Hi Steve. I would consider this a genuine initiation into a type of spirit to spirit communication, which the brain needs to interpret what you've been doing out there as this bundle of energy picking up your knowings.
I believe I'm correct to say this is only the beginning. I've been watching you closely and you are one adventurous sort of explorer. my hats off. the telephone for instance is the first easy symbol to interpret that you realize partnered exploration is more than just hearsay. your spirit is the one who gave you this symbol by making an impression on your sleeping brain, called a memory imprint, meanwhile the real action is taking place not in your brain, but through your feeling/astral body, and this is how we bust through the veil to discover our abilities to be more than skin stretched over bone. I've often known from my feelings alone that I've been somewhere, I've gotten some needed information and brought it back with me through the feelings only, but would have to wait for the mental to come in more fully before I could talk about it. many times have seen myself interacting with Linn's group about the shift in consciousness, all of us just having a good time with it, and now you have joined in over there, I'm not surprised you are doing it also, to become more aware.
Bob Mc. has visited Marilyns classroom. she's a teacher. the bodies you see before you on the physical level is like 1/10 of who we are in other dimensions we are just beginning to tap into. until then you can consider yourself a clone of your higher linked self, or a probe and the fun is just beginning. I've met many also out there who do not remember that we met. this bothered me at first, but I knew I had had a life changing encounter nonetheless and that certain experiences were designed for you and you alone. if you need confirmation and we all do, partnered exploration, such as in experimentation will give you your evidence, sometimes a good friend or family member will practice with you. after you do the PE, you will never more say "it was only a dream."
love, alysia