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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Brendan- Well, let's see what can be learned by having your dreams dashed. Could it be that patience is one of your goals in this life? Or, instad of getting into Naval Air, possibly you had a prior lifetime in which you observed that war was a very low yield activity, so you made certain that you wouldn't have to be in one. Who knows, it might have saved your life. Actually, so long as you have vision correctable to 20:20 by artificial means you can take flying lessons and get a pilot's license, and progress to IFR flying through the same muck and sleazy weather that a military pilot would face. (However, I understand your frustration. My application to the USAF was denied due to an irregular heart, so I went private pilot. And the Flight Surgeon just recently cancelled my medical, so I'm permanantly grounded. I soloed in 1958, so I almost had 50 years of experience in the air. I guess that I'm learning to accept fate too.)
The stuff we've set ourselves up to learn is generally hard to see because we haven't learned it yet. This business of living is kinda like the business of running any other enterprise. We all want to do the good stuff and get all the perks, but what we get is the grunt work, and usually there's darned little thanks along with it. However, as you doubtless are well aware, a boss who has never done the grunt work is never competent to do the other stuff either.
If you eally want to understand who set this mess up, look deeply into the mirror and ask that person about the areas of life in which there remain imperfections. It's not that some Big Mean Guy-In-The-Sky wants to make you sit on an ant hill and smile. To the contrary, if you knew how to do it better, I suspect that you would.
There are only three basic things to master: (1) Be joyful, enthusiastic and creative in what you do. (2) Be contact with your situation, and loving of those around you who are part of it. (3) Be logical, truthful, rational, and as aware as you can be of the actual nature of what's going on. When you master those, you stop creating negative karma, and you can concentrate on positive aspects of existing.
For example, the idea of becoming one with God is not a case of fading into a blissed out whisp of purple smoke that dissipates into the Great Bottomless Void. It turns out to be a case of recognizing that you are part of the biggest batch of joy, enthusiasm and creativity that is happening, and that it is happening with love and acceptance of everything, even those of us who screw the pooch and can't sell the pups, as well as being the focus of all logic, wisdom, understanding and insight. That can be seen in this world as he foremost wave of development on our planet. Throughout the rest of the universe, it's the wavefront of all newness. It's one heck of a fun ride, and you even get to be the driver! BUT - first ya gotta get those three basics under control. (In Sanskrit that's called development of sat-chit-ananda.)
Or, if you prefer, there are lotsof other people willing to join you in resentment, hatred and rage, and in pride and self-pity.
Here's the good news: If you don't get it right this time around, you get to come back and do it all again. Here's the bad news: If you don't get it right this time around, you get to come back and do it all again.