Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #181 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 6:27pm
ES’s EARLY VISIONS PRIOR TO HIS VISION OF DIVINE CALLING: SIGNS HE USED TO AID THE VERIFICATION PROCESS: Source: ES’s “Spiritual Diary (1748)” as quoted in Ernst Benz, “Swedenborg: Visionary Savant in the Age of Reason”
In my view, ES sometimes confuses his own percpetions and belief systems with divine revelation. But his verifications are far, far superior to those of modern astral adepts. So some of the features of the verification system set up for him should be of widespread interest--particularly in view of the lack of any system of verification in modern astral exploration. I will now quote from his early diary:
“For several years I had not only dreams through which I was taught the very things I was now writing, but I also experienced changes in my state while writing. An extraordinary light appeared in the things I wrote. Later I had various visions with closed eyes and wonderful illuminations. I also experienced visitations from spirits, so clear to the senses, as if they were occurring bodily. I experienced various visitations from evil spirits whenever I was in temptation. Whenever I wrote something which the spirits disliked, I was almost possessed by them and felt like shivering. I saw burning lights and heard conversations in the early morning besides many other things, until a spirit spoke some words to me, and I was amazed that he could read my thoughts.”
“An enormous flaming light appeared unexpectedly before my eye, which it pierced in an indescribable fashion. The flame pierced not only my eye, but also the inner vision which I now clearly perceive. Soon I perceived something…like a dark cloud, in which there was, however, something earthly. The dark cloud represents the state of intelligence of lower spiritual powers. The light itself is distinguished according to its type and luminosity: the flaming light of the first vision means the heavenly; the vibrating bright light like a white flame means the spiritual.”
After ES or an angel [= a discarnate saint] had refuted erroneous teachings…at a meeting in the world of spirits, a shaft of light or a radiant flame-like fire descended from heaven as a sign of divine confirmation. Wonderful changes usually occurred to these spirits in this heavenly light. All who persisted in their error [i. e. were stuck in their prior belief system] turned away in dread from the intolerable light, and they were scared into hell. But those who had been seized by the truth…were included in a higher and purer community of heavenly spirits according to their illumination [i. e. vibratory frequency].”