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Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection (Read 206420 times)
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #60 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 8:51pm
I haven't been following this thread and it is too much info to inhale at one sitting....

but Don, sweetie, I want to call, you Herr Dr Professor Berserk, or at least Berserk Professor, there is always something in your writings that makes me want to shake you and say, you can't see the forest if you just focus on the trees.

I think you are missing something because you keep getting caught up in all these petty little details about Bruce and Ram and who is in whose disc type stuff. I don't know what it is, but you wouldn't get caught up in the details if you had some other kind of experience. I'm not sure what....I am reminded of Lawrence LeShan's description of being told he was missing something so he went and sat in some great European cathedrals until he got it. (The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist). I'm not a mystic and I don't know what it is, that is missing, but something does not ring true when you have to argue about these details.

Swedenborg is pretty interesting, but he died before the Declaration of Independence was written. (and as far as his chemistry goes, heck, he never had to study quantum mechanics. heck, baking soda hadn't even been invented when he was around. What does he know). His line of thought belongs to another age.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #61 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 8:54pm

I thought some of John Mack's ideas included the idea that the aliens were/are a psychic phenomena more than a physical phenomena. I just refer to him because he worked with so many people and risked his reputation to do so.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #62 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 9:05pm
Swedenborg is pretty interesting, but he died before the Declaration of Independence was written. (and as far as his chemistry goes, heck, he never had to study quantum mechanics. heck, baking soda hadn't even been invented when he was around. What does he know). His line of thought belongs to another age.

I truly mean no personal offence but your comments are laughable.  Swedenborg was one of the most gifted scientists of his age and his achievements were nothing short of extraordinary. Many (I concede not all) of his findings still hold true today.

You might find this quotation link from Victor Zammit's website to be interesting reading:

Interestingly he put forward a view of the universe which is remarkably similar to twentieth century quantum physics. At a time when Newton was arguing that matter was composed of impenetrable atoms which were given motion by outside forces, Swedenborg taught that it was made up of a series of particles in ascending order of size, each of which was composed of a closed vortex of energy which spiraled at infinite speeds to give the appearance of solidity.

If you search on Google, you will find thousands of webpages on Swedenborg and science; Swedenborg and quantum physics.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #63 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 9:31pm

You wrote:
Judy,You said Jesus says when it is ready,I will come and take you with me.Its been 2.000 years,and its not ready yet.Judy no one gets a free ride to heaven.It takes many lifetimes to clense the soul of all the sins we have done.The way you are talking,hitler could be in heaven.There is no life as we know it on any other planet.If that were so,than the bible is wrong.

You are telling me one thing and the Lord and His Word is telling me another. 

You wrote me:
Judy,There are somethings that godKeeps from us

I answered that I didn't know that God keeps things from us, George. I quoted John 14:1-4. Look at verse 2 ...If this were not so, I would tell you plainly.

If there were reincarnation, the Lord would have told us plainly. Reincarnation is not in the Bible, George. Don has ably and nobly refuted that misconception right here in this forum.

Another verse that supports my stand that God does not keep things from us:

Matthew 7:7-8:

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.

So God is telling me one thing in the Bible - that everyone finds what they seek, and you are telling me that God keeps things from people. No offense, George, I'm going to keep on listening to God.

As far as the question of evil and Hitler, I'm afraid that you are badly misintrepretating  my posts. I refer you to the post that I made in another one of Don's threads earlier this year (toward the end of the post where the question of evil comes up.

And where exactly does it say in the Bible that there is no life as we know it on any other planet? That's a new one on me... I'd be interested to review the passage if you'll send it.

With Peace and Blessings to All,
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #64 - Sep 12th, 2005 at 10:57pm
To Lucy I wish to make 4 points:
(1) I like being called "Sweetie."  Janet called me that when I retrieved her during my passionate OBE.  Unfortunately, I later reluctantly rejected this OBE as bogus wishful thinking. 

(2) Spookie is basing a whole theory on an mistranslation of UJ.  At Harvard languages were part of my specialty as a teaching fellow.  I can tolerate debate, but not a linguistic faux pas.  Grrr!  My own typos drive me absolutely bonkers!

(3) Sometimes the trees are more interesting than the forest.  Forests can get pretty creepy!

(4) As for mystical experiences, I'd wager I've had more than even Bruce Moen, just no genuine astral projection. 

George, the "nephilim" who impregnate human women in Genesis 6 may well have been what you term "aliens." In any case, both ES and Howard Storm have astral experiences that put them in touch with Jesus and both learn that there is abundant life on other planets.  What do you want?

