Thanks for your quick reply Marylin
I switched lanes at the legal speed limit so I wasn't speeding! Then I could feel myself/car being pulled from side to side and I couldn't see anything, the force or g-force was quite strong, then my vision came back and I saw the central reservation and went into it, my first thoughts were "Oh no, there's going to be a pile up, it's going to be terrible". I then ended up on the side of the motorway and my car was totally crumpled except for my side. No one else was involved, thank god! I couldn't live with myself if I was responsible for killing someone and the pain and suffering to their loved ones, I just couldn't believe no one else was hurt. Of course I was in a total state inside but yet seemed incredibly calm. I was convinced it was a lesson to me and have been reflecting on it. All my family are dead except my mother who I haven't spoken to in three years due to, well..... it's all such a mess. But anyway, I think maybe this accident was a kick up the bum to encourage me to contact my mum. I was thinking maybe my father helped me but you think it could have been a guide, I'm happy with either!
It's so frustrating when you just want to KNOW..... I know everyone on here will understand that!
Oops I'm so sorry Mairlyn - I spelt your name wrong