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Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection (Read 205194 times)
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #195 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 4:40pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
Berserk2 wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 2:34pm:

The astral experiences of Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, and Frank Kepple are interrelated by a shared New Age worldview and the latter 2 explorers both attended programs at TMI.  Possible bias from preconceptions must always be taken in account in assessing astral claims.  In my view, you overlook 2 decisive facts: (1) ES was an original; he had no contemporary astral explorers to influence him.  (2) His verifications are far, far superior to any modern astral adepts, and this fact means that his unique insights must be taken seriously. 

Hi Berserk: Just for arguement sake: Moen's first experience as I recall was...'...this is a rip-off'... so to say he was unduly influenced maybe an overstatement... both Moen and Kepple were hard headed physical world engineers... Moen was a problem solver... so he had imagination and creative instincts that gave him the ability to create solution... to engineering problems... I hardly think that he was going to give Monroe's work a pass on authenticity or practical experimental verification techniques that satisfied his practical mind... I believe he has integrity and would probably have made a good deal more money in private industry than he is making in the 'workshop field'... I don't know a lot about Kepple's work accept he apparently cut from the same cloth as Moen... an electrical engineer... with imagination and creative abilities... that is the key to there work in forwarding Monroe's work... sound, practical creative skills applied to the non-physical...

As I said before.. You are going to be able to test the theories and create personal knowns at some point in the future as long as you are diligently persuing the work of gaining control of your abiltiy to negotiate the non-physical. So you will be able to test the ideas...


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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #196 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 6:13pm
Hi Don,

Thanks alot for reopening your Swedenborg
efforts and sharing them.  Personally, I find
your comments to the point and insightful.

I hope to read many more of them in the
future.  I hope you enjoy a bountiful Thanks-
giving both materially and spiritually.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #197 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 6:20pm
Thanks, Vikingsgal, good to hear from you again.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #198 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 10:10pm
Hi Berserk: The follow suggestion that there are three global phases upon death is patently incorrect:

1. Monroe encountered a man who in 1945 or so fell into a ocean cave and drowned… he didn’t know he drowned until Monroe retrieved him.

2. Buhlmann (not a retriever) encountered a woman who believe she was responsible for a fatal car crash that killed her and her baby and is still out there somewhere…

3. The whole of Moen’s efforts is retrieval…

So the following sequence tho it may be generally applicable is NOT global…! Creating a giant whole in the Swedenborg dogma… if you can call it a dogma…


Berserk wrote on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 11:47pm:

I take seriously what ES's astral explorations have revealed on this subject because of his many awesome verifications of his conversations with angels and other discarnate humans.  My source here is ES's classic book "Heaven and Hell" (= HH) from which I will now quote extensively:

"When we die, we are still alive and just as human as ever.  To convince me of this, [the Lord] has allowed me to talk with almost all the people I have ever met during their physical lives, with some for a few hours, with some for weeks and months, and some for years.  This was primarily so that I could be convinced and bear witness (437)."

"There are three states that we pass through after death before we arrive at either heaven or hell.  The first state is one of more outward concerns.  The second is one of more inward concerns, and the third is one of preparation.  We go through all three states in the world of spirits.  Some people do not go through these states, but are either raised into heaven or cast into hell immediately after their death (HH 491)." 

The "world of spirits" is a transitional state between the heavens and hells and seems to be the equivalent of Focus 25 and 26 in the Monroe-Moen nomenclature.  The highest level of the world of spirits seems to be the equivalent of Focus 27.  In biblical terms, the world of spirits embraces Hades (not to be confused with Hell) in its lower planes and Paradise, an old Persian term for "park", in its upper planes. 


"We use the outward aspects of our spirit to adapt our bodies in the world--especially our faces, our speech, and behavior--to our interactions with other people.  The more inward aspects of our spirit are the ones proper to our intentions and consequent thought, which rarely show in faces, speech, and behavior.  We are trained from infancy to present ourselves as friendly, benevolent, and honest, and to conceal the thoughts of our own intentions.  As a result, of this habitual behavior, we scarely know our inner natures and pay no attention to them (HH 492)."

