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Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection (Read 206364 times)
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #165 - Mar 7th, 2007 at 2:59pm
Don resurrected this thread  - its his baby.  For you, Rob:  from Heaven and Hell:  by Swedenborg

Chapter 22 - Space in Heaven.

191. All things in heaven appear, just as in the world, to be in place and in space, and yet the angels have no notion or idea of place and space. As this must needs sounds like a paradox, I will endeavor to present the matter in a clear light, as it is of great importance.

192. All changes of place in the spiritual world are effected by changes of state of the interiors, which means that change of place is nothing else than change of state [22.1]. In this way I have been taken by the Lord into the heavens and also to the earths in the universe; and it was my spirit that so journeyed, while my body remained in the same place [22.2]. Such are all movements of the angels; and in consequence they have no distances, and having no distances they have no spaces, but in place of spaces they have states and their changes.

193. As changes of place are thus effected it is evident that approaches are likenesses of state of the interiors, and separations are unlikenesses; and for this reason those are near each other who are in like states, and those are at a distance who are in unlike states; and spaces in heaven are simply the external conditions corresponding to the internal states. For the same reason the heavens are distinct from each other, also the societies of each heaven and the individuals in each society; and this is why also that the hells are entirely separated from the heavens, because they are in a contrary state.

194. For the same reason, again, any one in the spiritual world who intensely desires the presence of another comes into his presence, for he thereby sees him in thought, and puts himself in his state; and conversely, one is separated from another so far as he is averse to him. And since all aversion comes from contrariety of affection and from disagreement of thought, whenever in that world several are together in one place they are visible [to one another] so long as they agree, but vanish as soon as they disagree.

195. Again, when any one goes from one place to another, whether it be in his own city, or in courts or in gardens, or to others out of his own society, he arrives more quickly when he eagerly desires it, and less quickly when he does not, the way itself being lengthened and shortened in accordance with the desire, although it remains the same. This I have often seen to my surprise. All this again makes clear how distances, and consequently spaces, are wholly in accord with states of the interiors of the [22.3]angels; and this being so, no notion or idea of space can enter their thought, although there are spaces with them equally as in the world.

196. This can be illustrated by the thought of man, in that space does not pertain to thought, for whatever is thought of intently is set before one as present. Again, whoever reflects about it knows that his sight recognizes space only by intermediate objects on the earth that are seen at the same time, or by recalling what he already knows about the distance. This happens because of the continuity; and in what is continuous there is no appearance of distance except from things not continuous. This is even more true of the angels, because their sight acts as one with their thought, and their thought acts as one with their affection, and things appear near or remote, and also varied, in accordance with the states of their interiors, as has been said above.

197. It follows from this that in the Word places and spaces, and all things that in any way relate to space, signify such things as relate to states, such as distances, near, far off, ways, journeys, sojourning, miles and furlongs, plains, fields, gardens, cities and streets, motions, measures of various kinds, long, broad, high, and deep, and innumerable other things; for most things in man's thought from the world take on something from space and time. [2] I will mention here only what is signified in the Word by length, breadth, and height. In this world, that is called long or broad which is long or broad in relation to space, and the same is true of height. But in heaven, where there is no thought from space, length means a state of good, breadth a state of truth, and height the distinction between them in accordance with degrees (see n. 38). Such is the meaning of these three dimensions, because length in heaven is from east to west, and those that dwell there are in good of love; while breadth in heaven is from south to north, and those that dwell there are in truth from good (see n. 148); while height in heaven applies to both of these in respect to degrees. This is why length, breadth, and height have these significations in the Word, as in Ezekiel (from chap. xl. to xlviii.), where the new temple and the new earth, with the courts, chambers, gates, doors, windows, and surroundings are described by measures giving the length, breadth, and height, by which a new church, and the goods and truths that are in it are signified. Otherwise to what purpose would be all those measures? [3] In like manner the New Jerusalem is described in the Apocalypse in these words:-

The city lieth foursquare, and the length thereof is as great as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs; the length, the breadth, and the height are equal (xxi. 16).
Because "the New Jerusalem" here signifies a new church these measures signify the things of the church, "length" its good of love, "breadth" truth from that good, "height" good and truth in respect to degrees, " twelve thousand furlongs" all good and truth in the complex. Otherwise, how could there be said to be a height of twelve thousand furlongs, the same as the length and the breadth? That "breadth" in the Word signifies truth is evident from David:-
Jehovah, Thou hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy, Thou hast made my feet to stand in a broad place (Psalm xxxi. 8).
Out of straitness I called upon Jah; He answereth me in a broad place ( Psalm cxviii. 5).
Besides other passages (as in Isaiah viii. 8; and in Habakkuk i. 6). So in all other cases.
198. From all this it can be seen that although there are spaces in heaven as in the world, still nothing there is reckoned in accordance with spaces but in accordance with states; and in consequence spaces there cannot be measured as in the world, but can be seen only from the state and in accordance with the state of the interiors there [22.4].

