A friend Alllava had posted :
A funny thing happened earlier tonight whilst playing JOE (Joint Operations Escalation)... one of our team mates invited me to a new map. I arrived halfway throughout the game, uncertain of the objectives, dodging bullets and nades and on top of that the team leader asked me to escort him from point A to B in a chopper ( I had to fly), also covering his back.
I started self-reflecting, panicked - my mind went blank, I lost my focus and was a mess to say the least.
But then suddenly I thought to myself "bugger this" - I can focus, I'm gonna fly her and I am gonna pull myself together, and guess what? Moments later ... smooth sailing .
Our team won. After a few rounds I decided to go do some reading - when 'coincedentally' my eye caught the following paragraph:
When challenges appear overwhelming, inject certainty. The Light is always there".
I know my gaming experience tonight is of a mundane nature. Still I believe that in the bigger scheme of things, the lesson remains the same and that the value thereof shouldn't be underestimated.
I replied the following :
Hi Alllava,
Regarding gaming, here's a clip that Val Saatch wishes to share :
http://gprime.net/video.php/magicmissileA guy tries (very hard) to explain to the cops that his friend was hit by a magic missle...
I know my gaming experience tonight is of a mundane nature. <<<
No, whether the activity on the outside appears to be gaming, or interacting with others, etc, ALL experiences in the physical, are only as valuable as you allow them to be, as you allow yourself to learn from them, as you allow yourself to help others through them, as you allow yourself use them for evolution and assistantiality.
Hence, two individuals doing the same (on the external) activity, eg. an office job, a military career, sports, games, etc, can create very different karma and gain very different lessons and emotional satisfaction from it, all depending on the willingness on the part of the individual, to see things clearly, to evolve, and to assist others.
Always remember that whether an experience is 'mundane' or 'transcendental', is up to you. More precisely, do not limit yourself (potential and capacity) by imagining that you are limited (trapped) by your experiences, by whatever 'mundane' activity or job you're currently doing.
Instead, work multidimensionally and across time. Seek to always ask the deeper questions of clarification, of working intelligently with the guides & helpers to maximize evolutionary and assistantial opportunities and potential.
" When challenges appear overwhelming, inject certainty. The Light is always there". <<<
On the topic of 'certainty', self-confidence, courage of will, etc, it is certainly a spiritual prerequisite for maximal evolution and assistantiality. Look at the whorl pattern of your middle finger. It will indicate your soul's achievement in terms of self-mastery in this area of self-image, self-confidence and courage of will. The right hand represents the level achieved at the end of the immediate past lifetime, the left hand, the agregate and culmination of all the lifetimes before that.
When there is excessive uncertainty and hesistation on the part of the individual, then he/she is crippled, in terms of ability and capacity, for evolution, for assistantiality, and for working collegially with the guides & helpers in important polykarmic (affecting whole societies) projects.
It is important to understand the role of intrusion here. It is a simple observation, that when one is easily uncertain and hesistant, habitually torn apart by opposing, conflicting ideas, that one is under the influence of intrusion, and in almost all cases, mult-intrusions (imagine a chorus of voices arguing amongst themselves in your head).
Now, as with all cases of intrusion, attachment, or possession, one must be careful to understand one's role and self-responsibility in the matter. It is irresponsible to push all blame to external entities, but at the same time, important to understand the process and it's effects, so as to correct the situation and potentiate one's will and the clarification process.
The individual suffering from this, will have within himself, already a pre-existing weakness, lack of courage or will, a predisposition to hesistation and uncertainty, such as arising from past life karma in which errors of judgement lead to undesirable consequences, or even to the harm of others. And (as with all cases of intrusion, attachment or possession), it is this resonant energy within, this issue or karma the individual is struggling with, that ATTRACTS (by principle of energetic resonance) external, extraphysical (as well as intraphysical) entities who are themselves struggling with these or related issues. Thereby excacerbating the situation and issues, which may reach 'critical mass' and allow the (conscientially lucid) individual to work on and resolve these issues faster, and evolve faster.
The key to this, is to seek Clarification. And the guides & helpers are always gald to assist, that's what they're here for, that's what they wish to do, to serve and assist in the evolution of others, and thus the Whole.
When confused as to what to do, do not MERELY ask for the guides & helpers to "tell me what to do", that would lead to the danger of the dogmatic (ie. unthinkingly obeying instructions without understanding them or truly benefiting), and the undiscerning (lack of intelligent discernment) individual might fall prey to the false guides & helpers (aka the 'blind guides'), extraphysicals who imagine themselves to be guides & helpers but are actually intruding, making things worse by their interferece.
Rather, ask your guides & helpers to help you *understand*, (for example, you could paraphrase your intention along the lines of) :
Dear Guides & Helpers, Evolutionary Orientors, Angels and All Higher Beings, please help me to *understand*, to *see clearly*, the symbols and issues I'm dealing with, that I may understand the most beneficial, cosmoethical, and loving, direction or path of action to take, at this point in time, in terms of the greatest possible evolution and assistantiality, for *all* individuals involved, for that is my will, that is my Love, that is what I truly want. Thank you. Amen."
The guides & helpers would be glad that you have asked them to HELP YOU UNDERSTAND, and thus (you're) taking self-responsibility, and furthing your own evolution, rather than asking them to solve your problems for you, or just tell you what to do. And as such, they will certainly take your request seriously, and they will do their best to assist. Because its what they wish for you, for themselves, and for the Whole (All Creation / Cosmos).