Hi Shelbert, you wrote: "I went back to bed and was laying on my side, my back to the door, but I felt the presence of someone walking in the room." I had a similar experience. I had a dream, and then I was somehow sucked out of this dream, having a feeling of a pleasurable cool wind inside me, and found me back in bed in my physical body, but my body was still asleep. Then I very strongly felt a presence, someone, entering my room from my door (I too lied with the back to the door), then this someone laid him/herself behind me and melted with me. Then I stood up, astonished and puzzled, and wrote it down. Recently, I had a dream, and from that dream I entered my real room, in which I was sleeping, and that sorta changed my consciousness state, I felt the same cool breeze within me, mainly in the the upper middle of my back, and then I had an OBE. My explanation now for the first incident is, after reading Robert Bruces "Astral Dynamics", that this entity which entered my room, actually was a part of me that was still traveling around, and returned when I was about to fully wake up.
So, some occurings one might interprete as ghosts/spirits, might be experienced not in a physical state, but when the body is sleeping and the consciousness is still awake, so that one falsely interpretes that something is going on in the physical world. About the other things you mentioned, toys turning on itself and printer noises, I don't know. Children, as often is reported, have a better sight into nonphysical reality even when fully awake in the physical.