"Our first state after death is like our state in the world, since we are then similarly involved in outward concerns. We have similar faces, voices, and character; we lead similar moral and civic lives.  That is why it still seems to us as though we were in this world unless we notice things that are out of the ordinary (HH 493)."

Most NDEs are marvelous experiences.  But ES chillingly insists that the initial postmortem state is normally wonderful even for people who will ultimately find their way to a hell.  ES's mention of their trips to gorgeous gardens and parks in the first state recalls descriptions of Focus 27:

"Their friends...take them around to various places, into the company of different people.  They go to different cities, to gardens and parks, often to gorgeous ones because things like that appeal to the outward concerns they are involved in.  Many of them think they will make it into heaven because they led moral and civic lives in the world, not reflecting that both good and evil people lead similar outward lives (HH 495)."

ES adds that "the first state after death...rarely lasts more than a year for anyone (HH 498)."   This fits neatly with modern research on contacts received by the recently bereaved from deceased loved ones.  One study indicated that 50% of Americans and 48% of the British report convincing contacts with their deceased loved ones within the first year since their death.  After that, the number of such contacts dramatically dwindles. Making such contacts is much harder for those who have moved on from the world of spirits to a heaven or a hell.


"Our second state after death is called a state of our deeper interests because then we are given access to the deeper reaches of our minds, or of our intentions and thoughts, while the more outward interests that engaged us in the first state become dormant (HH 499)."  "We as spirits are brought...into the state of those deeper intentions and consequent thoughts we engaged in when we were left to ourselves in the world and our thinking was free and unfettered (502)."

At this stage we shed aspects of self that were shaped by social expectations, peer pressure, and the need to present an acceptable presenting self that can mask our inner self.  As a result, "people who were inwardly devoted to the good...then behave..more wisely than when they were living in the world...In contrast, people who were focused on evil...then behave more insanely then when they were in the world (HH 505)."  It now becomes impossible to act one way and inwardly be another.  The person pauses at this threshold world long enough to become one with her own nature. 

"Once people like this are in the second state, they are let back into the state of their more outward concerns for brief periods of time.  They then retain a memory of how they behaved when they were in the state of their more inward concerns.  Some of them are embarrassed and admit they were insane.  Some of them are not embarrassed at all.  Some of them resent the fact that they are not allowed to be in the state of their more outward concerns all the time, but they are shown what they would be like if they were continually in this state.  They would constantly be trying to do the same things covertly, misleading people of simple heart and faith with simulations of goodness, honesty, and fairness.  They would destroy themselves completely because eventually their outer natures would be ablaze with the same fire as their inner natures (HH  506)."

"The things they [evil people] had done and said in secret are now made public, too, because now,  since outward factors are not constraining them, they say the same things openly, and they keep trying to the same things without any fear for the reputations they had in the world...They [visually] look to angels and good spirits like the [evil] people they really are (HH 507)."


Our third state after death is one of instruction.  This state is for people who are entering heaven and becoming angels and not for people who are entering hell, because the latter cannot be taught
(HH 512)."  Their close-mindedness prevents them from sensing the vast heavenly world beyond the world of spirits.  "As a result, their second state... ends in their turning straight toward...the hellish community that is engaged in a love like their own."  The general intention of the hells is to ignore God and vault the interests of self above all others. 

Heaven is not just reserved for Christians.  On the one hand, ES casually mentions bishops he has encountered in hell.  On the other hand, humble and teachable agnostics who have lived the equivalent of a loving Christian life will then be "taught things like that God exists, that heaven and hell exist, that there is a life after death, that God is to be loved above all, and our neighbor as ourselves, and that we are to believe what is said in the Word because the Word is divine (HH 512)." 


