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Our senses are greatly heightened after death... (Read 10713 times)
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Our senses are greatly heightened after death...
May 24th, 2005 at 3:06am
uuuuh ohhhh..... Roll again!! Most of what I have posted here so far has been of dream content. I am a firm believer in the types of dreams that I have....they ('s not like I have these kinds on a nightly basis either....I go thru phases)....are much different than a normal, every day kind of dream. These particular dreams pack a heavy punch and the effects of them never go away. I like this place here....because I can talk about them.....and it seems like many people here can relate to what I am going thru.....and not be laughing their butts off at me!!
I've spent some time here tonight reading thru several posts from different topics....and there is just something that I want to say.....almost like I feel I am putting some minds at ease with what I want to share.......thru the dreams that I have, I have seen Heaven from a distance and also at close fact, I have been right at the edge of crossing into more step forward and I would have entered in. I have also experienced death.
And the point of what I want to say is: we people here on this earth....lead a very dull and senseless life here.....and 'senseless' as in 'our 5 (6) senses'. Life here is like a really appetizing meal 'without' any spices or flavour. 'On the Other Side'....if that is what I should call it......after's like our senses have been turned on for the first time ever. The 'colors' in everything that we see so far more superior than even PIXTAR.....bright, rich...full body color. Let me tell you...color is beautiful there. And the mulitudes of shade will never see anything like that here.  ( am not on drugs!!! I've never used drugs in my life...... Grin.....i don't think I need them!!!   8)  ) Every one of our senses are incredibly's awesome. The Bible tells us that Heaven is beautiful.....and it really is. The only way that I can try to convey the difference between here and there is by just saying: bland vrs. extraordinary will all see for yourself one day. It's no wonder that people who have had near death experiences, don't want to come back here....some are even forced to come back.
I also want to say, that we don't have a physical body up there....or over there...which ever way that you want to put it. We feel like we have a physical body....but we don't. We don't have mass...or substance. We 'think' just in the same way as we do here.....we carry with us the wisdom that we gained here....but at the same time, we are also still able to learn more over there. We communicate by telepathic means there....we don't walk or run.....we are able to move about in a way that is like floating....moving without actually the walking movement.....make any sense?   ???
Sometimes we can even get around like an instaneous a different place instantly. It's weird....but it's gonna be fun when I  get there and can stick around for awhile!! Who needs a jet pack!!! We still can see our loved ones here, our friends.....can mingle with them.....and if you can learn 'how to' can communicate with them too. We feel all the same emotions there as we do here....we can even worry too.....I know that one...I experienced that one for myself. Cuz when I went thru my own death experience via a dream, I was so worried about how my 2 daughters were going to be when they were told that their mom had died.....I even went to their bedrooms and sat on their beds and tried to forewarn them that I had died and that they would be ok no matter what and that I was still with them even tho I wasn't actually there in the physical being.
There are alot of things that I am still trying to learn about the afterlife......that is why I came to this site......but there are a few things that I already know....and this is just one of them. We have an awesome set of senses up there!!! Oh.....and did I mention 'details'?????? You're all gonna love the details that go into what you see and feel and in general, 'experience' up there!!! Move over 'HOLLYWOOD' productions......because there is no way that the human imagination could ever depict onto film the kind of detail that you will see in the true and very real, afterlife.
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #1 - May 24th, 2005 at 7:27am
Thank you for that beautiful post, and it is comforting to read it because you are so SURE of what you are saying!  That really brightened my day, thanks a lot! Grin
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roger prettyman
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #2 - May 24th, 2005 at 10:18am
Hi, mystic_dreamer,

Yes, a very nice posting!
After reading your "we people here on this earth....lead a very dull and senseless life here....", it got me to thinking why on earth (excuse the pun) would any spirit in the Afterlife wish to (re)incarnate  here in the physical to learn more lessons and advance spiritually, when it would seem utter bliss lies There?
To my mind it would seem like a retrograde step from what it is capable of achieving in the Afterlife. Do we not all strive to improve our lives, live happily and do the best we can for all mankind, so why return to a "...very dull and senseless life...." time after time?
I know - it`s to experience so we can learn more lessons. So, why can`t those lessons be learnt There?

Also, who in their right mind would wish to (re)incarnate as a murderer, rapist, child molester, etc., etc? What lessons can be learnt from that?
Does it also mean that we ALL (re)incarnate at some time to do these foul deeds? If not, why just a small minority of the worlds population, and would any spirit really wish for this?

