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Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection (Read 205205 times)
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #180 - Aug 18th, 2007 at 6:36pm
Its clear that we're all at differing stages on the path, and consequently love has differing meanings for us.

It's just a term to some, has romantic or sexual overtones to others, but is descriptive of a very beautiful transcendential experience to a few. Some may relate the term to their giving out love by whatever means they do. Its a state of being to a realised few.

Learning to live wisdom and compassion is essentially all that's required of us. And it's something that   seems to take many many lifetimes.

We start out unconscious, we can't or won't admit its reality and live from diametrically opposed and delusional values. As beginners on the path we can only play with lose understandings of what it means. With insight, learning and progress we can pull it off at times and in parts of the lives, but only the realised live it.

It's a subtle business, and is fraught with the risk of doing harm when we think we do good. For sure we need to question if we are doing what's required of us, but because of the risks we need to be cautious about moving beyond personal development and leadership by example to direct action and intervention.

So often the assumption of superiority proves mistaken. So often its the view that leads us to judgement that needs to change rather than what we perceive.

It's inevitable that many will relate to PUL in differing and I guess partial ways. But that's no cause for criticism and judgement. It's rather cause for those that can to reach down and help. And for us all to assist in creating the space that's needed for learning by not rushing in to where angels fear to tread....
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #181 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 6:27pm
Source: ES’s “Spiritual Diary (1748)” as quoted in Ernst Benz, “Swedenborg: Visionary Savant in the Age of Reason”

In my view, ES sometimes confuses his own percpetions and belief systems with divine revelation.  But his verifications are far, far superior to those of modern astral adepts.  So some of the features of the verification system set up for him should be of widespread interest--particularly in view of the lack of any system of verification in modern astral exploration.  I will now quote from his early diary:

“For several years I had not only dreams through which I was taught the very things I was now writing, but I also experienced changes in my state while writing.  An extraordinary light appeared in the things I wrote.  Later I had various visions with closed eyes and wonderful illuminations.  I also experienced visitations from spirits, so clear to the senses, as if they were occurring bodily.  I experienced various visitations from evil spirits whenever I was in temptation.  Whenever I wrote something which the spirits disliked, I was almost possessed by them and felt like shivering.  I saw burning lights and heard conversations in the early morning besides many other things, until a spirit spoke some words to me, and I was amazed that he could read my thoughts.”

“An enormous flaming light appeared unexpectedly before my eye, which it pierced in an indescribable fashion.  The flame pierced not only my eye, but also the inner vision which I now clearly perceive.  Soon I perceived something…like a dark cloud, in which there was, however, something earthly.  The dark cloud represents the state of intelligence of lower spiritual powers.  The light itself is distinguished according to its type and luminosity: the flaming light of the first vision means the heavenly; the vibrating bright light like a white flame means the spiritual.”

After ES or an angel [= a discarnate saint] had refuted erroneous teachings…at a meeting in the world of spirits, a shaft of light or a radiant flame-like fire descended from  heaven as a sign of divine confirmation.  Wonderful changes usually occurred to these spirits in this heavenly light.  All who persisted in their error [i. e. were stuck in their prior belief system] turned away in dread from the intolerable light, and they were scared into hell.  But those who had been seized by the truth…were included in a higher and purer community of heavenly spirits according to their illumination [i. e. vibratory frequency].”

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Lights of Love
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #182 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 8:16pm

I might suggest keeping in mind these verifications are metaphors of ES and his guides/helpers consciousness. Since individuals are just that… individual, ES’s verifications may or may not be unique. They would become less unique if more and more people “bought into” the belief of these metaphors as reality. Now having said that I can identify with the light “distinguished according to its type and luminosity” as well as the essence/feeling that radiates from it, and I have attributed much the same meaning as ES.

While metaphors, especially common ones can be extremely useful in the evolution of consciousness, the whole idea of our development of a higher quality of consciousness goes way beyond even ES’s “inner heaven” as he describes.

Good to read you again.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #183 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 9:49pm
Swedeborg's books can be read at ; I'm having a gander through 'Heaven and hell' at the moment. Sincerely. Carl and family
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #184 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 6:40pm

In reply #181, what I am proposing is not that ES's verification metaphors can be literally applied by modern astral adepts, but rather that analgous metaphors can be invoked from guidance to verify modern contacts with discarnates.  ES provides an alternative method to the apparently difficult task of obtaining obituary-type details of the life of the deceased.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #185 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 1:13pm

I'm glad you resurrected your Swedenborg thread.

When you started it, you characterized Van Dusen's book, The Presence of Other Worlds, as one of the most fascinating books on the afterlife you had ever read.

I just finished reading that book last month and yes, I agree with your characterization. 

For anyone interested in the afterlife, it would absolutely be near if not at the very top of any book list.

No one has researched the afterlife and then wrote about it to the extent Swedenborg did.  The insights and knowledge he obtained are priceless.

It's a book worth reading and re-reading many times over.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #186 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 12:11am
I've decided to resurrect my Emanuel Swedenborg thread again for the benefit of all the newbies.  ES was the most gifted astral adept with the best verifications of all time.  I'd like to compare his achievements to the clarity in Charles Tart's research of Miss Z's identifcation of a random 5-digit number near the ceiling while she was strapped down.  It was later proven that she could have cheated by reading a very faint reflection off a clock.  But this remote possibillty would have been very difficult for her to do.  The important point is this: neither she nor anyone else has been able to repllicate this feat under controlled conditons in a lab.  If this feat were replicated, human consciousness  would be transformed and OBE research would find a new breath-taking respectability.  In my view, ES's astral talents demonstrate the likelihood that someone will arise who can replicate Miss Z's feat. 

