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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Shirley-
From a literal (Jungian psychoanalytic) approach, it most likely means working together, as "movers and shakers" of some kind. Physics views reality as waves of interacting tendencies. Society refers to people who create change as "making waves". The bathroom is evidently where the end product (forgive the pun) is to be found, and although it has been produced, it is not yet understood.
Since my work is primarily as a psychoanalyst, I'm especially interested in what the NEXT dream was. That would be the response to this one. Then the THIRD of the series would sum it all up. (Except that usually a lot of content gets lost or misplaced, making it hard to track.) The model is: Thesis, Anti-Thesis, Syn-Thesis.