199. The primary and veriest cause of this is that the Lord is present with every one in the measure of his love and faith [22.5], and that it is in accordance with the Lord's presence that all things appear near or far away, for it is from this that all things in the heavens are determined. Also it is through this that angels have wisdom, for it is through this that they have extension of thought and through this a sharing of all things in the heavens; in a word, it is through this that they think spiritually, and not naturally like men.

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Rob Calkins
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #166 - Mar 8th, 2007 at 2:18pm
Thanks Matthew.  So time is a change in terms of what we experience.  I experience something now and then change and move on and experience something else.  Space is a change in emotional/psychic attraction to (or affinity with) something.  Here the only comparison I can make is in dreams.  If something in a dream attracts my attention then we are drawn closer – at least in some dreams.  Interesting stuff if I have it halfway right in my simplified restatement.

Thanks Don for bringing this back.  The three levels of hell were interesting: physical, mental and emotional violence.  In the third hell I wonder what is meant by “Spirits here will try to work on your feelings until you have no will of your own.”  Does this mean that if we give in to someone else’s emotional fantasy construct, that we loose our own will?  Sounds a lot like Madison Avenue and much of our culture today.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #167 - Mar 8th, 2007 at 4:06pm
I believe that Swedenborg (aka Swedenbogus) (aka Swedenbarf) is a great explorer who has discovered many ground-breaking things.  I have great respect for him, unlike my initial impression of him. 

However, there are two things that bother me about him.

1.  His frequent incorperation of the "Lord" in his work.  This implies the Christian God is the truth and king of the castle.  This just does not resonate with me.

2.  His frequent labeling of "angles" in his work.  Just because he communicated with beings does not mean they were highly spiritual and truth knowing beings.  I believe that due to his preconcieved beliefs, any being of light he encountered in his travels he thought were angels.  Therefore, he thought everything they spoke of was the truth.  Who knows, maybe he was speaking to some fun-seaking pranksters.  I am not saying this is the case, just giving an example of why I may not agree with all of his discoveries.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #168 - Mar 8th, 2007 at 6:23pm

ES does not seem to believe in angels or demons as non-human entities in the traditional Christian sense.   For him, "angels" are loving discarnate humans from heaven. "Spirits" are discarnate humans in the intermediate dimension, "the world of spirits."  People in this realm normally gravitate towards either a hell or heaven, depending on how their voyage of self-discovery unfolds and how they respond to it.  "Demons" for ES are evil humans in the hells.  I wonder if ES thinks he encounters "angels" below the heavens.  If he does, I can see the potential for his being occasionally duped by impersonating spirits.  Perhaps, I will be able to clarify such problems with further reading of ES's vast literary output. 

ES discovers that our universe is teeming with life.  He encounters and communicates with beings from other planets which he treats as "humans."  I suspect that he uses the term "human" loosely to designate any bipedal intelligent beings.  So I don't think ES can be used to debunk non-human angels and demons. 