Roger and Marilyn,

When I pastored two Methodist churches in the Finger Lakes region of New York, Joey was a 3rd grader whose mother was dying from acute diabetes.  The family was a basket case and I wanted Joey to be able to escape from the horror into his imagination.  So I told him I was really Zorg, an alien, and that my saucer was concealed in the incredibly large horse barn behind the parsonage.  Joey even organized a search party of of his little buddies to find the secret trap door.  When I babysat Joey and his pals and had to feed them, I made sure that they had never tasted any of the food before (exotic tropical fruits, etc.).  When the kids asked about the odd food, I told them they had to eat what I ate back on my own planet.  When I drove the kids home, I acted terrified at being buzzed  by flying saucers angry at me for socializing with humans.  There were always small planes and choppers around to feed this allusion.  When Joey moved, I told him that the real reason his Dad moved was that Zygon had lasered his old house into a pile of rubble.  One Sunday Joey made his Dad drive several miles out of his way to confirm that old house was still there.

Then I hit the jackpot.  A police detective and I took Joey and his pals to a Rochester American hockey game.  What we didn't know was that a very large derigible flying saucer floated around the rink before the game and between periods.  I tipped off the adults to my alien act and we acted terrified that the jig was up.  The aliens' search for Joey was over and now, boy, would he pay.  The saucer would beam us up and perform medical experiments on us.  Joey was astounded that the saucer was real after all!  So Marilyn and Roger, if you want to know anything about alien abductions, I'm you man. 

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #65 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 8:54am
Dear Berserk,
That is a lovely story, really funny as well.
God bless you for caring like that about that child. I'm sure you were able to help and he'll definitely remember you all his life. I can picture him now talking to his gran kids about this wonderful but a bit crazy Smiley pastor he once knew.

Peace, Love and Light.

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When love is dead I'm loving angels instead.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #66 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 12:14pm

You really like to go beserk with your long logical arguments.

I found that experience means much more than thinking logically about something over and over again. Logic fails people quite often.

I don't believe that you can tell what is in Robert Monroe's or Bruce Moen's heart by thinking about it logically.

I also don't believe that you can tell what's in God's heart by thinking about it logically.

As long a person allows his or herself to be controlled by fear, he or she might even have a hard time seeing what's in his or her own heart.

P.S. The longest logical argument ever, can't come close to the shortest moment of love.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #67 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 1:24pm

You remind me of a question posed to highly eccentric Bobby Fisscher when he was world chess champion.  The interviewer commented: "Many think that the key to your success is your fierce will to win."  Fischer replied with characteristic endearing bluntness: "I know lots of guys with a fierce will to win.  They're just no good!" 

I don't care what is or was in Moen's or Monroe's heart.  For all I know they may be the nicest guys since David Koresh.  I want to know why I or anyone should imagine these two know what they're talking about.  This requires a focus on the quality of their verifications and their awareness of credibility problems posed by much of what they report.  In this regard, I find both absolutely appalling, despite occasional successes.  [ And I know by direct experience that my own very vivid OBEs and retrievals were merely the product of well-intentioned wishful thinking.]  By contrast, ES's verifications are strikingly stellar and consistent.  So ES's careful refutation of reincarnation by direct experience carries a great deal of weight with me, Or are we going to embrace the claim that the Apollo moon landing was faked in a New Mexico hangar just because the cult that teaches this offers each other loving support?  Every cultist imagines she loves those who reinforce her belief system. 

Many members of this site like to console themselves that James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge sets unreasonably high standards of verification.  What is most telling is the inabiility of Moen and his followers to embrace Fuzzy Quark's modest challenge on this site.  Fuzzy offered $2,000 for anyone who could visit his late uncle and verify about 4 basic facts about him (e.g. his favorite restaurant).  The conditions were so lax someone might have gained the information by cheating or ESP.  Yet Moen assures us that all we have to do is use his method to focus on intent on being with a deceased person, and, bingo, there we are.  By contrast, ES not only routinely succeeded in visiting the dead, but acquired spectularly precise information that cannot be explained in terms of ESP from a living mind.  At the very least, I'd expect an honest and thorough discussion by Moen and his followers about why their attempts to contact someone's loved one failed.  Instead, we get a fear-based flight from the truth with the rationalization that you should do your own retrievals.  In my view, it is not a question of ES being better at contacting the dead than Monroe and Moen; it is a question of ES being able to do what Monroe and Moen can only pretend to do on a regular basis. 

When Moen was unable to work, he gladly accepted the generous donations of site members.  Why didn't he charge money for his services and contact deceased loved ones of site members.  Because he can't do it and won't admit it!

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #68 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 2:13pm

As far as I know, I can't contact a person's deceased relative. That doesn't mean that I haven't done retrievels.

It probably isn't a matter of what "can" be done. Rather It's a matter of what "needs" to be done. It would be false to claim that before a person can help a lost spirit with a retrievel, they first have to have the ability to contact deceased relatives at will. Perhaps it is more a matter of what is needed. If somebody from the spirit World needs somebody from the physical World to help them with a retrievel, what difference does it matter whether the person who helps them has the ability to contact deceased relatives at will? It's irrelevant.

