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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Derby-
People who do past life regression work have recorded endless hours of reports by people telling about their experiences in the spirit world. The common opinion is that if we are good people, we live more or less as we would like to live, quite like Alysia described it. If we are less good, we live in the results of our actions, often sensed as a grey place, often gloomy, sometimes frightening. The really unpleasant ones seem to go into a state of pride and rejection that keeps them stuck in their own gloom and doom. (We all know people who live this way, and parts of town in which they gather to do so..)
At the same time, the levels of spiritual experience we have are related to our ability to be free of attachments to the material world. Innocent desires or misunderstandings usually create a return to work out the issues. The spiritual experience is typically one in which we focus on satisfying those needs. Then we are reborn into a new world in which we are connected to the same needs and drives in some manner.
When we are guilty in our own eyes, this is a feeling that is increased by the sense of God's infinte love, compassion and oneness, as if we are the ultimate broken spring in the cosmic couch of contentment. Then we are awfully hard on ourselves. If we feel that we no longer deserve to live, we tend to feel an existential threat, like God is about to send a lightening bolt. This often leads to a spiritual experience of flight and terror, after which we get a new lifetime with various kinds of problems, from major bodily afflictions to insanity
People who are so terrified that they cling to life tooth and nail tend to become stuck in the lowest spiritual levels as earthbound spirits. This can be from things done to them, or desire or guilt. They bring this stuff back in their next lifetime. Those who are willing to accept whatever God gives them tend to go to the highest spiritual levels. They also bring back that attitude in the next life.
It seems that the ideal life is one in which we do our best, work to make ourselves as good as we can be, and accept whatever God gives us, in which case it usually works out pretty well.