Please read Rondele's book endorsement in the  thread above this and get the book.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #187 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:55am
Hi Berserk: There is a problem with trying to compare ES with Monroe... Monroe has two credible figures who corroborate and or extend his work.. Moen and Kepple... though they don't necessarily contradict ES in principle, they extend the fine print... if you can tell me the ES didn't depend on his angels exclusively for his information then we have a different problem... but, if his work is built exclusively on angelic communication... then, the issue of the fact that those angels are in reality reflections of himself and until he evolved as Monroe did beyond that limitation (when Monroe did that that guide disappeared... was no longer needed)... he had no better information than that which he was being given... make sense..

But, we have another advantage... we diligence and perseverence WE to can do what Moen and Kepple did... we can go out there and make our own judgements with real... certainty...

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #188 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 2:06pm
I believe it is important to consider the time period Swedenborg lived in. If he started talking about reincarnation and higher selves when he lived, it might not go over too well.

Spirit beings from higher realms are wise enough to not tell people things they can't handle. When it comes to myself, I have been provided with information when the time was right, rather than prematurely.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #189 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 2:34pm


The astral experiences of Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, and Frank Kepple are interrelated by a shared New Age worldview and the latter 2 explorers both attended programs at TMI.  Possible bias from preconceptions must always be taken in account in assessing astral claims.  In my view, you overlook 2 decisive facts: (1) ES was an original; he had no contemporary astral explorers to influence him.  (2) His verifications are far, far superior to any modern astral adepts, and this fact means that his unique insights must be taken seriously.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #190 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 2:59pm

  When Monroe first started spontaneously having OBE's, he didn't even know what they were or that other people had them.

  Nor does it seem like he ever got deep into researching others that had these experiences.  So, i don't think there was much preconception or bias there. 

  He tried to set up TMI and the programs there to have as little possible belief system skewing as possible, beyond him writing his books.   Of course, in this world it's not possible to completely keep this from happening. 

  I personally do take ES's claims seriously, but i don't take them as the gospel truth either.  No one source or individual who is still experiencing the separation, or rather the lack of full Oneness Consciousness should be taken as the gospel and ultimate truth.  This is why i take really important questions and issues to Yeshua &/or those fully like him.

  While i've had positive dreams about Bruce and his work, and other messages along those lines about same, i don't think he is a 100 percent accurate in everything he believes or has talked about. 

  So, this leaves us with relatively less or more so depending. 

  Why not concentrate more on the similarities and connections between different sources and not so much the differences, unless those differences are fundamentally important or verifiable by self?

  Your intellectual mind and tendencies are so strong and this is sometimes a barrier to a more full, holistic perception of things.  There needs to be a greater balance between the heart and intellect so that you can get to the next level so to speak.  This is not as a personal criticism.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #191 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 3:28pm
Robert Monroe's first book, "Journeys Out of the Body,"  is a classic that does not impose a New Age straightjacket on his OBEs.  The issue of a New Age bais arises from his next 2 books.  Others have said, "Rush to read his first book and ignore the other two."  I've read all 3 books, but would have the same recommendation.  My point is that (1) both Bruce Moen and Frank Kepple have been influenced by Robert Monroe and TMI and (2) that ES has been subjected to no parallel influence.  Of course, influence does not necessarily imply error.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #192 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 4:25pm
When it comes to the oversoul, higher self, disk, I-there principle, people have experienced it without being to TMI.

Shortly after World War II Joachim Wolf was greatly disturbed about what had taken place, and he had an experience that showed that oversouls (disks) exist. He had such an experience without having read about such a thing. The same is true with Bruce and the disk image he had before he got involved with TMI.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #193 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 4:34pm
Berserk2 wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 2:34pm:

The astral experiences of Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, and Frank Kepple are interrelated by a shared New Age worldview and the latter 2 explorers both attended programs at TMI.  Possible bias from preconceptions must always be taken in account in assessing astral claims.  In my view, you overlook 2 decisive facts: (1) ES was an original; he had no contemporary astral explorers to influence him.  (2) His verifications are far, far superior to any modern astral adepts, and this fact means that his unique insights must be taken seriously. 

Hi Berserk: Just for arguement sake: Moen's first experience as I recall was...'...this is a rip-off'... so to say he was unduly influenced maybe an overstatement... both Moen and Kepple were hard headed physical world engineers... Moen was a problem solver... so he had imagination and creative instincts that gave him the ability to create solution... to engineering problems... I hardly think that he was going to give Monroe's work a pass on authenticity or practical experimental verification techniques that satisfied his practical mind... I believe he has integrity and would probably have made a good deal more money in private industry than he is making in the 'workshop field'... I don't know a lot about Kepple's work accept he apparently cut from the same cloth as Moen... an electrical engineer... with imagination and creative abilities... that is the key to there work in forwarding Monroe's work... sound, practical creative skills applied to the non-physical...

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #194 - Nov 10th, 2010 at 4:38pm
ES experienced a "group soul" phenomena, but explains this in terms of original distinct souls in union rather than in terms of an Oversoul of reincarnating selves.  His superior verifications and lack of a New Age axe to grind mean that his perspective warrants serious consideration.
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