I know what I will do when I finally arrive there. Stay! Especially as this world seems to go from bad to worse. Not too many lessons appear to be learned along the way.

best wishes to all,
roger Smiley 
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #3 - May 24th, 2005 at 11:42am
think of how content you would be to live on and on in the same fashion if you only stayed There.  Real lessons never come without struggles and growth, so that's why I suppose we make ourselves come back to this difficult but beautiful place time after time to learn and evolve...although I agree with you on the wanting to stay in a place that sounds as wonderful as There!
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #4 - May 24th, 2005 at 12:16pm
Hey are very welcome!! I am glad that you enjoyed what I wrote on what our senses are like in the afterlife. You are right....I am very sure of what I believe on this....I couldn't be more sure of myself about anything! When I mentioned that I had stood on the edge of Heaven....and that one more step forward would have taken me over the threshold.....that dream had begun with me attempting to cross a road and just as I had started to cross the road, I was run over by a semi tractor trailer rig. I fell to the road and my head hit the pavement really hard. It really hurt! I felt my spirit begin to leave my body and I looked back at my lifeless body laying there as I left it. I was accompanied by another spirit, who I don't know who it was. This spirit took me over to a wood bridge on the edge of a forest. It was one of those really neat old bridges with a wooden roof, or canopy over crossed over a small creek. We crossed over the bridge which opened up to a beautiful meadow, decorated in the most beautiful shades of color in floral color....smells of the most wonderful fragrences...the grass under my feet was the deepest, richest shades of green....and felt so wonderfully cool on my feet. The grass was dotted with such pretty, delicate colorful flower that you will never see here on earth. The sky was a beautiful blue color.....not a cloud to be seen...and the sun was truely the most beautiful colors of yellow and orange.....and let me tell you, the warmth from that sun warmed every inch of my body, both inside and out. The warmth was absorbed by every sense of your soul. I was aware of my 'body' that was left to lay on the road back there.....but I didn't care!! I felt no pain where I was now....I had never felt so 'alive'. This spirit led me to the edge of a lake.....the lake was surrounded by the tallest and greenest trees that I had ever seen!! I will never forget the color of the lake water....because it was the bluest of blues......a deep, rich shade of royal blue......the were sparkles coming off the carbonated water!!! It was awesome!!! Sparkles everywhere!!! Coming up off the lake. I stood there with this spirit.....looking out across the lake.....I knew that what lay on the other side of this lake, was Heaven.....all I needed to do was take one more step...and I would be there. There was absolutely no communication between myself and this spirit....but I still knew 'everything'.....I just knew it all......only, I don't know why I wasn't allowed to continue on that journey into Heaven. I was only allowed to have that glimspe from the edge....I knew that I had to go back to my body, where I left it in the wrecked position before taking this short journey....I didn't want to go back to it.....I didn't want to go back to the painful state that it was in....and I didn't want to come back to this life here......why would I want too??? I felt so good just where I was!! It was beautiful....painfree...peaceful....blamo. I was back in 'my body' again.....aghhhh. The pain...the pressure....the weight of the world on my shoulders..such a heavy feeling of burden over my entire mind and here!!
I told one of my sisters' about this dream a few days later.....I wanted to know what she thought of it. At that time, I had been going thru a phase where I was experiencing alot of different things with respect to my soul...the afterlife and such...and I had no idea what all these experiences meant. I asked my sister......a very stiff, starchy Baptist, she is!! Generally, she had been condemning me over other experiences that I had been having...telling me that it was all the work of the, I was very surprised to see the look of absolute awe on her face when I described this dream to her. She told me that the lake that I had dreamed of, was 'the Crystal Lake', which is talked about in the Bible.
She still tells me that I am evil....she says that no one is supposed to have these experiences in this life......she tells me that they are phoney, tricks, brought on by evil forces.......ok whatever sister!!
At any rate Lou.....I do believe what I have seen of the afterlife.....and I am glad that I have made your day brighter!!
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #5 - May 24th, 2005 at 12:57pm
Hey Lou!!!! I just read what you have said to Roger....I was just going to reply to his post.......and say the very things that you just did!!!
So 'hello' Roger!! I thought what you had posted there brought up some really interesting points. You know, 8 years ago, I lost a very good friend....not thru death, but thru my divorce. My ex husbands brother was my very good friend......we lost touch only because of the 'ills of divorce'..... Sad
My ex brother in law and I were extremely close on a spiritual level. I believe that he was my spiritual leader....his presence in my life was for a reason....'things always happen for a reason'. We could talk for hours....and literally hours on this subject. He helped me to understand so much about our spiritual selves. I feel like I knew more then than I do now......I've become 'lost'...
I am not going to use words like "I believe......'......because it's not quite like that...its more like "I feel......"....and I feel that in the afterlife, we can't learn the same kind of lessons There as we can here. It's different can learn lessons There, but not the same type as we can here. I feel as though there is a physical component on what we learn thru lessons here....and the emotional/spiritual component is what we take with us. I don't think that anyone wants to come back as a murderer.......or as someone to do any other kind of horrible crime to mankind....but I think that there are specific learning lessons in those crimes, that can only come from such horrible as that might sound. And I don't think that the lessons to be learned are for the sole benefit of the person doing such awful things.....the person on the receiving end learns alot too.
What we learn from different experiences is what makes us who we become.....maybe to learn fully 'compassion'.....or 'remorse'.....
I remember reading somewhere once, that in the afterlife are different levels....and the higher the level you are in, the better of understanding and spiritual power you gain. The better your life is in the afterlife....and to get to those higher levels, you need to have 'passed' the tests....which you can only complete here on earth.  I mentioned here somewhere in a previous posting, about what the Bible says on : in my Father's House, are many dimensions.......
I don't believe in the old way of Christian thinking...that Heaven is just a one time thing.....I believe that it is a place of many levels and it's not just a matter of 'you die and get to go to Heaven'....and then 'be' happily ever after'......I really believe that it is more of a place of advancement...of higher learning and understanding.....and that if you haven't learned the true power of say, remorse. to get to where you want to be...then you're gonna come back here and do something that is going to teach you what remorse really means. And hey...if you're a slow learner...then you're gonna have to repeat the lesson a few times until you get it....
Well......I could very well be wrong in my beliefs....I know I have a long way to go in my understanding....but I am confident that I am on the right path.
Back in 1998 I was taking a college one course I wrote this huge instructor immediately recognized the light that was within me......and she openly encouraged me to continue on my spiritual path to learn, grow and to let that white light shine brightly.
I wonder if it would be safe to say that those souls that seem to get lost in 'limbo'......maybe they are stuck there not because they got confused and lost on the way 'up'.....maybe they just got stuck because they failed to pass any lesson at all while here....and now they just have no where to go at all??? Maybe they can't even come back here to try the lesson again because they haven't been able to gain any spiritual power thru learned lessons while still here in this life?? Would that make any sense??  ???
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #6 - May 24th, 2005 at 7:06pm
Mystic dreamer

