A man and a woman together? In a period of about a week, I did three retrievels of a man and a woman together (three different couples, if you can call them that), and each time it was a bad vibes scene. I didn't do them during a dream though.
It seems as if the people you saw were stuck together. You might meditate a bit, and then imagine yourself retrieving them. Try to introduce them to a guide.
If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't.
If after you start imagining a retrievel, and perhaps thoughts and images start entering your mind without you having a chance to imagine them, then perhaps something actually happened.
Otherwise, is there a relationship you're trapped in, and it seems like there is no way out? Or perhaps somebody you know. In a way, if a guy gets too controlling of somebody he's in a relationship with, he basically takes controll of that person's body, and uses it within his own self created prison.