enough to come into the study to check these posts.  When I saw your gift of a magic wand that makes the room change color, I felt relief and tears.  I loved the idea of giving gifts in this situation; it hit the spot for me.

Meanwhile, I’ve been following the trail of “Georgia the Unicorn” and went to an alternative health expo at the convention center yesterday, seeking to connect on C1 with other Monroe/Moen individuals.  I meet John Clyde and was able to actually talk with another individual, at least for a short while, about the board related topics and the MI.  He mentioned Bruce’s machine and I was able to update him.  He worked at the MI for 11 years and has met Bruce.  But later that afternoon, my body started to break down.  Color vibration, seems to help to revive me, so this gift of the color wand is, I suspect, is no small thing in keeping me healthy. It reminds me that it might be a good idea for me to do Monroe’s, “Color Breathing” or “Living Body Map” tapes today in hopes of rebalancing my energy to do in-house repairs on my body.

I wished I had more to say concerning last night, but it appears my movie has turned into a drama and as a result might be interfering with my ability to follow through with pe at this time. I’m hoping to be triggered more by others tales as they report.  Maybe the planning pe lecture that Alysia referred to, are the conversations that I kept waking up from.  They did seem more like a man giving directions.  Shirley’s description of being at a possible convention center was interesting, as it was a happening place to be this weekend, in my area.  Just wish, I were up for it.  Aside from talking with John, I met up with 2 old school chums (Shirley’s school thing?), which was great, but the over all feeling for me being there, was not as uplifting as I had hoped for.  My friends felt as ill at ease as I did.  But this could have been our mood, me with my concern for my husband and theirs, from going to school to get their masters.

Thanks for the perk and hope to remember more.  God, how I love you guys!

Love, Jean Kiss

p.s. Tim & Shirley, my cat did his "cat duty" thing next to me all night in spite of the many wake ups I had.

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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #4 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 11:41am
this is kinda fun all in all..we seem to have a lot of puddy tats helping us purr along!

Shirley I truly had difficulty with the item I pulled out for u, kept trying to put it back and pull something else out, and it just kept reappearing! so I gave up and gave it to you! turns out to be a hit for me after all.

I'm reminded of the interpreter part of the brain, where if the first image doesn't seem right, you ask for another..asking for another image only yielded the same image, so went with it and glad I did.

Jean; some images I didn't tell; saw your energy in every room of your home as you walked thru your home, each room changed color, like mood colors; each room visibly brightened when u walked thru and u were doing this for your husband and he appreciates it without being able to say so. u weren't sure you were doing any good for him but u were! u worried that when u left a room the color would fade and theres so many rooms to fill up with color. the brightest room of all was the room you were going into where your husband waits. and don't know what it means, the wand was wavy rather than straight. the wand seemed to say things are going to get smoother  soon for you.
love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #5 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 1:02pm
Hi all,

I had every intention of joining right up till friday night when my sister decided to leave her husband and then everything broke loose..."A Family Chaos set in for the week-end"..

Funny thing is though, two very wierd and strong things happened, the first being a spider, a huge one with jewels on it?
The spider was the main character in a very powerful dream I had Saturday morning.
I worried about this spider until around mid-day today (Sunday) when I suddenly had a much welcomed burst of inner energy. Deciding to use this massive power surge to meditate and confront the spider to find out what it was about or meant, I suddenly found myself at the crystal....Hey it was awesome...I too seemed to be inside it...and the power that I felt was coming from me was shining out and around as if from another dimesion...great!...It seemed to feel that it also had a native flavour as I seemed to feel the protective presence of a native Indian bystander.

The scene then changed to an empty blackness and I became aware of a very strong essence. This essence had no character, color or anything, but it started streaming into me...I asked it to show itself, explain itself? I tried to evaluate it but there was no response, it just kept streaming into me. At this point I decided that I reckoned it had something to do with the huge spider again and I decided to put myself in some sort of protection, which I did including some of this essence that I had already absorbed.

I'm still not sure sure what it means or what it's about...will keep searching, unless any of you know what humongous be-jeweled spiders sending power into you are all about?

Anyhow, just hoping you do not think I'm too nuts. I'ts not my normal way of thinking and I'm just hoping that sharing this with you all is not going to get me locked up!

I'm finding the posts and all this fascinating...

Love to all


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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #6 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 1:19pm
I think its quite a hit that we all seemed to go into the chrystal.  I don't think I've done that before..

And the colors..from everyone! 

Definate hits, IMO..

And the silly cat is usually expelled from my bedroom because of his propensity for sleeping practically on my head..he's a huge fellow and makes me nutty.  Not to mention, they are nocturnal and move around too much, knocking stuff down and waking us up.

He was quite chatty too.  Both before I went to sleep and after waking, like he was trying to tell me something..perhaps, they were having their own PE?
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #7 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 2:04pm

It appears that all avenues to respond to you except for this board, attempted 3 times to e-mail, but no luck, have failed.  I wanted to say that the timing may not be right yet for publishing but do not; I repeat, do not interpret this as it being because you are a poor writer or don’t have something valuable to say.  For the ACIM and Monroe/Moen people alone, not counting many other seekers, you fill in the gaps of what is happening now to better prepare for our future.  Also the virus alert did brighten my husband’s day and my day, got great chuckles out of it as we kept rereading it.

