Hi Bruce and All.
It's been a long time since my last post on this forum, as I'd already told you I loved more the old-fashioned one, but...
I had another strong verification of a contact I had- about 2 years ago -with my Dad. Then I was able to get a lot of good verifications about a deceased man ((a barber), confirmed by his daughter whom I'd never met rather than by phone and e-mails.
http://www.webalice.it/cipidoc/mycontacts.htmDad, who's working in the Rejuvenation and Healing Center as an MD (the same job he did here in C1), then showed me a medical device more advanced than our CAT-scans and MRI's because it was equipped by a 3D olographic projector, instead of a flat 2-D screen. He was also able to manipulate the pictures putting his hands inside them, revolving the scans at his will. He told me that this 3-D-CAT-scan was goin' to be built soon also in our physical plane. Well, I had quite forgotten this story, when a few days ago I found out this news on the web:
http://www.sci-tech-today.com/news/Scientist-Creates-3-D-Holographic-Video/story...BTW this is only the first step to make this device like the one owned in the Afterlife's Hospitals, but I think that's only matter of time: soon they'll add a "manipulator" to handle the olographic images, because these devices already exist to simulate "Virtual Reality" even if you need to wear special TV glasses to watch the images . Using the new 3-D device shown in the above link, these little monitors won't be requested anymore.
What's your thoughts? ???
Much L,L&Serenity.
Claudio (From Italy)