Thanks for sharing those dreams.  I have had some meaningful dreams also, and trips on meditations.  Only one opinion that i would like to give, based on my own experiences, and some of the contents of my subconscious, and that is that i don't think of our hard knocks here are lessons.  I think that they are more just experiences.  I mean, you can read about roller coaster rides, or death for that matter, but you only really get the full impact when you actually go through it.  In this vien, i liked your following statement:   Quote:
then you're gonna come back here and do something that is going to teach you what remorse really means.

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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #7 - May 24th, 2005 at 7:43pm
Btw, there is a movie that kind of conveys the color intensities in the afterlife.  It's called what dreams may come.  I believe that bruce has recommended this movie in the past.

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Touching Souls
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #8 - May 24th, 2005 at 7:53pm
Thanks Mystic Dreamer for all you have written. It's very enjoyable reading and so true. Wink
Back in 1998 I was taking a college one course I wrote this huge instructor immediately recognized the light that was within me......and she openly encouraged me to continue on my spiritual path to learn, grow and to let that white light shine brightly.

How wonderful that she recognized your light and encouraged you to continue on your spiritual path. I'll bet you shine most of the time. Wink

With love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #9 - May 24th, 2005 at 10:34pm
Hey Mr. Satan.....thanks for that reply...I've read alot here about meditation and OBE....I think I might like to pursue that further. I am a little scared tho....just because of it being 'going into the unknown'.......I have never heard of that movie that you are talking about it on vhs?? I wonder if I can rent it....I would like to see it. I did read a very interesting book acouple years ago. I can't remember what it is called...and I have it packed right now (moving AGAIN!!!!!) It was originally written by a woman many, many years back and it is supposed to be of a dream that she had in several sequences over a short period of time. (it's a true story). She was so overcome by this entire dream that she decided to write about it. It was all about what it is like in Heaven. She went on a visit her dream. Holy cow...the detail in her dream is awesome. She met up with her deceased husband and other relatives as well. My sister gave me this book to read after I started telling her about all these dreams that I was having, in particular, the one in which I stood at the edge of Heaven and in her opinion, it was the edge of the Crystal Lake that I stood at. I had never seen or heard of this woman's story before I started having these dreams when I read this book, I was so blown away by it because alot of it rang so true with what I was seeing in my dreams. Once I get unpacked in the next few weeks, I will dig that book out and let you all know what it is called and who the author is. It's a really interesting book. Hmmmm.....maybe it is called, My Dream of Heaven.......I will let you know anyway!!!
Grin  Sandy
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #10 - May 24th, 2005 at 10:40pm
Hi Marilyn! I just remembered what the topic of that report was that I mentioned back in college. We were supposed to write about our :  frame of reference.
I have never been a simple writter....and I do love to write. When I wrote my paper on that, I went way overboard as usual   Smiley.....a 26 pager!!!! I talked about things in that paper that I wouldn't have dared talk to anyone about......which was mainly about all this spiritual awakening I was going thru. I was so surprised at her response!!! She told me that I was 'special'....and that I could teach people alot with what I had already learned.
I'm happy to hear that you enjoy reading all my babble!!!! There will be more too!!!! prepared!!!!
Grin Sandy
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roger prettyman
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #11 - May 25th, 2005 at 1:07am
Hi, again, mystic_dreamer,

I would just like to say that, in my opinion, you gave a nice, structured reply to my query and I can totally empathise with your beliefs about the Afterlife.

By the way, your postings are no more "babble" than many others on this forum so keep posting!

best wishes,
roger Smiley
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #12 - May 25th, 2005 at 2:41pm