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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #199 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:17pm
ES believes in retrievals, though he doesn't mention them in Heaven and Hell.  He also agres that the interim state in the World of Spirits can be a time of confusion and self-delusion.  So the pattern you cite is not incompatible with his astral insights.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #200 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:45pm
I don't think that comparing Monroe and Moen to Swedenborg is very helpful.  The experiences of these men were very different.  Monroe began to have spontaneous OOBE without any effort and began to investigate his experience.  Bruce prefers to explore with the imagination technique and has stated he rarely goes "OOB."  Swedenborg became able to converse with the dead and visit heaven with his mind (it is unclear to me that this was done during an OOBE or not). 

I prefer to think of them all as explorers in consciousness.  People with a TMI background don't have all the answers; but they compared notes, and came up with a tentative system to classify different states of consciousness (focus levels, belief system territories).  Are these focus levels written in stone or absolute fact?  Certainly not.  In other cultures, when NDEs and cultural data are taken into account, there is no mention of hollow heavens or focus levels.  So part of what we encounter on the other side may, to some extent may based on our cultural background and expectations.

Swedenborg experienced a divine revelation, after which, he began to freely interact with deceased human beings (angels).  He used his keen scientific intellect to put his experiences into perspective.  Yet how much of his experience comes from his belief system, and how much was "objective?"

Of note is the commonalities between the two systems separated by centuries and different cultures and norms.  Many TMI graduates come away with the knowledge that our reason for existence is to experience PUL and express PUL (pure unconditional love).

Swedenborg's key insights are that we are meant to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.  Love of our own ego without love of God or neighbor led to a hellish post mortem existence.

For both systems, love is the foundation of our being.  Is this a coincidence?  Or do all explorers come to the same conclusion given enough exploration and experience?


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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #201 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 1:14am
DocM wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:45pm:
I don't think that comparing Monroe and Moen to Swedenborg is very helpful.  The experiences of these men were very different.  Monroe began to have spontaneous OOBE without any effort and began to investigate his experience.  Bruce prefers to explore with the imagination technique and has stated he rarely goes "OOB."  Swedenborg became able to converse with the dead and visit heaven with his mind (it is unclear to me that this was done during an OOBE or not). 

Hi Doc: You have to include Kepple in the list… as a matter of fact Kepple was more precise than Moen or Monroe in his constructions… as a practical theoretician… if we are compare as argument then it isn’t helpful… what is helpful is to evaluate the points of agreement which sheds light on the global reality and its construction… there are non-physical laws and they are not random they are stochastic to be sure but still there is an order to it all and that is worth finding out how it all works… what we have to avoid are fixed notions…

DocM wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:45pm:
I prefer to think of them all as explorers in consciousness.  People with a TMI background don't have all the answers; but they compared notes, and came up with a tentative system to classify different states of consciousness (focus levels, belief system territories).  Are these focus levels written in stone or absolute fact?  Certainly not.  In other cultures, when NDEs and cultural data are taken into account, there is no mention of hollow heavens or focus levels.  So part of what we encounter on the other side may, to some extent may based on our cultural background and expectations.

I think that we have to give Monroe credit for pointing us in the right direction on how to look upon the non-physical, just about everything out there is stuck in the ‘Astral mud’… there is a definite structure to it all… Monroe commissioned Moen (post – humusly ) to extend that frontier… Kepple on his own followed Monroe and produce some really fine stuff… but there is a long way to go…

DocM wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:45pm:
Of note is the commonalities between the two systems separated by centuries and different cultures and norms.  Many TMI graduates come away with the knowledge that our reason for existence is to experience PUL and express PUL (pure unconditional love).

Swedenborg's key insights are that we are meant to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.  Love of our own ego without love of God or neighbor led to a hellish post mortem existence.

For both systems, love is the foundation of our being.  Is this a coincidence?  Or do all explorers come to the same conclusion given enough exploration and experience?


