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Smaller PE groups (Read 33053 times)
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Smaller PE groups
Oct 2nd, 2005 at 10:35am
Due to information from Herb, Mendel, Shirley and observing Ryan's success with Vicky on PE's, I think I have to say smaller groupings of PE are better to produce more hits than trying to find everybody's signature out there.
I suggest we do two more trips to the crystal as a large group and begin thinking about breaking up into groups of two and three for greater success.
I have no clue who wants to work with whom and this is only a suggestion to consider. three seems to be the appropriate number though. then when we begin getting more hits, it looks like we could do five in a group and expand outward that way.
we seem to be creating a group entity.
something to think about! love to you all, alysia Wink
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #1 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 10:48am
I think this is good, specially for learning, too much too soon is a bit overwhelming and i agree with Alysia won't be best for hits and building that proof, even though i would beg differ, the more the better! But i know deep down i have to be paitent haha lol.

I do think though maybe once a month or even once every two months for me i would like to just try meeting up you know just to meet everyone and get to know everyone! Maybe we could all split up but also try meeting at the crystal all together once every month or something just to see how we are all progressing?

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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #2 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 11:21am
thanks Ryan, I think you have the idea defined for me; that we define as we go along...a guide who took me on a journey, did ask this question one time when I said "make it real this time!" she asked me to define real. well, I wasn't sure; so I said I would like a few of my five senses to be operating well within this journey as that is how I define real! as you know, there is a 6th sense, so defined, that we do develop here. I suppose Bruce might call it a perception widening, to that effect. as we work with that interpretor so much to define reality. we interpret it according to our own experiences, so when we do get hits, like Kat and Matt got with the's rather amazing, don't u think? as well I am still amazed that you discovered Vicky works in a did not have this info beforehand. so u see I do see success here. I am still excited about it.
Agreed to have an open PE forum here, where any person who wishes to post a group experience can feel free anytime of the day or night or month and that we continue to do two more saturday trips and after that reacess what everyone wants. I want to have it once a month as an invitation. but not like a duty or to produce something...just an invitation.
I appreciate the lovely hearts here who are honest also. i think PUL is the key to travel on and acceptance of one another. love, alysia
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #3 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 12:07pm
That sounds like an excellent idea, Alysia and Ryan..

And Ryan, in answer to your question in the other thread, I am always open to connections "out there".

I've had them fully awake..once while making biscuits at work.  A wonderful dance that I saw/took part in all the while still here..cutting out biscuits for the kiddos breakfast.

I do reach out nightly, to the astral locations..would feel strange to try to a physical location without letting folks know first.
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #4 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 12:27pm
Alysia, I think is a great idea! it's hard to think about meet everybody when I'm just beginner. and I don't know you all much... I think I need to learn it slower, not everything at once.
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #5 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 12:41pm
Well I fell asleep last night but that's OK.

I like the idea of having a set time to meet in a large group. This is because if it is a large group I feel that if I fall asleep it is OK because others will be there.

I don't think the actual time matters...I mean, you don't have to go at the set time. It is important as a kind of landmark. I don't understand what the time is anyway because what I thougth was the time doesn't jive with what people say they did.

It is 3:30 PM where I am now. When I post this that post will say 12:30. Is it 12:30 where Alysia is?

If it is 3:30 PM in east coast, it is 8:30 PM in London, 12:30 PM in Los Angeles, and 5:30 AM the next day in Sydney.

We set the time as a kind of landmark to go to. If it is feasible to do that at the same time in real time, then that is good. But the time is a destination as well as a place.

I have to run an errand, back later.
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #6 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:20pm
I just have one problem i can't get my head around though, probly isn't the place to explain but while its being mentioned...

Ok if theres no time say I tried Saturday Morning and met up with you all, now say you guys were all at work you won't be able to remember that meeting or be there "yoruselves", the only way in my head i can explain it is if it were you but your other selves??

Then comes saturday night, and the rest of you meet up and I'm there but not me here there, well our accounts will be different and we won't be able to remember the experiences of each others if you see what I'm getting at, just can't get my head around it!

Or maybe its really complicated and i can meet up earlier and somehow what i percieve is like the future in a sense because when you guys all meet up later it will be the same, its just that somehow somthing knows what each of you will do so i can live it at one moment and you can the other. SO in theory it happens twice but only once but certain people are concious from here in C-1 out there at different times?

Did that make sense cuz i'm lost right now! lol. Need to look into this more....