Thanks so much for your description of your glimpse of heaven.  The clarity must have been breathtaking. 

I have experienced occasional brief sequences of amazing, stunning details in dreams so I can imagine what it must have been like for you.  How happy you must be that you know it is there for you.

love, blink
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #13 - May 25th, 2005 at 7:16pm
What dreams may come can be had from amazon vhs format

dvd format

Don't know about rental availability, as i have it on cd, and watch it on my computer, sometimes.

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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #14 - May 26th, 2005 at 9:07am
OK...thank you MS!!! I will try to find it!!
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #15 - May 28th, 2005 at 4:14pm
Yes, a very nice posting!
After reading your "we people here on this earth....lead a very dull and senseless life here....", it got me to thinking why on earth (excuse the pun) would any spirit in the Afterlife wish to (re)incarnate  here in the physical to learn more lessons and advance spiritually, when it would seem utter bliss lies There?
To my mind it would seem like a retrograde step from what it is capable of achieving in the Afterlife. Do we not all strive to improve our lives, live happily and do the best we can for all mankind, so why return to a "...very dull and senseless life...." time after time?
I know - it`s to experience so we can learn more lessons. So, why can`t those lessons be learnt There?

Also, who in their right mind would wish to (re)incarnate as a murderer, rapist, child molester, etc., etc? What lessons can be learnt from that?
Does it also mean that we ALL (re)incarnate at some time to do these foul deeds? If not, why just a small minority of the worlds population, and would any spirit really wish for this?

I know what I will do when I finally arrive there. Stay! Especially as this world seems to go from bad to worse. Not too many lessons appear to be learned along the way.

best wishes to all,
roger Smiley 
I'd get an itch to test my mettle, to prove to myself
that I was a worthy entity (by my OWN standards, of course) and thus would choose to reincarnate repeatedly as part of a program of self-development and self-creation.
Perhaps those who reincarnate to do foul deeds, are "fools" who decided to tempt fate by reincarnating into a body with sociopathic tendencies, as a means of developing self-discipline/willpower but who "took a bigger bite than they could chew"? Who knows? Or maybe lost a wager with another "spirit"...
I KNOW what I want to be, so I don't think I'd risk becoming a molester, looney or whatnot.
In any case, "Heaven" is a place lacking in something basic to our existence... CHALLENGES, and tests of one's individual mettle. To stay there forever would be to stagnate, with no character development.
Plus, eventually having to be around others BRAGGING and STRUTTING about their earthly achievements would get to be too much (at least for me) and then YOU'D have to go give it a whirl... maybe even as a bet or something??? Another "spirit" says to you, "I'll bet YOU couldn't make it as a (fill in the blank)" and so you take up the bet, and reincarnate?
Just remember... existence is polarity. It's GOOD sometimes for "evil" to exist (though always better to OBSERVE it happening to someone else, than to EXPERIENCE it first-hand!) It keeps the good in perspective that way...
Imagine this... picture somebody who is smart, popular, and life looks full of promise...
And then at 18, he has a schizophrenia breakdown. He spends the rest of his life being abused in mental institutions and scrounging in garbage cans and sleeping in cardboard boxes when he's out of them, never knowing any but the most meager and fleeting of the pleasures this world offers, but getting a whopping daily dose of the MISERY. And he's crazy, but smart enough to KNOW that he's a waste of proteins, salts, and minerals...
Then he dies, and goes to "Heaven"...
If he never reincarnates, he'll never know whether he just got a bad break... or is he truly, AT THE CORE... a pathetic LOSER... worthy only of CONTEMPT from himself, and others???
That would haunt him forever (if he was anything like me, that is.) OTHERS might tell him, "you'd have done just as good as me if you hadn't got served a crappy hand" but he will never KNOW this... he'll have to take it on FAITH!!!
And FAITH, my friend, is PROFOUNDLY unsatisfying fare to live on.
So you see, reincarnation's there for a good reason... 2nd chances, my friend.