No, it is not a coincidence… Love is the Sum of the Law… without doubt as a matter of fact the only reality is ‘Love’ everythingelse is a absence of Love… that is the Illusion.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #202 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 2:25am
Matthew, I have moved on to another site, but have nowhere encounter any poster whom I respect as enjoy as much as your thoughtful posts.

Frank Kepple used to regularly post his retrievals on this site.  Quite apart from the fact that I consistently found his retrieval scenarios implausibly "cartoony," his alleged verifications were most unimpressive, a far cry from ES's.  To me, ES seems far more gifted than any modern adepts.  But Matthew is right: our limited capacity to explore other worlds makes it premature to definitively play ES off against modern adepts and vice versa.  ES's methods and times differ so markedly from modernity.  We must remain alert to the possibility of an unanticipated synthesis that might yet explain discrepancies in terms of differences in method and time-conditioned overviews. 

Where I remain most hopeful is that a New Miss Z might emerge who can repliciate reading a randomly selected 5-digit number.  I also remain hopeful that better answers thaqn mine to questions like why guardian spirits often seem impotent during tragedies and why more discarnate souls don't dramatically communicate with their loved ones.  {Yikes! My burglar alarm is about to go off!  I'd better get out of here!]
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #203 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 8:39am
For me, Emanuel Swedenborg's writings are a revelation in part because he predated what is known as "New Age" thought by over a century.  Yet he relates a structure of consciousness and an understanding about love that are both internally consistent, and understandable in our own lives. 

What I am uncertain of is whether his brilliant mind deduced the hierarchy and structure or whether he truly "saw", or "visited" the various areas as he wrote.  He often said he discussed one or another situation with angels "for hours" on end.  Yet his writing was so prolific from age 53 or so on (when the spiritual world was opened to him), that one wonders how he could have had all those spiritual discussions, journeys, and yet still written the huge number of volumes he did (and still traveled around the world, and performed other common day to day activities).  I know spiritual time is not like earthly time.  But sometimes, I do wonder what portion of his cosmology comes from his own deductions and what comes from personal experience.

Just from my readings, I would have to say that he presents it as real experience/conversations verified by his own witnessing of events.  I don't know why a similar adept hasn't been seen with the same talent.  Even people like Cayce (who gave thousands or tens of thousands of readings) can be shown to have missed the mark for certain "verifiable" events.

I too am troubled by the lack of communication from the other side.  A college friend of mine died three months ago, and I tasked him the responsibility of making verifiable contact.  Initially, I saw images of him in my mind's eye after death, but nothing I could hold as proof.  Betson made contact, and found certain details about Bill, which could not have been known to her.  (Bill had died of sudden acute pancreatitis, and his family told me that he wasn't eating well, and had a bad stomach prior to his death.  When Betson spoke to him, he related very similar words about this as he had said when alive two weeks before). 

I yearn for the concrete contact too, but I choose to believe, even with the uncertainty.  I am curious about bizarre "materializations" of people and objects cited by Victor Zammitt's website, which sound so fantastical as to cry "fraud" or "deception."  If those contacts are real, no questions would remain about an afterlife.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #204 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 10:30am
Berserk2 wrote on Nov 11th, 2010 at 2:25am:
Matthew, I have moved on to another site, but have nowhere encounter any poster whom I respect as enjoy as much as your thoughtful posts.

Frank Kepple used to regularly post his retrievals on this site.  Quite apart from the fact that I consistently found his retrieval scenarios implausibly "cartoony," his alleged verifications were most unimpressive, a far cry from ES's.  To me, ES seems far more gifted than any modern adepts.  But Matthew is right: our limited capacity to explore other worlds makes it premature to definitively play ES off against modern adepts and vice versa.  ES's methods and times differ so markedly from modernity.  We must remain alert to the possibility of an unanticipated synthesis that might yet explain discrepancies in terms of differences in method and time-conditioned overviews. 