Regarding the validity of Bruce's imagination technique, the understanding of how such a technique could work comes more from an intuition of how it could work, rather than trying to figure it out intellectually.

It seems as if you are making the assumption that people helped Bruce out simply because they're a bunch of brain dead culties. Are you certain about this? Perhaps they helped him purely out of the love in their heart.  Sometimes people do help each other out of love. You can't assume that because Guru A rips people off, that everybody else does the same. And as far as Bruce contacting deceased relatives, it's a mistake to assume that before a person can have any metaphysical abilities at all, they have to have every metaphysical ability there is.

I've never met Bruce, so I can't say anything about him. But I'm not going to assume that he's a fraud without knowing him. If anything, much of what I've read in his books matches my own experience.

Well, that's it for me. I don't believe that there's a point to debating things endlessly. In the end each person needs to do what they feel is right. Out of respect I will read any rebuttal you might have. Therefore, I guess, you get the last word.  Smiley

P.S. I don't know about Swedenborg's contention that everybody has 2 positive guides, and 2 negative guides. I doubt that God has set things up so that we constantly have to battle with forces of evil. It's more a matter of a spirit working on itself.
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george stone
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #69 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 3:38pm
Judy,if you read the story of creation you will see for your self.Heaven is just above the earth,and if you are looking for the spirit world,all you have to do is stick your arm out.It is all around us.If you can find another planet like earth,than let me know.God made heaven and earth,and the moon and the stars.He did not say that he made other planets that would support life.Its in the bible.Love and light George
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #70 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 3:43pm
I want to know why I or anyone else*should imagine ES knew what he was talking about. I can't imagine that his records were really verified to Randi's standards given the time frame in which they were produced. I have no logical reason to accept that the records of ES's activities are accurate. I think someone just made it up. It isn't unheard of for historical records to be "bent".

just for the record: disciples of Bruce???followers of Bruce??? ROFLOL!!!!!!such language!

* you left off the "else". For one so linguistically persnickety, that is a strange omission. In fact, it occurs to me that I have no reason to believe that you are what you say you are. Harvard, schmarvard.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #71 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 3:46pm
Self-importance is man’s greatest enemy.  What weakens him is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of his fellow man.  Self-importance requires that one spend most of one’s life offended by something or someone.  

To overcome ego’s hold on you… stop being offended.  Peace is of the Spirit of God.

Let go of your need to win for the opposite of winning is losing and losing is ego’s greatest fear.

Let go of your need to be right.  Ego is the source of conflict and dissension because it pushes you in the direction of making other people wrong.  The Spirit of God is kind, loving, gentle and receptive.  It is free of anger, resentment, and bitterness.  Letting go of the need to be right in your discussions and relationships is showing you are not ego’s slave.

Let go of your need to be superior by seeing the unfolding of the Spirit of God in everyone for all are equal in the eyes of God.

Let go of priding yourself for your intellectual and monetary achievements for all emanates from the Spirit God.  He alone is the Source of all that is.

Author Unknown

Edit:  Guess I'll add one of my own... Ego also loves attention and with over 1250 views, it appears that we are giving the King of Ego exactly what he desires. 

Don, the sweetness of life is within you... you need not degrade others to make yourself feel powerful. You are so funny and even if you fail to realize it... you are discrediting yourself and the image you wish to project as someone who speaks with the knowledge and Spirit of God.  You are loved so very much.  One day you will come to know that and in that day... you will see that you have no advarsaries.

With love, Kathy 
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #72 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 3:58pm

As expected, you make unwarranted assumptions about me.  I make no assumptions about Bruce's conscious motives.  And I assume that donations were made out of the goodness of people's hearts.  But your attempt to divorce retrievals from the need for replication and verification is cultic and cannot be masked by appeals to intuition or lofty motives.  And it is simply dishonest for you to ignore the consistency and quality of ES's verifications that underpin his astral claims, especially when Moen and Monroe suffer so much by comparison.  Intuition is no substitute for logic.

Bruce and practioners of his method have been asked by longtime members of this site to perform personal retrievals that might be of great emotional benefit to them.  If such retrievals were verified, Bruce would acquire the wealth and fame needed to spread his message to millions.  I fault him not for being incapable of doing so, but for creating the impression that he or the petitioner could readily do so.  Regular Swedenborgian calibre verifications would encourage millions to buy his books and seek mastery over his methodology.  ES has set the standard for what can be done if one's astral gift is genuine.  If the petitioners in question were satisfied by Moen's verification of contact with their loved ones, I would gladly pay the travel expenses and registration fees to do his course and actively promote his gift.   In this regard, the silence is deafening in response to Fuzzy Quark's $2,000 challenge.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #73 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 4:07pm

You spout off without even having read through my thread.  In true cultic fashion, you presume confabulation without even bothering to investigate the sources.  Van Dusen provides copious impressive documentation of the witnesses to ES's verifications.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #74 - Sep 13th, 2005 at 6:54pm

Now I guess I'll tackle your two questions posed on p. 3 , reply #45 of  this thread:

(1) "Why do you suppose Jesus chose Storm to receive all this sacred information?  Storm is no St. Peter."