The beauty of ES's insights is that his explorations are unencumbered by either  the bias of modern New Age thought or the Christian orthodoxy of his day.  If we try to harmonize ES's astral scheme with the Monroe-Moen model, then Focus 27 would be located in the "world of spirits."  This localization fits well with Robert Bruce's discovery that the Healing Center and the preferred Welcoming Center are located in the lower planes.  Loving family members need to "descend" to meet their newly deceased loved ones, and when they do, their memories become impaired.  On the Moen-Monroe model, Focus 24-27 contain BSTs that are both [hollow] heavenly and hellish.  My guess is that these Focus levels overlap both with ES's "world of spirits" and with his "hells" because Max's hell from Moen's explorations seems like an example of ES's 2nd level of hell in which people constantly try to con and exploit each other.
ES defines the hells as godless realms iwhose denizens love only self and the world.  Their obsession with "the world" may equate some of them with the earthbound spirits in Focus 23.  As I read more of ES's writings, I will be searching for a good parallel with the Moen-Monroe descriptions of the plight of those trapped in Focus 23.  I suspect from my reading that neither Bruce Moen nor Robert Monroe has had much experience with ES's heavens.   One exception might be Bruce's brief encounter with what he terms "the city of angels."  In my view, ES is more gifted and spiritually advanced than the modern adepts I have read.  Perhaps, that is the reason why neither Monroe nor Moen experiences extensive teaching form Jesus or God.  There is an urgent need for modern explorers to cooperate in an effort to resolve the seemingly inconsistent astral structures or "geographies" proposed by various adepts.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #169 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 12:41am
In my view, ES is more gifted and spiritually advanced than the modern adepts I have read.  Perhaps, that is the reason why neither Monroe nor Moen experiences extensive teaching form Jesus or God.

Hmmm.  Perhaps the reason you feel ES is more gifted and spiritually advanced than Monroe and Moen is because they don't experience teaching from Jesus or the "Lord", rather than this being the outcome of their lack of spirituality.  Perhaps their belief systems did not include a conjuered up avatar.

Of course, I could be wrong. Cheesy
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #170 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 2:18am
Dude, anyone trying to assess ES has to understand his biography, the era in which he lived and his incredible disciplined intellect.  He was a scientist and inventor of the highest order (Leonardo, Newton, Einstein) born in 1688.  He had a list of patents and inventions and an understanding of concepts in the physical world that he came about on his own, which were verified centuries later (including drawings of a heavier-than-air flying machine).  Swedenborg's mystical experiences began after age 56 - relatively late in life.  He had to master the hypnogaugic state, and yet retain his incredible rational capacity in order to understand and write about all he had seen.

Despite becoming a mystic or christian mystic at 56, he penned many works until his demise on the nature of the universe, heaven, hell - many of which were heretical to the christian church at the time.  I think it is fair to say that there have been few men of science throughout history who may have equaled his intellectual development and discipline.  

When you look at ES' work and realize that no one in his time was privy to the modern notions of the New Age or Spiritualism, it is truly mind-blowing.  He did not simply have daydreams or OOBEs that blinked in and out - he mastered the state so that he could converse with angels (really discarnate humans, Dude) for literally hours.  Only thing is, when many of us have what we think is an OOBE, we "blink out," and feel that something more may have happened, but we fell asleep or can't remember.  Swedenborg could, did, and wrote everything down in detail.

This is not to say that ES was not influenced by the church or the bible; he interpreted the bible from the original hebrew and integrated it as best he could into his new understanding of the universe, line by line.  As such, he was working within his own belief system that put the bible in the realm of absolute divine truth.  People at TMI, sometimes explore the heavens in an open way without the context of religion.  Yet Moen and Swedenborg agree on certain concepts (as Don may have pointed out).

For ES, the highest spiritual achievement is the development of love of God, and love of mankind.  ES believes that either are heavenly virtues, though love of God is considered more important, and ideally is combined with love of one's neighbor.  For Moen/Monroe the expression of PUL is found to be our truest quest or purpose of spiritual development.  So there is concordance in some ways that the concept of love was found by both ES and modern New Age thinkers to be vital for spiritual development.

I don't think you can directly compare any modern explorer who we know about to ES, as his own personal revelation and exceptional intellect/scientific ability put him in a position to have long, detailed conversations and visits to the various realms of consciousness, and to categorize and enumerate what was going on.  Perhaps Cayce came close to having the type of journeys and discussions, however, the bogus information that Cayce brought back on the use of enemas for healing (popular during his time), as well as a focus on a former Atlantean civilization never documented but also poplular at the time of Cayce, leads me to seriously doubt the accuracy of his travels and understanding when compared to ES.  