Where I remain most hopeful is that a New Miss Z might emerge who can repliciate reading a randomly selected 5-digit number.  I also remain hopeful that better answers thaqn mine to questions like why guardian spirits often seem impotent during tragedies and why more discarnate souls don't dramatically communicate with their loved ones.  {Yikes! My burglar alarm is about to go off!  I'd better get out of here!]

DocM wrote on Nov 11th, 2010 at 8:39am:
For me, Emanuel Swedenborg's writings are a revelation in part because he predated what is known as "New Age" thought by over a century.  Yet he relates a structure of consciousness and an understanding about love that are both internally consistent, and understandable in our own lives. 

What I am uncertain of is whether his brilliant mind deduced the hierarchy and structure or whether he truly "saw", or "visited" the various areas as he wrote.  He often said he discussed one or another situation with angels "for hours" on end.  Yet his writing was so prolific from age 53 or so on (when the spiritual world was opened to him), that one wonders how he could have had all those spiritual discussions, journeys, and yet still written the huge number of volumes he did (and still traveled around the world, and performed other common day to day activities).  I know spiritual time is not like earthly time.  But sometimes, I do wonder what portion of his cosmology comes from his own deductions and what comes from personal experience.

Just from my readings, I would have to say that he presents it as real experience/conversations verified by his own witnessing of events.  I don't know why a similar adept hasn't been seen with the same talent.  Even people like Cayce (who gave thousands or tens of thousands of readings) can be shown to have missed the mark for certain "verifiable" events.

I too am troubled by the lack of communication from the other side.  A college friend of mine died three months ago, and I tasked him the responsibility of making verifiable contact.  Initially, I saw images of him in my mind's eye after death, but nothing I could hold as proof.  Betson made contact, and found certain details about Bill, which could not have been known to her.  (Bill had died of sudden acute pancreatitis, and his family told me that he wasn't eating well, and had a bad stomach prior to his death.  When Betson spoke to him, he related very similar words about this as he had said when alive two weeks before). 

I yearn for the concrete contact too, but I choose to believe, even with the uncertainty.  I am curious about bizarre "materializations" of people and objects cited by Victor Zammitt's website, which sound so fantastical as to cry "fraud" or "deception."  If those contacts are real, no questions would remain about an afterlife.


Interesting that both of these posts suggest a search for an agency outside of self. There is no agency outside of self… for the first time in recorded history we now have the tools to go within safely and with a sure compass… industry and persistence for the inner personal awakening is the only path.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #205 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 11:03am
Hi Seraphis,

While I agree that introspection may show that our own perception is all that exists or matters (see R. Descartes "cogito ergo sum"), one must be careful not to mistake looking within with egotism; it is quite the opposite in a true seeker.

Yet some will say that they only need to go by their own feelings or intuition regardless of their actions or the feelings of others. 

Ultimately, if PUL is our driving force, it sets up the principle for our lives and actions.  Our perception then may be colored by egocentric purposes or motives, and may therefore not be the same as when motivated by love.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #206 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 1:41pm
But what is a group soul made up of? Perhaps many disks.

There are people including myself who have received information about disks in a way where it is clear that a larger self projects many smaller selves. This being the case, it seems as if Swedenborg missed something. It is very possible that where and when he lived wasn't the right combination for speaking about disks. Even today there are Christians who say that Swedenborg represents Satan in some way. Unfortunately, on some occasions one needs to be careful about how much of the truth one reveals, because one might bump up upon another's belief system.

I wonder what James Randi would think of the oversoul viewpoint. Smiley

Berserk2 wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 4:38pm:
ES experienced a "group soul" phenomena, but explains this in terms of original distinct souls in union rather than in terms of an Oversoul of reincarnating selves.  His superior verifications and lack of a New Age axe to grind mean that his perspective warrants serious consideration.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #207 - Nov 11th, 2010 at 1:47pm
Regarding Frank Kepple, going by what I read, he has some good things to say. But none of us, including me, gets it completely right.

