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having negative OBEs somebody help (Read 4953 times)
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having negative OBEs somebody help
Jun 23rd, 2005 at 7:24pm
Ok, this is a really long story but I'm going to try to keep it as short as possible.

I think what I've been having are OBE's but they're quite unique than from what I usually hear.  Hopefully I'm not crazy.

Anyway, I've been having these experiences for quite a while before I heard about OBE's.  The first one was the scariest thing I've ever experienced and hope to never experience it again.  I swear I heard spirits speaking in different tongues--but that's another story.

However, I still have these but I don't hear the spirits.  I usually see myself lying in bed but I can't move as if I was pinned down.  I don't know what this tingling sensation everyone keeps talking about feels like but if it feels like your leg fell asleep, but your whole body, then that's what I felt. 

Anyway, when I'm in this state I feel this uncontrollable fear and it's hard to explain.  It's like another entity and not a part of me.  I guess if you can imagine standing in a dark basement alone inside a haunted house with no lights--that would be the closest I could come to explaining it.  However, even then you can control the fear.  This one you cannot.  I've tried to control it and it's like something that kind of latches on and even get's stronger the more you try to control it. 

First, is anyone else experiencing anything like this?

Ok, so I heard about OBE's and was wondering if this might be that.  So the last time I had this experience I just let it go.  I imagined myself coming out of my body instead of trying to move my body.  Well, I actually did leave my body. 

First, I was floating in the air.  Then I went into the living room and was doing all kinds of flips and remember landing on the couch.  It didn't last long.  I think the excitement made me wake up.  When I woke up I walked into the living and the couch was full of laundry and it was empty when I was doing my flips during what I thought was an OBE. 

So, is this an OBE or did I slip back into a dream state and was thinking I was having an OBE?

Just wondering if I was alone on this matter and if there was someone who could better explain this to me.
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #1 - Jun 23rd, 2005 at 8:07pm
Hi SS:

Wow.  I'm envious that you walked into the next room so easily.  I have been wanting to do that too.  You would think it is easy to walk into the next room but, surprisingly, it is not.

From what I have read it is "normal" to find that the surroundings in an OBE are "not quite" the same as the surroundings in which you return.  That does not mean your experience was not real.

You overcame your fear and your beliefs!  Congratulations!

best, blink
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #2 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 8:04am
You have much more talent for this sort of thing that I!

There is alot written on the fear thing. In addition to Monroe's work, here is another authoer that talks about the fear:

Please write more about your experiences
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #3 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 12:04pm
While not an obe-er myself, from my look at the practice, you may be stuck in the stage just before exiting, ie, body paralysis.