As far as your most recent response, you gave me a feeling of “hope” that this period will smooth out and, as a result, felt a sigh of relief.  The wand may be wavy, but as long as it gets the job done, I don’t care.  Hopefully it will be soon as my body is actively showing signs of wearing out.  Of course, I’m open to it coming about anyway its s’posed to for my higher good and the highest good of those around me but due to my limited perspective; I can’t imagine what the solution to this dilemma might be.  But anyhow, yesterday I bought an over sized card to frame for work on Hope.  It states, “Hope, like love, transcends all time. It is the song inside each heart that never stops singing. To see our journey through the eyes of hope is to know that all is happening as it was meant to. You are never alone in this world, for we are all connected by heartstrings and hope.”  In its greeting card sort of way, it reminds me to focus on nurturing hope and may remind those who come into my space at work to do so too.   

You’re right; I am worried about doing the right thing for my husband and wonder if I’m having a positive healing affect on him.  He does seem to be responding but tomorrow I have to leave him again but I will be taking time off this week to take him to the doctors. Right now he’s lying in bed again and requested the full light to come in from the window with the shutters adjusted to allow for this. 

Thanks for the light that I need at this time; it really is a buddy system.  It is hard not to go off topic sometimes.

Love, Jean  Kiss   
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #8 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 2:09pm
when I first started reading about our kittys I thought maybe they were trying to tell us that they wanted to ride along with us.
maybe they sense you're mind traveling and maybe they do this all the time and we are just beginning?
I remember my chihuahua was bugging me one when I took a little journey, so I just gave up and let her ride along...

Wish, I think u did well, even with all thats going on in your household. a spider does not have to be a negative image. anything that consumes flies is ok in my book! a part of our biological system. especially so, a jeweled spider which would indicate value there.

I think of the web it spreads out. it does this so to maintain its survival..then it just waits..dinner will arrive!
what we do in these PE's is find our strengths, put it into the soup pot and stir it up and see if it smells good!
smells ok around
maybe the grid thing can be seen as a web we travel on..and the jewels like gifts of wisdom and related to the energies you received. if we keep this up, any number of creatures may be showing up as symbols for us to work with. ...
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #9 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 2:20pm

After Monroe's mentioning that he passed his cats when OBEing, I started to view my cat with greater respect especially when he appears to be concentrating on something in front of him that I can't see.  He is a pretty calm bedfellow but takes up a lot of space and it too is a problem when he camps on my pillow.  Sometimes, I imagine him doing some brain healing on me.  I helps me to be less annoyed when he takes over this spot.  I have the sample tape of the cat purring from the MI which is supposed to be used for healing and I find it calming. I also suspect that what I read a while back about our pets taking on our physical ailments to prevent us from experiencing them could be a real possibility.  Our dog and cat seems to have had simular physical probems which my husband is now experiencing.


Looking forward to seeing if any sense comes out of the jeweled spider image.  I have a permanent spider wire scupture at the top corner of my kitchen and always enjoy seeing it there.  I like spiders and always think of them kindly.  Hope yours has a message you can relate to soon.

Love to you both, Jean Kiss
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #10 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 2:32pm
Hi wshtoyou,

         I started reading a really funny book yesterday, called "Anansi Boys", about a fellow who discovers his dad is Anansi, the african trickster god. Anansi is where all tales and songs flow from, full of good humor (in african mythology) He's a spider... I don't think me reading this book has to do with you, just to say that some folks see spiders as positive and creative beings, not scary things.... p.s; my backyard has tons of spider webs and spiders. They're my friendly neighbors...

                  Love, Tim

oh, i also think of spiders and webs as a symbols of connection...   there's a wonderful teaching in tibetan buddhism called "the magical web of the wisdom circle deities", it has to do with the afterlife. Webs... I think of string-theory in physics too...
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Touching Souls
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #11 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 3:32pm
I got to the crystal last night and promptly fell asleep. So I went this morning, setting my Intent to meet everyone at the crystal which I did. When I approached the crystal, I could see lots of colors shining inside so I entered and joined with everyone.

Then I felt like going to the Earth Core Crystal (ECC) which is a huge crystal of iron and I hadn't been there for awhile.  I asked if anyone wanted to go with me and several said yes. So I slid down a hole that appeared in the ground with several following me. There were ooo's and ah's as everyone looked at it and explored.

Then I perceived a huge pink energy that said it was the 'keeper or guardian of the ECC.'  I thought well this is interesting as I'd never seen it before. Then here in C1 I started dozing and would sort of wake up and know that the energy was telling me a lot of things but I have no clue now as to what they were.  Then my dog Spirit pounced on me and I was back in C1.

Love, Mairlyn
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #12 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 4:19pm
Hey every1,

I didnt have any results, I got back in later than planned and fell asleep....did have a vivid dream though, i was at the aiport and checking in and suddenly saw i had a big flimsy holdall bag instead of the bergan/rucksack one i wanted to travel with!! Kinda shocked me and I had to go buy one straight away to get rid of this thing!

i will try again soon anyway and see what happens so I'm not going to read any posts yet sorry! Will cath up with you all in a couple of day, quite a few posts here so looks good! Cheesy

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Choose this Day

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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #13 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 5:14pm
one other note to Recoverer: I saw u in the spaceship, sitting a little to the side with a book in your lap...I thought u sat crosslegged. I saw the pages flipping very fast and yet you were absorbing the book's knowledge, like speed reading. I was pretty surprised, as I always wanted to learn speed reading and learned just a little about it. I asked did I have something in the grab bag for you, but you had brought your own gift with you to show me.
this may mean a speed up for you also on another level. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Nov 12 PE
Reply #14 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 7:30pm
I am appreciating this thread very much, and all of you for sharing this publicly.  Thanks!

Love, Carolyn
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