What didn't feel right to me when it comes to what Kepple says, is when he mininimized what people experience when they meet light beings. He said something that basically suggests that divinity isn't a reality,  rather, one simply gets overwhelmed by more energy than they are used to.

My experiences of divine love weren't a matter of experiencing an overdoes of energy. There are beings who exist at a level that is truly precious, and therefore divine.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #208 - Nov 12th, 2010 at 1:32am
Is there any reason to believe that free will differs radically in the next life?  In this life, the value of our free will seems to be a function of our ability to resist contrary inclinations.  So at death, might not the prospect of immediately returning to earth to seek out our loved ones seem uncertain, risky, and contrary to our self-absorbed obsession to see where our new journey takes us?   According to ES, when we get to our first destination, our earth memory becomes dormant so we can focus totally on the new rules, challenges, and schooling in the life ahead.  But then, at the Lord's discretion, memory is restored to go through a new in depth past life review.   That review would presumably alert us to loved ones we'd like to contact.  Even then, ADCs may only be possible if we inhabit certain spirit planes, have signficant psychic development, and have a consciousness frequency that is compatible with the level of conscious development of our earthly target.  We may be denied the education and techniques for ADCs unless such an obsession has emerged as a core desire of our being.  Without that core desire, limiting beliefs may unconsciously undermine our capacity to reassure our loved ones.

So aren't the loving dead at once drawn to a school that teaches ADC techniques to be used before we resume the rest our our journey?   Perhaps, evolution is the key to such questions in the next life just as it is for progress in this life?   If OBEs or phasing can develop ES-calibre verification techniques and if new ESs burst on the scene and demonstrate their skills, perhaps human consciousness can be transformed in the direction of the shared Monroe[OBE] -Storm [NDE] vision of a world in which astral exploration, mental creation of food,  and mental weather control become the norm.  In such a world, ADCs and the astral schools to teach the needed skills may be unnecessary, but universally offered to all who desire them.  The relatively rare specular ADCs they we occasionally encounter might become the norm.  Perhaps, this is the truth behind the doctrine 2nd Coming of Christ and the eruption of the kingdon of God on earth.  And if December 21, 2011 really is a significant date for human consciousness, how so?               
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #209 - Nov 12th, 2010 at 2:00pm

Even though there are many people who have reported having ADC contact with recently deceased loved ones, there are a lot of people who haven't had such contact. Therefore, it isn't a matter of all recently deceased people "having" to make contact.

I'd say it is a matter of some recently deceased people not moving on towards the light right away, except that when some people have such an experience they receive a lot of love from their deceased love one and their deceased loved one lets them know that they are doing well. There are too many instances when ADCs appear in a way where something such as a hallucination or demonic impersonation doesn't seem to be responsible.

As far as a 2nd coming taking place in the way you say, certainly this is possible. A number of people including NDErs have received messages that such a transformation will take place. I've received messages saying the same. In one experience I saw a lot of negative things taking place on this planet, and then I saw a bright light in the sky and this light felt like the Christ light. The light appeared in a way where it felt as if it encompassed the world.

Regarding 12/21/12, I figure the main reason people believe in this date is because the Mayan Calendar speaks of it. I believe it is significant that years ago the Mayans knew that this planet would be in the center of the galaxy on 12/21/12; however, I don't know that the Calendar presents a clear picture of what will take place.

Whatever the case, I've received a number of messages that showed that things are going to change in the near future. At first there will be some hard times, but then things will change for the beter to a significant degree. I doubt that this is going to take place on one day such as 12/11/12.

There could be some flexibility as too how difficult things become according to how people respond. Whatever the case, some sources say that things are going to change for the better even if some people aren't ready, because this is what God, divine will, however you put it, want.  I hope so, because this world has way too many problems.

I have found that it is definitely possible to develop yourself spiritually so you can make contact with higher level beings.
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