Thank you, Alysia and Marilyn!!! I love feedback...and I am glad to have you say that I am not crazy!!!! You are right...these dreams do make life easier....and I can say that from experience. Over the Thanksgiving weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving), I had a dream in which I was lying on a bed in a hospital surgical room. I was giving birth to a baby...and at the exact moment of the birth, a calender flashed before my face. The month boldly showed December and the day, in black bold print, was the 9th. From previous experiences with birth and death dreams, I had learned that to dream of birth meant that actually a death was approaching....and the same opposite effect if I dreamt of a death, a birth was on its way. And as well, from previous experience, I also learned that for me to be directly involved in the dream, as I was being involved in this one showing a Dec. birth, meant that the impact was going to be felt very closely to me. And in knowing this, I was terrified....because I knew that someone that I loved deeply was going to die very soon, in December. To me, the most vulnerable was my 2 daughters, who were 3 and 6 at the time. Over the days and weeks that followed, I wouldn't let them out of my sight. I watched them like a hawk. I know that you can't change some things in life.....but I wasn't about to lose one of my children. Not if I had any control of it!! I told everyone in my family about the dream....they just brushed it off. At the end of that month, October, I broke my left baby toe by crashing it into the corner of the wall. )Owwwie!!!!
) My husband then, now ex, wouldn't get me to a doctor to get it treated......very abusive man. I suffered for days with my broken toe. However, the night of the same day that I broke my toe, at exactly midnight, my doorbell rang....and it was my younger nephew....coming to tell me news.....we didn't have a phone at the time......he told me that my dad (who had been suffering from strokes for 6 years) had fallen early that morning and broke his 'left' hip....(just as I had broke my 'left' toe earlier that same morning).......for the first 4 days, I could not get to the same town as where my dad was in husband wouldn't take me there. On the 4th dad had surgery to fix the hip. My sisters had come over to get me so that I could go and see him.......when I got to his room, he was asleep in his bed, still under the effects of the anesthetic.....I stood at the foot of his bed and all 3 of my sisters were standing off in a corner of the room, talking. I just stood there and watched my dad as he slept. I watched him as he breathed....and then suddenly a very warm, comforting voice told me that he was going to die....the voice said that he would never get out of his bed, never come home. It's weird, cuz it didn't make me was just a warm, comforting feeling. Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad more than anything........but the voice gave me peace inside. This gave me acceptance of what was to come.....cuz then I remembered the dream I had weeks earlier. Both of these experiences combined helped me to deal with his death....which did come.....and on December 4th....the funeral was on the 9th. I would never have known that the death would be my dad's...I was scared for my children....but you know, if I had been taken by complete surprise of his death, with none of these warnings prior, I seriously don't think that I would have been able to get thru the whole grieving would have been far too much for me. I had become so attached to my dad over the years....he was my rock and he was there for me during all the bad stuff that I went thru with my husband at that time.
So yes....these dreams do help get thru life!!! I don't always like the content of what some of them show me.......sometimes it is just way to graphic for that one with the smell of burning flesh....and I never want to smell that again. Nor do I ever want to feel that kind of paing and suffering again.......that was terrible.
People say that they start having premonitions and things of that nature, after having a near death experience.......well, I have never had one of those....but I did suffer with a skull fracture from a car accident when I was 17......and it was about 2 years after that when I started having these dreams....and even telepathic day to day experiences. I guess that must have been some crack on the head, huh??!!! .......oh man...the dreams and things that I could tell you....and I always wonder 'why me?'.......
Not only are there dreams....but other things too....I can walk into a room...and if there is some bad spirit there...I will know about it right away. I can feel it. And I will tell you now, it's scarier than #$$%&*&*()
I've had bad spirits try to take over my body while I slept......and that is the honest to goodness truth. It's a battle...and at first I didn't know what was happening to me......until a Church person told me that it was just that, a battle for my soul and possession of my body. Now isn't that just the most insane thing. Appearently true...but weird!!!!
Through coaching from this person, I was able to get myself to the point that I could fight these spirits off while I slept......all in just a few words: in the name of the Lord Jesus, go away........I was able to say these words in my sub conscious while I slept.....when they would try to take over my person......have you ever heard of such stuff??? I know that as a teenager, just after that accident when my head got when those things started happening.....only then it was different. It was more along the lines of a 'lover' coming into my dreams and wanting and trying to make love to me......and there were many times that I would wake up with the actual feeling of hands on me.....I never told anyone about that.....that is just a bit too personal for me to go around telling people about.....but that is how that started.....then after was just a plain take over. Pretty weird huh?????