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Our senses are greatly heightened after death...
Reply #16 - May 28th, 2005 at 8:49pm
Could it be that choices to re - incarnate (a huge subject in itself) are regulated and limited by our current Spiritual gradings?
We can only express what we have earned, or try to reach out to?
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Re:  Our senses are greatly heightened after
Reply #17 - May 29th, 2005 at 1:23am
Could it be that choices to re - incarnate (a huge subject in itself) are regulated and limited by our current Spiritual gradings?
We can only express what we have earned, or try to reach out to?
I'd like to think that the afterlife is a bit less law-and-order-burdened than that... basically
I'm hoping it is an ANARCHY, with one's own
freedom of choice reigning supreme. Hold those
laws, and I'll take a pass on rules and regulations...
Jeez, I have to deal with that sort B.S. here on
Earth every day! (Here in my home state, we've
just had a mandatory seatbelt law passed... yup,
driving w/o a seatbelt is now a PRIMARY traffic
offense. Just warms the cockles of my heart to
know so many people care so much about me...
like they don't have lives of their OWN to live?
Oh well... I'll just hope THAT situation ends when
I die.) If I can't be Captain of my own ship here,
then I'd dang well BETTER be allowed to be so
on the other side!!!

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Lights of Love
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #18 - May 29th, 2005 at 4:19am
Hi Brendan,

Actually I think we are the "Captain of our own ship" both here and there because we always have the freedom of choice.  You don't have to buckle up if you don't want to... you still have a choice. 

All choices have consequences no matter if we consider them good or bad consequences.  Lots of people feel oppressed by the rules of this world, but they really don't need to.  In everything there is always a choice and once that's realized, one can attain a great sense of freedom.  Right here and now.

Love and light,

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #19 - May 30th, 2005 at 1:56pm
Also, who in their right mind would wish to (re)incarnate as a murderer, rapist, child molester, etc., etc? What lessons can be learnt from that? 
Does it also mean that we ALL (re)incarnate at some time to do these foul deeds? If not, why just a small minority of the worlds population, and would any spirit really wish for this?

Has anyone ever thought maybe reincarnation might only be for those deviants?...maybe that's what hell really have to come back here because they didn't get it right the first time.
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Re: Our senses are greatly heightened after death.
Reply #20 - May 30th, 2005 at 4:44pm
Has anyone ever thought maybe reincarnation might only be for those deviants?...maybe that's what hell really have to come back here because they didn't get it right the first time.
Or for people like myself, who have a low boredom
threshold and wish to "make themselves in their
own image..."
Complete Perfection would get perfectly tiresome
after a while, right?
Maybe that's why the material plane exists.
Maybe the "successful people", "beautiful people" the "alphas" and so forth are those who have become ADEPT at physical existence, possibly through many incarnations here..!
So much of what I see people writing here amounts to, "Oh,
this world is so awful, I want to go to 'Heaven' and stay there forever." But the fact remains, that this world is a WONDERFUL place for SOME people. Sadly, these people are often branded as "sinners" by the sufferers in this world and are expected to "rot in hell" after they die... Organized religions (notably Christianity and Islam) seem to revolve around this envy-driven prejudice.
But... doesn't that seem like... well, SOUR GRAPES, really?
Maybe such people should be trying to sharpen themselves up for the next time they get the urge to "go 'round again." Because I'm sure that even if it takes a nonillion (10 to the 27th power!!!) years of "Heaven" to thoroughly BORE them, it will happen to them eventually...
NOTHING remains static forever... that may be the only real law there is!
Do people even try to imagine what "forever" really means? Sometimes, I doubt it.

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