Ok, this may be a stretch. I neglected to mention earlier that I also got the word schoolteacher at the end of my verification request. I really thought that was way out there, and was wondering if I should include it in my previous post. Then I thought, well, I'll save it until I get more info. I went back looking for matches a few minutes ago and the first site I saw was this one:
http://www.miriamfoundation.org/history.htmlAfter reading it I came right back here.
Of course I am doubtful about this, but the website is for a Miriam School and the site lists the article as having been posted in the 1960s right at the top of the page. The year 1964 is listed further down the page. If you read even further down there is a picture of a woman named M. Erwin Bry who appears similar to the face I pictured in meditation. She gave instruction to mentally challenged children and adolescents at this school from the caption. I really don't know why such a person would be in any place she was angry afterlife or even if she is still alive. Well, this is a little mystifying to me.