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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #4 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 5:18pm
Hi SS......I started getting these kinds of experiences years back, when I was 14. I know exactly the 'fear' you are referring to. It really consumes you like nothing else. I too become paralized...and get this strange kind of a vibration like feeling all thru my body. I would be able to see everything going on around me , yet I was completely unable to communicate with those that I could watch. I think the truely worst part of it was the feeling of fear....not a fear of what was happening to me, but more of a fear of something near me......????...I can't explain it.
About 2 years ago, this experience started to change....I did nothing to make it change, it just started happening by itself. I would end up in this frozen state, usually when trying to sleep, or already sleeping......once in this state, I would find myself leaping into the air....and then I would fall back to the ground....then leap again, trying to go higher.....on this one experience, I kept trying to go higher and higher...and then suddenly I found myself in some unknown place....I think it was here on earth somewhere, but I really don't know. It looked like earth! At this place, it was a beautiful sunny day.....I just fell from the sky and landed in the middle of this country type road.....I walked and walked until I came to small town.....I walked down the main street hoping to find someone who could tell me where I was....because I had no clue! However, the people that I saw, spoke a different language, one I had never heard before....all the street signs and store signs were in this I wasn't getting any help at all! I was getting concerned that I would get 'stuck' in this place, where ever it was....and so I started leaping and leaping upward to the sky, hoping to be able to get back to home, where I came from.
I made it back here....fell from the clouds...and here I am...thank goodness. I didn't like it where I had been, only because I wasn't able to communicate with anyone.
I have mentioned this experience here before...but I have never related it to an obe.......these kinds of flights happen alot now......if anyone can tell me if this is in fact, obe.....I would sure like to hear about it...
Also, these kinds of paralyzing experiences have been tried to be explained away by 'professionals' as 'sleep paralysis'.......for those of you who know much more on question is: is obe different than sleep paralysis???.....or are they the same thing?
lol......I almost don't want to say it, but there has been one time when 'little people' were in the room with me when this paralysis came on.....and if I remember right, I think that is what I was so afraid of.
ta-taa!! mystic......... Grin..............oh yeah....I have lots of experiences where I am flying thru the sky....sometimes like a bird, sometimes just floating.....and, I remember when I was in my teens.....that was a long time ago!....I got around in my dreams by riding on the tail end of a vacumn cleaner hose......if you can believe that!! lol.....I guess over time, I became more advanced.....I wonder what I will learn over the next few years?
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #5 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 5:47pm
Hi SS,  I think Mr. S is right, it sounds like the spot right before an obe, where your body is deeply asleep, it feels like you can't move it because you're out of phase with the physical. You CAN move your physical body if you need to. Try with all your might to wiggle just your physical toe, imagine it. After a while you'll get a dim sense of of a distant toe moving. Then you'll switch back to the physical quickly, waking up in your bed. That's Robert Monroe's technique and it works... When you imagined coming out of your body and then found yourself actually doing it, that sure sounds like the real thing. Did it feel like you had as much of your presence as you normally do during your waking day? Not a fuzzy dream-like experience but feeling no different than how you experience the 'real world'? The only way to find out if it's a dream or not is to repeat the experience, investigate it. That's how the fear will go too. Me, I thought I was totally unafraid of death. And in my mind I was. But during an early obe (from some other part of my being than my mind) arose what felt like primal fear. Actually what happened is I was floating in my room, and  a surge of energy rose up my non-physical form and I found myself terrified of dying, panicked...  I woke up in my bed and thought "Wow, I'm still afraid of dying!" I'd had a few obes by then and really thought I had no fear. But I did. What it took for me to go beyond the fear was to have  my curiousity have more endurance than the fear, you hang in there and  wear the fear out by repeating the experience.  Repeating the experience makes the realization that you're truly deathless sink into the depths of your being and the fear of death goes completely away (it didn't take long for it to sink in) Anyways SS, you are not crazy, and these experiences sure sound like obes to me. Post your continuing adventures along these lines, I'd love to hear 'em.   Tim
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #6 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 6:41pm
Thats exactly how I wake myself up.  I get so terrified that I try really really hard to move my right arm and it wakes me right up.  That was my secret--I focus on moving my arm.  I swear its like a thousand pounds though.

That's until I learned about OBEs.  Like Mystic, I've been having them since I was about 14.  The fear has never really gone away and it's very rare that I think of OBE while in this state. 

If "OBE" dawns on me during this state I try to turn it into a positive experience.  Most of the time when I welcome this state and want to go deeper and think "Yes, a chance for an OBE", I wake right up--that's if it dawns on me.  Other than that, I'm still pretty terrified and feel like I'm going to end up in a place where I don't belong. 

The last time I had this experience, I started off being really terrified.  Then I thought, "OO I could have an OBE".  I don't know why, but at that moment it was as if a spirit said, "this person thinks he is going to have an OBE and I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen" and I suddenly woke up.

Of course I didn't really hear nothing but it certainly crossed my head. 

Anyway, thanks for the responses.  I'm really very happy to know that at least part of it is normal.   Maybe someday I'll get into the first experience that I had which started the whole thing, but that usually freaks people out. 
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #7 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 6:55pm
Hey Lucy, I meant to post that message I sent you on the forum--still learning the ropes.
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #8 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 8:44pm
Hi Lucy,

I don't know if I'd call it talent, although it could be--I guess.  It's usually an unwelcomed experience, and I think getting past the step I'm at is probably just as hard as trying to have one.   

I don't know if this is mentioned in Monroe's book, but this usually happens to me when I've gotton too much sleep.  For example, If I sleep all during the day and try to go to sleep at night it will usually induce this state for me.  It will all of a sudden seize me unexpectedly and I feel this tingly sensation.   

However, I don't feel like I'm in control of this situation.  I really feel like another entity is in control and trying to haunt me, but I'm really hoping that it's my imagination and it's my own fear manifesting this situation causing me to think that.

I hope you meant it is OK to put this here; if not I can remove it.

