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how do we live in the afterlive? (Read 4877 times)
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how do we live in the afterlive?
Jul 13th, 2005 at 12:15pm
this mite sound a stupid question,as anyone any idea how we spend our time in the afterlife like here on earth we live in houses and go about our everyday lifes,is it like this life u no houses  ,jobs ,eating ,etc,do we live like we do on earth ,lol
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #1 - Jul 13th, 2005 at 2:33pm
If ANYTHING that I like here, is missing there (be it
food, alcohol, or beautiful women that you can do more with than LOOK at) I hope I just die and that's
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #2 - Jul 13th, 2005 at 4:05pm
hi Derby, well don't take my word for it, but from what I've come up with in my explorations here it is:

my husband (deceased) was living in the same type of house that we lived in when we first married, then later, I asked him did he still live there? he said, no he had moved. do we eat? I've heard we can if we want to, but it's optional. it's cool not to have to drive to the supermarket, come home and cook it. hee hee. we also drive cars, ride horses, etc. same as here, and still feel as if we had a physical, very solid body. so go figure.
don't take my word for it, go and see if u can find out for yourself what's going on! read, read, read, dream, dream, dream. love, alysia
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roger prettyman
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #3 - Jul 14th, 2005 at 12:32am
Hi, derby,

It would appear you haven`t read Bruce`s books, as you will find your answers (and a lot more) there.
As Alysia says, read, read, and read - you will be enlightened!

best wishes, roger Smiley
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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roger prettyman
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Bedford, U.K.
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #4 - Jul 14th, 2005 at 12:41am
Brendan`s post above raises a very interesting point.

If what we desire in the Afterlife can occur because we have free will, using Alysia`s posting as an example, and we get to the stage where we wish to die, can we?
If we can, do we go into yet another Afterlife and get involved in some endless loop?  Hmmmm?

Perhaps Bruce has a comment to make on this point.

best wishes, roger Smiley
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #5 - Jul 14th, 2005 at 9:52am
thnx 4 ur replys there very interesting ,u have helped me a lot,thnx again Smiley
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #6 - Jul 14th, 2005 at 3:14pm
Hi Derby-

People who do past life regression work have recorded endless hours of reports by people telling about their experiences in the spirit world. The common opinion is that if we are good people, we live more or less as we would like to live, quite like Alysia described it. If we are less good, we live in the results of our actions, often sensed as a grey place, often gloomy, sometimes frightening. The really unpleasant ones seem to go into a state of pride and rejection that keeps them stuck in their own gloom and doom.  (We all know people who live this way, and parts of town in which they gather to do so..)

At the same time, the levels of spiritual experience we have are related to our ability to be free of attachments to the material world. Innocent desires or misunderstandings usually create a return to work out the issues. The spiritual experience is typically one in which we focus on satisfying those needs. Then we are reborn into a new world in which we are connected to the same needs and drives in some manner.

When we are guilty in our own eyes, this is a feeling that is increased by the sense of God's infinte love, compassion and oneness, as if we are the ultimate broken spring in the cosmic couch of contentment. Then we are awfully hard on ourselves. If we feel that we no longer deserve to live, we tend to feel an existential threat, like God is about to send a lightening bolt. This often leads to a spiritual experience of flight and terror, after which we get a new lifetime with various kinds of problems, from major bodily afflictions to insanity

People who are so terrified that they cling to life tooth and nail tend to become stuck in the lowest spiritual levels as earthbound spirits.  This can be from things done to them, or desire or guilt.  They bring this stuff back in their next lifetime. Those who are willing to accept whatever God gives them tend to go to the highest spiritual levels. They also bring back that attitude in the next life.

It seems that the ideal life is one in which we do our best, work to make ourselves as good as we can be, and accept whatever God gives us, in which case it usually works out pretty well.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #7 - Jul 14th, 2005 at 10:46pm
roger said:
If what we desire in the Afterlife can occur because we have free will, using Alysia`s posting as an example, and we get to the stage where we wish to die, can we?

I always thought my husband was making his own choice to die Roger. drank himself to death. stubborn man but gentle and kind. so I said to him one day, look, you're leaving me, I can see it in your eyes, you are aware this stuff will kill you? he nods his head, takes another swig and looks at TV. so I'd say yes we can be conscious of a death wish and just let it lead us where it will doing nothing to prevent it. people do it with road rage on the highway even. ever notice how when you're angry you forget to notice that other car that wants to change lanes? crash. its not an accident. it's some of it cause and effect. so, well, it only took him 'bout 6 yrs dying from alcohol choice. I notice you have to start drinking it in the morning to be an effective suicide instrument. I don't mean to sound crass here, of course he broke my heart, but I'm a different person now. I think we may actually come here to acquire a broken heart, not avoid it. I found him right away on the other side and got up in his face for leaving me. he wasn't a bit sorry, just like in real? life, same guy, same refusal to feel guilt for anything he'd done or left undone. so I had to conclude he and I had made our choices way before this meeting, that he'd never wanted a long life.  some don't fit in here or they just come for a specific reason then they are gone; poof. and nobody is judging them on the other side and saying what a jerk they are and he was left to do whatever he wanted to do. I noticed he soon had a couple of buddies trying to get him interested in developing himself into self expression areas he hadn't considered yet, and I noticed he listened to them; they got thru to him where I was amiss to do so. I could only be happy for that. it's said theres maybe 6 or 7 exit points where we can leave if we want. I know I've had a number of these points but I always decided to stay awhile longer. I guess I found more purpose than my hubby, but the kids were always a reason to stay.
they're pretty neat kids.
love, alysia
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #8 - Jul 15th, 2005 at 6:10am
my mam passed away last year and id like to think shes very happy living in a beautiful cottage with her mam and family members , Sad
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #9 - Jul 15th, 2005 at 11:12am
See her that way and she will experience it.

All reports from the spirit world say that prayer helps. The essence of prayer is loving oneness without limit or qualification by which we unite with our Creator and bring the Creator into our world. Have faith and you will retain that state, and she will always have it.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: how do we live in the afterlive?
Reply #10 - Jul 16th, 2005 at 7:07pm
Roger said:
"If what we desire in the Afterlife can occur because we have free will, using Alysia`s posting as an example, and we get to the stage where we wish to die, can we?
If we can, do we go into yet another Afterlife and get involved in some endless loop?  Hmmmm? "

I once found in a mental journey a man laying on a bed who said to himself "I'm dead. I'm dead..." on and on and on. So it seemed he wants to be "really" dead, non-existent. I said to the man: "Hey, you're talking to yourself, you can't be totally dead!" He became upset about my disturbance in his attempt to being absolutely dead, but I knew he knew that it was not possible (for him) to become non-existent. Instead he was stuck telling himself the same thing over and over again. At the end, I could convince him to move to another place.
In another mind-journey, I found a place with a gap, and in that or behind that gap it was completely black. I ask my guidance what it was, and it said: "We do not know exactly. Some folks go into it but don't come out again." I thought immediately about persons who believe in an absolute death. I went into it but found nothing but blackness, but with the feeling that there are some people but impossible to perceive them directly.
Bye, Spooky
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