Read the posts on ES' concept of time and space in heven.  They ring true, and it appears that one not versed in ideas of quantum physics or modern ideas of time and space could only have found out about this by actually experiencing heaven and conversing with discarnate peope.  Now stop and think that here was a guy born in the 1600s.  Incredible.  No one was talking of this back then.  Add all of this together with Don's documentation of ES' verifications of contacts with the dead, and his ability to describe events/things such as a fire occuring near his home half way across the world, and you have too much evidence to ignore.  I read ES again, and again because I love listening to a man who had such a discerning intellect that he could bring his rational mind into the spiritual realm, and then report back to us in detail.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #171 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 2:35am
Eloquently said, Matthew.   And the orthodox church certainly deems ES a major heretic.  I'm in awe of his brilliant originality and the range of his accomplishments.  True, his spiritual claims can be debatable, but one thing should not be debated--that modern adepts should seek to verify or refute his claims by direct astral experience, and preferably by partnered exploration.   We all have a somehat biased overview.  So astral adepts should seek whatever areas of consensus are possible.  I suspect I will reassess my own beliefs in the light of ES's insights for the rest of my life.

Dude, find me a modern astral adept whose verifications are even close to being as impressive as ES's.


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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #172 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 3:37am
  Very well said and well put Matthew!  I'm somewhat ignorant on Swedenborg, but having looked at a wide cross section of more respected and verified explorers (including various psychis, etc.) out there, there is a lot of basic similarities when you boil the concepts down to their bare and simplistic meanings, and get past the different vocab, expressions, cultural differences, etc.  

  Dude, as far as Moen/Monroe, there is more "Jesus" in there, than meets the eye at first.   It's a bit hidden and veiled but...

 But again, culture and upbringing, has its influence.  Monroe was brought up in a non religious and more intellectual atmosphere.   It's apparent, that in his early years and for much of his life, he had very little stomach for anything even remotely smacking of religion especially of the Christian sort.  

  Hah, maybe in some respects he was a lot like you for awhile?  Maybe even like Recoverer, who also was kind of like you in that sense?

 Anyways, its also clear to me, that Monroe came to a understanding of the role of Yeshua in this whole human drama.

  It's more than probable that "He/She" in his last book, is in fact Yeshua, the one man who was said to have achieved physical immortality (a misnomer really) in historical context, and who possibly left behind the Shroud of Turin one of the most hotly debated artifacts in science today.  

 I just read a book written by a scientist who was part of a team doing extensive and multi-faceted research into the Shroud, and the book is quite interesting from a scientific and logical perspective.   It's quite convincing in the sense that the Shroud does not seem to be a hoax perpetrated by human hands.  But, if not, then what is it, and why aren't there any more out there like it?

 Anyways, i digress, if you read Monroe's account of He/She very carefully and i really wish i could quote verbatim here, you will see little clues that Monroe left indicating that this person is someone well known about in some sense.  

  Also, if you read Bruce's 4th book and substitue Christ Spirit, or Christ's Total self, in place of "Planning Intelligence", then you'd might see things differently.  And wonders of wonders but Bruce's partner in exploration, attributed and connected the term and concept of "Christ" in connection to the Planning Intelligence.

My sense is that Bruce is a sensitive guy, and knows that to a lot of folks, because of bad experirences with dogmatic or orthodox religion, Christ is kind of bad taste of many peoples mouths.   Bruce is trying to awaken as many people as possible, therefore its most constructive to speak in as non religious and general sense as possible.  

 If Bruce outright claimed a connection of Planning Intelligence to "Christ", then he would have a narrower auidance and less people would be willing to listen to his overall message, which is basically Christian in essence i.e. PUL is the most important thing in this or any world.  

 Besides Swedenborg, there is no source as holistically and consistently verified than the Cayce readings.  

 I've heard that if all of TMI's early explorer sessions were released and put into printed form, it might rival the sheer amount and depth of info found in the Cayce readings, but since this is not the case, and since Cayce has been verified in some many different ways and is the single most studied psychic out there...

 Well Cayce's psychic source talks quite a bit about Yeshua and this Total self, and basically the message is quite similar to Bruce's vision of Creation in his 4th book.   Cayce's guides say that the Christ Spirit or Spark, was the first to return completed to Source, and became a co-creator with Source.  Source was its "Father" and in turn, the C.S. became a "Father/Mother" too.

  Later on, his Total self began a rescue mission within the Earth system, and had many other lives just like us, and his spiritual height, or greatest attunement was as the personality known as Yeshua or Jesus who was so spiritually attuned and so fast vibrating as to overcome even physical death.  

 Cayce's source said that indeed, while the bible is off on some specifics and details here and there, that overall the message of the N.T. is quite true and that Yeshua was the first physical personality as a teacher and example to fully spiritualize his physical body, to the extent that he revivified his dead physical body, and created what we could call the "Light body" which has both physical and nonphysical attributes.