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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #7 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:21pm
I swear i just saw a post by marilyn saying about how time doesn't matter at the beginning of it....Not there i'm really confused and going mad! lol

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Touching Souls
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #8 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:24pm
Ryan, time does not exist. Period. Forget about the time. All you have to do is set your INTENT and you will be there as I posted on the other thread on PE's.  In a book I recently read, one of the higher beings said that Earth is the only place that has created a way to keep track of something that doesn't exist. He said it with a chuckle.  I just visited the group at the crystal a day late. It doesn't matter. Wink

Love, Mairlyn  Grin
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #9 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:24pm
cool Mairlyn. I've been looking for you here. then I just noticed something, that this is the shift in consciousness occurring on the entire board and in the world! and so whether we have PE in a group sense or not, or in smaller groups, it's still going to happen as it's like a wave of energy sweeping over the earth! so everybody stop worrying about linear time which we made up as we needed a sense of orderliness..maybe it's all left brain orderliness...maybe we just need to realize we are working with the right brain more appropriately, or to get the two halves of the brain synchronized which is what Monroe was doing with the invention of hemi-sync. so onward ho!

by the way, the first time I went out I saw and petted Hannah's Moshe, and he was cuddled up to her legs, so glad to be with her! was he very protective of you Hannah?
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Touching Souls
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #10 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:30pm
Alysia, you know we're going to blow Hannah right out of the water with this, don't you? LOL

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #11 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 1:36pm

Well ok i can accept no time just can't understand it yet lol! So that means I'm gonna try tonight and know if i get there i will call you all over...thats if you aint there already!

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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #12 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 2:22pm
Mairlyn said: Alysia, you know we're going to blow Hannah right out of the water with this, don't you? LOL
yea, she loves that Moshe so much.....I know! ha ha!

I don't know if anyone notices how much this PE thread is smokin' but I just got blown out of here because I think we were all tryin to post at the same time! lol!  I gave it a bit of 2 minutes! lol. I'm back and u didn't even miss me did ya! Ryan, hello, I had a whole smear of stuff to say to you and lost it!

it appears you will get it about linear time versus no time. sometime check out Destiny of Souls. a hynotherapist regresses folks and a common thread is that there is a part of us, our universal mind, or higher self, or a part of our energy which stays "over there." we are connected to it, as in semi consciousness, but it lives in "no time zone" or all time zone..past, present, future all one thing, not a lot of alarm clocks over there to my pov. anyway, I call it my observor self lives there, always watching, checking me out, to see I don't goof up too badly perhaps!Grin  sometimes even giving me delightful surprises which I had considered previously to be goof ups! I think this is the part of us which does a group synergistic thing. people used to call it God. let us not go there Wink  God is a good catch all term which when we don't understand ourselves. we used to say, it is God's will, or the devil made me do it. the way I see our society these days is a merge towards more science and less religion, but yet we still treasure the value of acceptance and lovingness of one another..more spiritual than religion. ok, u almost have my whole life story...u shouldn't have a problem finding me out there! love ya! thanks for saying I can sing're so young, I thought our taste in music different! love and light! alysia
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #13 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 2:33pm
Time may be one of our inventions, but then so must be space. It makes sense to me to plan to meet at The Crystal on Saturday October 1 2005at 11:00PM Denver time vs on Saturday October 8 2005 at 11:00 PM Denver time (and versus meeting at the Sydney Opera House, for instance,) but maybe all meetings there merge. Why do we have to meet at the crystal? Why don't we just meet?   but I don't think I know how to sort it out. It is just a place-marker. But if it is easier for someone to take it literally in order to learn, then take it literally. I thought we were using that for a place-marker because we don't know each other well enough to use each other.

Alysia, I thougth your comments about Monroe saying there were 1000 (or so ) "people" there was interesting, because when I did think I went there, last week, I said it was crowded to me. Well mall was better than bar. But it seemed like a party.

I never sent you a pic? I sent someone a picture once, must be from another site. I have collar/shoulder-length hair. I've always wished it were longer but it won't grow well. It is brown. I have been thinking recently it is a little dark though, that I wish I had been in the sun more this summer. It is darker than college, when I practiced better living through chemistry and it was blonde. So I think of it as darker than blonde. I don't think of it as fluffy, but when I ran that past my son, he commented that well yes it wasn't heavy so that made it fluffy.

Hannah I like your necklace but I have to think about it more.
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Touching Souls
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Re: Smaller PE groups
Reply #14 - Oct 2nd, 2005 at 2:44pm
Don't know if this will post or not. I also got blown off Alysia and am having a real hard time getting everything to load. I'll give it a rest for awhile. 

Yes Lucy, there is no space also.  I have a real hard time with that one myself. But we are all right here right now. In fact, it's all inside of us, each of us since we are all ONE.
Can't explain it.  I just go with it. LOL

Love, Mairlyn  Grin
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