this retrieval is classical to me Blink and sounds like it went really well for you. I like that you got a name, and the name Melba seems right on. thought I'd share a similar retrieval by a different method slightly. several years ago someone came to me for help to do a retrieval. a ghost had sat on his bed. I have never had the CD or hemi sync..I just read and think a lot and absorb from others, and desire a lot. so I decided to try to help this person with the ghost on the bed, although I thought it was kind of neat actually to have a ghost, but not everybody has my viewpoint
turned out this person was worried because the ghost sat on his wife's side and she was upset and frightened. he was a good man and his first thought was always for his family. so I said ok I would try, but we must agree that it is only an experiment. (one has to make disclaimers wherever u go
) I was at the time experimenting with imagination, but for this job I wanted to try a dream method of retrieval, to set an intention and then see what would happen which was working most the time especially if I wanted to know something. it would take sometimes a week to make it work. I think the tapes are better and speedier for growth but I had to be inventive to experiment with no aids to help. i think it helps besides setting an intention to have a bit of sense of adventure as well, as I noticed intention alone was not reliable.
anyway I finally made it to the ghost, to the place where she spent most of her time. Just like your Melba, she was waiting to be reunited with her family in lonely circumstances. I knew I was at the right place because, lol, she wouldn't let me come in the door until I mentioned the person who had sent me and who he was married to, her own grand daughter or niece, I can't remember which. it was such an easy retrieval after getting in the door; we all climbed in a car with some other members of her family, I suppose to go to focus 27, a family reunion was to take place and she was one happy camper on the ride.
she had been thinking for years that family was coming to pick her up, and take her from an area, her former neighborhood which was rampant with crime; that is why anyone knocking on your door aroused suspicion.
as verification it was a real retrieval, I found out later this lady had lived in a rather nasty neighborhood, but since I have always lived in nasty neighborhoods, they all look the same to me and I did not recognize the danger that she was fearing so I tried to kid her a little on the drive
she was a nice lady, very prim and innocent and of a race that puts family first and others second. clannish, you might say, but a statement of culture rather than anything else. another verification I made later was her hair. of black and shiny glossy full bodied to the shoulders bob, this the wife verified and this is what my attention fastened on when she opened the door and I think I was supposed to remember the hair. the other verification was that I learned the ghost relative had not returned.
Anyhoo dear Blink, I do believe you did good
I always like to think those retrieved are in a better place and I think if you are with family, that's about the best you can hope for within the astral heavens and certainly the thought of attending to her family made this lady happy.