I liked what you wrote here. As I sat thinking
about it, I was reminded of an incident from my
When I was quite young, perhaps 5 or 6, I
got lost. I had walked several miles, in the
WRONG direction, trying to find my way Home.
Finally, in despair, as I knew I had walked way
further than I should have had to, I sat down
on a corner and started crying.
People in cars going by called out to me, but
I wouldn't speak to them, because I was a very
shy child. These strangers talking to me just
upset me more. I was really frightened.
So, I was in a situation much like some of
those who cross over and then get stuck...
I needed help, but I was also afraid, and
wasn't recognizing the good intentions of
those who tried to help me... until, much like
Bob Monroe with that curl, the RIGHT helper
came to me. A very kind lady who lived in
a house right near where I was sitting crying
came and talked to me. Finally I trusted her
enough (saw her light) and I went with her
while she phoned up my parents to come
get me, so I could finally get Home where
I belonged.
Thanks for telling the story that triggered
this memory for me... gives me greater insight
into how some of those in need of retrieval
might be feeling.