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benefits of doing retrievals (Read 1178 times)
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benefits of doing retrievals
May 6th, 2005 at 9:55pm
Hmm. where to start. I think I'm writing this for people who think they might want to try a retrieval but not sure if they are cut out for it, or if they can be accomplishing it. of course reading books about it helps, that's how I got started doing it.
In a very real sense, it's like retrievals are a back door into the astral realms. I believe I just ripped that line off from Bruce Moen. . I believe I've ripped off a lot more than just that line from Bruce. lol. but truly, all seriously, it was a back door for me as I used to knock alot on the front door and it never opened. do get his book please. it's an easy read written without any hype. just the facts of what he experienced and now some easy exercises to try with his new book.
Monroe gave me my start 20 yrs ago in one of his books. Monroe told of a "curl", a name given spirits in the astral because their form was interpreted as a curl I think. and it is difficult to have perfect astral clairvision so appropriate name. anyhoo I was vastly intrigued to consider Bob M. mention a curl had attached itself to himself as he skirted about exploring these realms. recognizing such, Bob said something to the effect "ahh, can I help you?" to which the curl asked if he might hitchhike aways with Bob. Well, sure Bob said, being a nice guy. they had some more words when suddenly the curl winked out; presumed to have found the bst location he would vibrate in tune with. apparently, although this was not described as a retreival, still, it was clear Bob had just given the curl a ride and therefore assisted the curl to get where he was wishing to go. I pondered on this for many minutes...why was the curl not able to find his own bst? it's left up to conjecture, but I know what mine is. Bob has a very benign loving vibration. where love lives, fear has very little room to effect one, if any. this is attractive and magnetic vibration. it can be evidenced by the Bob's retort to the curl who clung unto him which was, "yes, you may come along." another astral projector might just as well said, get off me, I'm busy, or been frightened that another being was attached to it. the curl in simpler terms, was attracted to the light. we are all light in varying degree and frequency. I know we are light beings as I have seen this light streaming out from people's eyes on occassion, obscuring the face. even my own face once, although I had no words to put around such viewing at the time. so back to my story, I would call this a retrieval and it made me feel good that the little curl found his niche sooner than later, as this bright light flitted by that was Bob M. and that there was kindness or love which went between them. it also reminded me of Jesus' aura, it was said he had a light around him also and that coming close to it made one feel better if not downright healed on the spot. I wondered at the time could I do this out there? I'd been obe a few times in the 80's, but I really had no destination when obe and generally never got past the vibrations as I'd come fully awake, they were so strong and shocking. I still had no destination but something was cooking itself up in my subconscious. I wanted to follow Bob's example. I wanted to explore these realms first hand. the deep question was of course, could I? was I spiritually evolved enough? did I love enough? could I help? what exactly was going on that assistance to one another was desirable and possible? out there. Bob seemed to have just fallen into being helpful by assisting the hitchhiker curl. when could I "fall" into it then? I forgot all about my desire but I was setting myself up for my first retrieval by dwelling deeply on it with curiosity, a strong force. maybe 2 weeks to a month went by and I was awoken from a sound sleep by an invisible guide who urgently requested it was time to go. I didn't know of guides then. whoever she was, she was too compelling and I was at once eager to fly with her to my first initiation of a retrieval. I tell of this in roadsign 15 of my book coming up shortly. I'd like everyone to know we all can retrieve if the desire is there to assist. I rather liken retrieving now to random acts of kindness, a kind of innate appreciation we have for one another deep down. we are in this together, people need people and even curls need other curls. perhaps need is the wrong word. perhaps we are attracted to one another because, after all, it is only our natural state to love therefore retrievals are natural acts versus something strange or weird.
I have much more to say about what the benefits were to me to do retrievals and will save it for another time as it's actually therapuetic for me to write about it, and as I look back I can see each step of the way leading me to a kind of joy inside when I could make a being smile, then I knew I had their attention, then I knew, surely the universe is unfolding exactly as it should. you cannot put a value on a smile, or a successful retrieval, you can only experience it as love that is fulfilled and fulfilling and all fearfulness is dissolved within the loving word or act. much love, alysia...
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Re: benefits of doing retrievals
Reply #1 - May 8th, 2005 at 4:48am
Hi Alysia...

   I liked what you wrote here.   As I sat thinking
about it, I was reminded of an incident from my

   When I was quite young, perhaps 5 or 6, I
got lost.  I had walked several miles, in the
WRONG direction, trying to find my way Home.
Finally, in despair, as I knew I had walked way
further than I should have had to, I sat down
on a corner and started crying.

   People in cars going by called out to me, but
I wouldn't speak to them, because I was a very
shy child.   These strangers talking to me just
upset me more.   I was really frightened.

    So, I was in a situation much like some of
those who cross over and then get stuck...
I needed help, but I was also afraid, and
wasn't recognizing the good intentions of
those who tried to help me...  until, much like
Bob Monroe with that curl, the RIGHT helper
came to me.    A very kind lady who lived in
a house right near where I was sitting crying
came and talked to me.  Finally I trusted her
enough (saw her light) and I went with her
while she phoned up my parents to come
get me, so I could finally get Home where
I belonged.

    Thanks for telling the story that triggered
this memory for me... gives me greater insight
into how some of those in need of retrieval
might be feeling.

Smiley  Jaya
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