Again, the Shroud of Turin, while still very controversial, is a very interesting study along these lines, and oh yeah btw, some of the most verified psychic sources out there like Cayce and Swedenborg confirm the message of the N.T.   That physical death is the last to be overcome by each and every Soul and Yeshua was the perfect example in this.   Even the Buddha and many other teachers died and stayed dead.

And if you consider Monroe's info, and the small part on He/She...well those with a truly open mind, might consider that there is more to this Jesus fellow than meets the eye and that Christian religion and Jesus aren't necessarily synonomous.  Some just can't step outside of Christian religion and separate the religion from the man, it seems.

 Also in Monroes' books, there is an explorer session where it seems that Yeshua came through.   This being talks about how so many expect its return, but in truth "I never left", but don't expect me in the form of a man yet, the time as not yet come. I exist in and am part of everything, and i'm the light, just as you are of the light, but you still yet do not know your light like i do, etc., etc.

 Dunno, but when i read this account in Monroe's book i get chills, and that this is the most expanded source possible speaking, its so powerful and yet so simplistic.  

 Now, if Monroe didn't respect Yeshua, or believe in him, then why would he have included this explorers account, which so obviously is a channeling of the Christ Spirit?

 But overall, i tend to agree with Moen/Monroes de-emphasis on the figure and personality of Yeshua, and me being overly attached to same saying this.   It's easy to get caught up in the personality and person, and not so much the message.   Its the message which is more important ultimatley.  

 I think some get to caught up in the personality of Monroe, or i've seen this with Cayce fans.   I've seen people put both on pedestals.  

 Have you ever read Monroe's biography?   It is rather unrealistically mythologized, and that's something i don't agree with.    Same with Cayce in some biographies, they are made into myths almost, over idealized, made to seem more than they actually were.   Both were still quite human and flawed.

 And spiritually speaking, neither came close to the purity, power, and spiritual expansion/attainment of Yeshua.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #173 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 8:02pm
Dude and Ahso:

I have comments on some of the things Ahso wrote to Dude:

Quote: Ahso
My sense is that Bruce is a sensitive guy, and knows that to a lot of folks, because of bad experirences with dogmatic or orthodox religion, Christ is kind of bad taste of many peoples mouths.   Bruce is trying to awaken as many people as possible, therefore its most constructive to speak in as non religious and general sense as possible.  

 If Bruce outright claimed a connection of Planning Intelligence to "Christ", then he would have a narrower auidance and less people would be willing to listen to his overall message, which is basically Christian in essence i.e. PUL is the most important thing in this or any world.  

"The above is a possibility that I've also come to. If Bruce wrote about Christ many people would've been scarred away. Heck, I would've been scarred away when I first started reading Bruce, because fundamentalist had made me uptight when it came to Christ.  But I kept things open, and things have been revealed to me."

 Also in Monroes' books, there is an explorer session where it seems that Yeshua came through.   This being talks about how so many expect its return, but in truth "I never left", but don't expect me in the form of a man yet, the time as not yet come. I exist in and am part of everything, and i'm the light, just as you are of the light, but you still yet do not know your light like i do, etc., etc.

 Dunno, but when i read this account in Monroe's book i get chills, and that this is the most expanded source possible speaking, its so powerful and yet so simplistic.  

"The above really stood out to me too. It goes along with how the Gospel According John speaks of Christ and how Howard Storm sometimes speaks of Christ. It also goes along with the planning intelligence idea Ahso expressed, and is the feeling I got when Christ visited me one night and worked on my energy.

Also (not Ahso), Rosalind Mcknight spent a lot of time with Robert Monroe. The spirits she made contact with speak of Christ as if he is a big part of the human race's welfare."

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #174 - Aug 16th, 2007 at 11:01pm

I have a more basic question.   Bruce Moen claims to have visited the House of God in Focus 27 and learned much about retrievals from there.  On this site, Bruce describes Jesus' follow-up role in mediating a conflict arising from a retrieval from a Hollow Heaven.  Obviously, Jesus is a major player in the astral world even for Bruce.  So why doesn't Bruce or one of his disciples try to contact Jesus and pose some of the tough questions to Him and about Him that vex many of this site's non-believers.   Almost everyone on this site would be very interested in what insights such a dialogue with Jesus might yield.  And after all, Bruce gives the impression that he can contact just about anyone he wishes in the astral realm.   If I had this gift, I would want to contact many of the great spiritual giants throughout history and see what they might be able to teach me now.