I went through a period of experiencing those vibrations and not being able to move. I don't recall Monroe writing alot about that. I never got past the fear. The vibrations felt like I had stuck my body in an electrical outlet and I also had intense humming in my ears. The part I hated was not being able to move. I would panic. I thought I couldn't breathe. That would happen after I got too much sleep...I know what you mean! That was before this website existed. I think I missed the opportunity. It doesn't happen any more and I don't know how to go obe. But the person who I have found who actually talks about this in a book is Albert Taylor (see the link I put in previously).
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #9 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 8:48pm
I would also have these very interesting visual experiences. I miss those. I called it being in a 3-D array. The closest I can come to describing it is that I felt like I was in a very interesting screensaver or graphic display...and this was before PC's were common!
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #10 - Jun 24th, 2005 at 10:34pm

The experience of sleep paralysis is very common and need have nothing to do with OBEs.  I have experienced a few of them and the experiences were terrifying because of the inevitable helpless feeling.  For men, the experience is often described as the Old Hag syndrome, because guys often sense a menacing presence that they can't react to, and project their childhood witch fantasies onto this.   OBE adepts seldom attribute this "Old Hag" presence to a genuine spirit.   

It is fortunate that you noticed the difference between the cluttered and uncluttered couches.  That is a dead giveaway that you were experiencing a mere lucid dream about having an OBE rather than an actual OBE.  Stephen LaBerge has researched this distinction in detail and documented how easy it is to confuse lucid dreams about OBEs with genuine OBEs.   

Currently, I dismiss all my OBE experiences as variations of lucid dreams and therefore will settle for nothing less than a waking OBE.  To this end, I am practicing with Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer's "Mastering Astral Projection: 90-Day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience."   This book is very boring, a fact that undermines my discipline in using it.  Still, it seems more  theoretically sound than my TMI Gateway CDs, which are also much more expensive.  What I like about the Bruce-Mercer primer is its incremental method of building momentum on the basis of continual small successes in technique.  This primer familiarizes you with experiencing your energy body in various ways that portend OBE success down the road.  If only it weren't so boring!  But it has already dramatically affected the vividness of my dreams in a positive way.  By contrast, I am now disillusioned with my Gateway CDs.

On the positive side, your experience of vigorous vibrations suggests that you are much closer to experiencing a genuine OBE than I am.   I'm glad you've only experienced entities speaking in tongues once because multiple languages are unnecessary in the telepathic astral realm and can be a classical symptom of genuine possession. cases. 

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Ryan b
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #11 - Jun 25th, 2005 at 2:38am
Hey everyone.

Just a quick question. If you had too much sleep...can this help lead to an OBE/astral? or just sleep paralysis?

Because if it leads to the first one i'm sleeping all day tommorow! Smiley lol

Cheers Ryan
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Re: having negative OBEs somebody help
Reply #12 - Jun 25th, 2005 at 6:15am
Hey Don, what you said made more sense to me than anything. 

Me and my sister grew up in very haunted houses and wouldn't doubt that a possession was what was happening.

I did feel an energy coursing through my body.  There was also this very strange and loud laughter.  Suddenly, I found myself in this room.  It was at that point that I felt alone.  This room seemed to be made of all concrete with square holes as windows.  The room was totally empty with a book on a pedestool sitting in the center of the room and it was lit up as if a spotlight was shining down on it.  I remember hearing the wind blowing through me. 

It was a wierd feeling and I knew that I was not dreaming.  It's hard to explain the feeling I had at that time but if you can imagine standing in a closed room with very large speakers blaring and feeling the vibrations--that's kind of what it felt like.

Anyway, I went back into my body.  That's when I heard the different tongues as they were lifted up and waned away. 

That's when I woke up and I was all sweaty and my lips were sort of stuck together 'cause I remember tryin to yell and couldn't. 

I think the sleep paralysis is a result of that.

On the subject of possession, I remember my friend coming into work one day.  His eyes were wide open as if he had seen a ghost and he was almost pale.  I asked him what was wrong and he said that a girl nearby went through an exorcism that his parents were a part of.  His parents were very pious people and were asked to join to assist. 

What was kind of funny was that his brother-in-law, who was there also, was telling him about the experience.  He said that the girl couldn't look his parents or the priest in the eye but was able to look at him with no problem.
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