In the Gospels, Peter often puts his foot in his mouth.  For example, when Jesus approaches the fishing disciples by walking on the Sea of Galilee, Peter brashly assumes he can do the same, but immediately panics and sinks.  When Jesus finally announces His mission of death by crucifixion, Peter draws a rebuke for refusing to accept Jesus' destiny.  Peter fails the ultimate character test when he is confronted in the high priest's courtyard after Jesus' arrest.   To escape, Peter throws a vulgar tantrum and denies having anything to do with Jesus.  Jesus has predicted this denial, and yet, still chooses to label Peter "the rock" on which He will build His church.   

Christianity is a religion of grace and gratitude, not merit.  Prior to his NDE, Howard Storm was a shallow, selfish atheist.  Storm was militantly anti-Christian.  Who could better serve as a flawed instrument of Christ's grace--like Peter.  Storm needs a lot of time to grow in grace just like the rest of us. I love the way Paul illustrates this principle in his description of the church as the corporate body of Christ:

"Some of the parts that seem weakest and the least important are really the most necessary.  And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. . .So God has put the body together in such a way that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity.  This makes for harmony among all the members, so that all the members care for each other equally (1 Corinthians 12:22-25)."

I'm reminded of a turning point in my life.  As a teenager, I wanted to be a lawyer.  My father sang in the choir; so I had to go to church an hour early.  A retarded man named Bernie was in the same predicament; so he and I talked a lot.  I never realized how much Bernie appreciated this until one evening when he approached me with tears in his eyes and exclaimed, "Don, I've been praying for you and God has shown me that you are destined to become a theologian!"  I was dumbfounded by his sudden display of uncharacteristic articulateness.  It was as it the voice of God was speaking to me through this retarded fellow.  I think Bernie's prophetic word to me changed my life.

I'm also reminded of Brother Hart.  He was a minister that no church seemed to want as a speaker.  So he had to speak at a smelly rescue mission in my home town (Winnipeg, Canada), where drunks had to sit through a service to get fed.  Yet he was more gifted as a healer than far more famous Christian preachers. 

My mother and brother attended one of his services.  He picked my mother out of the crowd and announced, "Sister, you are in pain from calcium deposits in your shoulder."  [true] "The Lord has just healed you."   [also true].  Then he turned to my brother and said, "You have pain from kidney problems."  My brother was just about to deny this when Brother Hart added: "The symptom of this is a stabbing pain in the small of your back."  [true]  "Well, God has just healed you."  [also true.]

After the service, my Mom approached Hart in the parking lot.  He turned to her and said, "You are worried about your son back in the States."  [true!  it was me!]  "You think he's gotten too liberal!"  [Sigh!  Oh how true!]  Hart then paused, smiled, and added, "Well, I think he's just fine.  Don't worry."  Hart had never met any of my family before.  When I came home that Christmas, my mother lectured me on my liberal tendencies.  I reminded her of Hart's prophetic assurance.  Mom replied, "Oh, what does he know?!!!"

(2) "Did you learn any lesson from Storm's book?  have you changed any behavior as a result?"

I was most affected by the role of angels after his NDE in saving him from certain death.  Storm was badly neglected in that Parisian hospital.  U.S. doctors would later tell Storm he should have died within 4 hours of his stomach rupture.  Yet in the darkness, his hospital room would suddenly light up and an angel dressed as a young doctor would assure him that he'd be taken care of.  Then the room darkened again.  An angel eventually encourages Storm to get on a plane and go home, though he is still in critical condition and should not survive the long flight.  Then he is overwhelmed by the angels he sees in his first church service.  When he visits the cemetery where the famous Catholic mystic, Thomas Merton, is buried, Merton returns from the dead and hands Storm a book of his poetry in full view of Storm's new pastor who is seated on a nearby bench.  Then Merton vanishes.  Additional angelic apparitions follow and infuse Storm with a profound experience of heavenly love.

So what difference does all this make in my life?  I don't know.  But I have a new reason to practice with my Gateway tapes.  I no longer care whether I experience a genuine OBE.  But I'd love to enter an altered state where I can receive a loving angelic encounter.  My life has been saved by inner warnings and I've had many death premonitions that came true.  But none of these experiences filled me with the kind of love that Storm receives from his visual angelic encounters.

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