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« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2007 at 11:18am by Berserk2 »  
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #175 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 10:59am

Great question!  Indeed, if many folks even on this website claim to be able to visit the Hall of Knowledge wherein you can find out anything about anything, why don't we get some answers to ancient questions?

Such as, is reincarnation real?  Is it linear?  Simultaneous?  Or just a bogus theory?

Or, was Jesus really the author of ACIM?

Or, do we really decide on when and how we will die before incarnating?

Heck there must be hundreds of other questions.

Thing is, people make lots of claims but don't seem to be able to back them up with solid information. 

Claims of retrievals can likewise be explained by wish fulfillment, coincidence, over- active imagination, or more likely information that the retriever already knew but had forgotten about until the "retrieval."

That's not to say retrievals are bogus.  I think it is a genuine thing.  It's just that lots of claims are made that cannot be backed up by irrefutable evidence.

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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #176 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 12:47pm

Responses below within double quotation marks:

Rog_B wrote on Aug 17th, 2007 at 10:59am:

Great question!  Indeed, if many folks even on this website claim to be able to visit the Hall of Knowledge wherein you can find out anything about anything, why don't we get some answers to ancient questions?

Such as, is reincarnation real?  Is it linear?  Simultaneous?  Or just a bogus theory?

""I've received messages stating that it doesn't work in the manner commonly believed. The simultaneous answer is closer to the truth. There could be some exceptions. I haven't figured it all out.""

Or, was Jesus really the author of ACIM?

""I've received a number of spirit messages stating that Jesus isn't the author of ACIM.""

Or, do we really decide on when and how we will die before incarnating?

Heck there must be hundreds of other questions.

Thing is, people make lots of claims but don't seem to be able to back them up with solid information.  

Claims of retrievals can likewise be explained by wish fulfillment, coincidence, over- active imagination, or more likely information that the retriever already knew but had forgotten about until the "retrieval."

""I'm positive that I help with retrievels. After you do something for a while and see how the pieces of the puzzle fit together, it is hard to doubt.""

That's not to say retrievals are bogus.  I think it is a genuine thing.  It's just that lots of claims are made that cannot be backed up by irrefutable evidence.

""This is something that needs to be decided on a case by case basis. I can't speak for other people.

Relating to what Don wrote on his last post, I recently re read Bruce's chapter on Sylvia in his fourth book.  The light being he communicates with makes a statement which clearly shows that the person of Jesus did exist, which is something some posters on this forum have tried to deny.

When it comes to me communicating with spirit guidance, there has been only one occasion where this guidance appeared with a human image. It appeared as an image of Jesus and gave me a couple of instructions (otherwise my guidance appears as a presence). I was in an expanded state of consciousness at the time, and I doubt that an imposter could've shown up. It sure didn't feel like I was in contact with an imposter.""


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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #177 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 1:12pm
One other thing, I really doubt that Christ views Bruce in a negative way. Christ probably believes that Bruce provides a great service. I have received spirit messages that portrayed Bruce in a positive way.

Don likes Howard Storm and I believe Betty Eddie. Both of them have written that it doesn't matter what religion a person follows, as long as he or she lives according to love. In line with this, I figure that just about all of us will have to make some belief system adjustments when we cross over. It is hard to figure everything out while we are here in the physical. Certainly the beings of love and light that exist in the World of spirit understand this, and aren't looking for spirits to throw stones at as they try to return to the light.
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #178 - Aug 18th, 2007 at 1:08pm

The Bible makes it clear that the doctrines to which we assent are irrelevant to our postmortem fate.  What matters is whether we allow our doctrines to become tools for creating a new kind of human being.  The crucial question is this: do my beliefs open the door for the Holy Spirit to transform my mind so that it displays a Christlike character and set of attitudes?  One of these attitudes is a grace-based life motivated by gratitude for God's acceptance and a sense of privilege (rather than duty) that motivates our loving relationships with others.  Duty is inferior to privilege as a motivator because duty often implies a sense of burden, reluctance, and a collection of applause in our minds for putting up with others.  A spiritual  sense of privilege derives from the opportunity our relationships provide to make our gratitude real rather than a mere construct of our self-image.  

