A wisp broom? Interesting! I just bought one yesterday. A small broom and dustpan, cuz we keep losing our dustpan. Must have about 10 around the house by now, and this has a handle..and came with the broom that also has about a three foot handle..

I went to bed early.
Focused on the chrystal..and felt myself drawn inside of it. There were others there, but I felt like I was "seperate".
Inside, I felt a sense of panic from clostraphobia..but managed to relax before I lost it totally. Colors were swirling all around me, just beautiful!
No space ship for me..I was on a train..heading south. It was like the old west on the prairie, even down to my dress.
I felt a strong need to get off the train, a sense of danger. I wanted to jump, but it was dark. I reached out astrally, but could not find a place to jump to safely.
A man on a horse was coming up the side of the train, the east side. (funny thing though, I know it was going south, and he was on the east..but the directions were opposite what they here in C1)
I had to get away from this man. He was coming to kill me. I didn't have that overwhelming sense of fear one would expect being faced with such a thing.
I thought to jump off the other side..when another man on horseback came riding up. He had a rifle/shotgun in his hand and I motioned him over. I jumped on the back of the horse and held on to him. I told him "This is the fake train, the gold is on the other one." He responded that he knew this.
I told him to ride west. (90 degree angle away from the train, which in C1 would really have been east..)
We seemed to go oob together, him beneath me, still touching, both facing the ground. Then my cat plopped on my pillow, and I was back in that body, on the horse. Somehow, I could see "us" riding away..me in a long dress, with high leather boots.
Even with my cat purring on my head, I still didn't lose it completely. I thought I was awake. I was thirsty, and reached for my water on the nightstand, but it was empty. (In reality, it wasn't there, only part of a soda)
So, I got up, stepped into the hall to go to the kitchen to get more water (which is silly..the bottled water is in my bedroom!) The AC was on in the livingroom, but all was dark. There was light from somewhere, maybe the bathroom? and I could see my BIL sitting on the couch. I went to the kitchen to close the window, because if you're going to run the AC, you need to close the windows..
That's when I really woke up..very thirsty! Finished the soda..husband came in from outside and I got some more water..
I tried to go back to the chrystal..and ended up elsewhere..weird images from that one. Similar to the convention center/hotel/school thing..