This means that religions are not alike and of equal value.  Their adequacy must be assessed in terms of how well they help create the divinely desired quality of consciousness.   In some cases, this quality can be created by people of other religious traditions or by spiritual mavericks.  On the other hand, despite their beliefs, many Christians will miss out on God's grace because their beliefs never amount to more than mental constructs and never intimately bond them with the Holy Spirit.  The afterlife is based on the principle of like attracts like and this principle operates at the level of mystical union with the divine and core desires and longings that affect chronic behavior patterns; it does not operate at the level of merely superficial belief systems.   Jesus' answer to Howard Storm's NDE question about "the best religion" is true: the best religion is the one that can draw you closest to God.  

In my view, the best religion is biblical Christianity if its principles are taken seriously and allowed to transform our consciousness.   Also, the quality of our mystical connections with the spirit world DO matter; and no such spiritual connection is more conducive to a grace-based life of pure unconditional love than one with Jesus.   But, you ask, why do so many Christians fall so far short of this quality of consciousness?  Because it is so easy to substitute a religion of mere beliefs for the real thing.  Theological understanding is the booby prize because it gives us just enough spirituality to inoculate us against the real thing.  The right kind of experiences of grace and intimate communion with the divine make all the difference.

Many here seem to regard PUL as a cosmic vapor or energy that one simply exhales in the direction of retrievees to facilitate their retrieval.  To me, this tawdry belief eloquently illustrates the bogus nature of their otherwise unverified retrievals.  The word "pure" implies a contrast with all the impurites that contaminate what passes for pretentious love.  The word "unconditional" contrasts with all the strings we attach to the expression of our love.  The terms "pure" and "unconditional" are otherwise meaningless in the concept of PUL. In other words, PUL must be much more than a cosmic vapor or energy; it must be a chronic way of being.  

Many on this site imagine that they can be acceptably loving people without attending church or some other public spiritual forum.  But a good church is just a community that joins forces to identify and meet concrete social needs (poverty, hardship, etc.) in the community.  For example, my church allows its facilities to be used to promote Habitat for Humanity (building cheap affordable housing, etc.)  , Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts,  and many more public service organizations.  We also work closely with the secular social service agencies to meet needs that would otherwise not be met.  We don't save disembodied souls; we work to save the whole person in their economically deprived environment.  We also actively visit the lonely and the shut-ins in our community and conduct healing services.

My question to this site's wannabe PUL purveyors is this: are you in a love-based support group that pools its resources to identify and meet needs in your community?  If not, on what basis do you claim that your PUL is more than a rationalization for an unloving lifestyle?


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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2007 at 4:15pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: Swedenborg: Father of Astral Projection
Reply #179 - Aug 18th, 2007 at 4:07pm
A most probing question, Don.  Might I propose moving it from Swedenborg's thread to its own?  Essentially, it is a call to "walk the walk."  Live the lifestyle, engage your community wherever you are, rather than mull over your own problems, analyze your childhood to see where you went wrong, etc.  It is a sentiment I share, and an excellent challenge.

I still am not fond of, and don't quite understand some of your challenges to New Agers on this site.  In the last six months, I have not read posts from people tooting their own horns or claiming to be saints.  Everyone has questions; some post retrievals and interesting experiences.  You often look with a jaded eye at these posts and dismiss them as unfounded wishful, imaginings. 

I like to look for commonalities between us.  We all seem to agree that consciousness and thought are present in both the physical and the nonphysical.  Bruce teaches an imagination method to get things going - a method that is accesible to virtually everybody.  Is there a risk to indulge imagination without making real contact?  Of course.

I see those you call "New Agers" on the board as being sincere open people who do not feel they know all the answers but are searching and sharing their experiences.  I'm still not clear on what you intend to bring about by questioning the validity of their retrievals, or the love expressed by those on this site?  Are we supposed to nod our heads and say "Yes, yes, now I see, it was all bogus, and my only hope is to join a church and work in a soup kitchen?" 

If we "walk the walk" as your post suggests, then it should be in all areas, including our interactions here.  Other than the story of Jesus on the temple steps with money lenders, I am unaware of any biblical passages that support your hard-edge "tough love" posts that bandy about terms such as "new age ghetto," "herd" and such.  Just a thought, meant constructively, as I really did appreciate your last post.

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