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The Gold Light (Read 4987 times)
Claudio Pisani
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The Gold Light
May 1st, 2005 at 8:19am
Hi, All.
I'd read this post on Kevin Williams' MB, what do yo know about the "Gold Light"?
I haven't heard of it before. ??? ???

>>>Before anyone of you condemn my posting just wait five minutes and way this theory up, after all its been virtually staring us in the face.
"What happens if you dont go into the Light then, Do you become an earthbound spirit or trapped in purgatory or the lower Astral etc etc"
NO it is the biggest lie in History.When your time is up and eventually get to cross over(As we all forget it could happen tomorrow or in 50 years) and youve left the Physical body, Stop, look around, Look up there will be a blinding white light above, Look to the sides of it and there is a Golden light. The Golden light is the way to the Source and it bypasses the great void.
All the Spirits in the Afterlife are still in enslavement(albeit a less dense one) and the Astral + Spirit worlds are actually illusions of the collective consciousness of ALL matter(not just Human).Spirits STILL dont realise they are manipulated even in other dimensions.Spirits STILL dont realise that ALL mankind and everything else is connected.Only those at the source can be truly free. < end quote>
You can read the whole post goin' here:
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Love,Light & Serenity!&&Claudio
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #1 - May 1st, 2005 at 8:47am
Interesting Claudio. I have heard of Goldenlight but only in surrounding oneself in it for meditation. This is the first I've read anything like this.

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #2 - May 1st, 2005 at 9:52am
I've read something similar myself over a year ago.  I read that you can bypass the astral worlds and go straight to the source/god but it said to take the right hand path or ask/think to go straight to the source/god and you will be there.  The golden light sounds interesting too, maybe these options are open to us if we open our minds to it.
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Claudio Pisani
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Lauria, Italy
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #3 - May 1st, 2005 at 10:01am
If you read more posts (it's a very loooong thread!) you'll finf out some scaring news about ET's that want us to reincarnate and made the White Light  to deceive us!
I'd like to know if someone else went there to take a look.
L,L&S Shocked
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Love,Light & Serenity!&&Claudio
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #4 - May 1st, 2005 at 10:25am
Claudio I've been reading similar things for a few years now.  I have been very interested in the New World Order and its implications on humanity.  Yes negative entities or even humans are decieving us and holding back our spiritual advancement.  I've read a few of David Ickes books and am familiar with the concept.  Very interesting indeed.  Infact it's through him that I learnt of bypassing the astral worlds and going straight to the source. 

It all makes sense to me as I've grown tired of this life, we live in a spiritual bankrupt prison, this reality/world is not right, I cannot get over the suffering of animals and the cruelty to man.  This cannot be all there is.  I'm open to the idea that this world is 'run' by negative, low vibration souls.  I intend to study this further on the other side!
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #5 - May 1st, 2005 at 6:18pm
Dear All ~

I would love to hear Bruce's thoughts on this, when he has a chance.  I have heard this theory before, but it doesn't resonate completely with me.  And there is a lot of evidence from regressions by reputable folks like Michael Newton that reveals a very different picture of the Afterlife, different dimensions, God, and such.  I haven't read the entire thread, and I will do that.  But I think there is a good deal of information that paints a different picture.  I'd like to see more evidence on either side before coming to any conclusions.  I must also add that I actually like the idea of more incarnations as physical life is filled with much beauty and wonder (in spite of the negatives and horrors that I am fully aware of).  Perhaps this influences my opinion about what the Afterlife should be like.  Just my ponderings...

Love, Sydnei
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #6 - May 3rd, 2005 at 12:34pm
The Golden Light has a good historical background. In Wu Ch'ung 'En's book "Monkey", from about amillennium ago, there is a poem:
I scheme no scheme, I hatch no plot, fame and shame are one to me.
Those I meet along the way are Immortals, one and all,
Who whisper from their quiet thrones, the Secrets of the Yellow Court.

The same Yellow or Gold is mentioned in the Secret of the Golden Flower, in which there is a decription of the Taoist method of astral exteriorization and travel.  In Vajrayana practices, the various lights are identified with emotional qualities of the three basic aspects of reality, and are described in the Bardo Thodol, although they seem to vary a bit between translations.

The general inference from yogis, those who have gone there to look, is that the brilliant white "lightening like" light is the visual impression of unity with the core essence in the God-stuff out of which material realities are projected. The various colored lights represent different shadings due to contingencies imposed on that ultimate relationship. For example, red implying some kind of activity, yellow implying material projection, green implying a pastoral setting, grey and smoky associated with the hell BST and so on, obviously reflecting everyday associations with color.

The bardo Thodol also mentions a "lesser white light" in which we delude ourselves. This seems to have something to do with the effort to preserve the psyche and individuality unchanged while attempting to merge with God, an obviously illogical effort that leads to the lower astral, the levels of conditioned spiritual existence. Reports from  meditating hippies in the 1960-1970 era seem to bear out these associations, and suggest that most are available to us here and now to investigate, providing that we are willing to go deeply enough into meditation.

Putting these ideas together, it looks like ideas of "earthbound spirits" are specifically intended to mean haunting ghosts and entities kept here by guilt etc. Lower astral is the contingent spiritual state, still clinging to materiality,  the lesser white Light. The upper astral is the non-contingent spiritual state, spirits attempting to divest themselves of materiality, while the core brilliance is the totally non-contingent God-stuff state. The colored lights would thus reflect contingencies and conditions of attachment, the mechanism through which we are enslaved to our own desires.


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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #7 - May 4th, 2005 at 8:33am
Hi, All, again!

I have read all of the posts in the thread that Claudio refered us to.  I have several issues with this concept.  The main one I will raise now is this: if God/The Source created all of the soul sparks (us) to explore and gather information and have adventures and learn (to satisfy his/her/its curiosity), then why would God/The Source suddenly want all of us to return and stop this process?  There is always more to explore and learn about and more realities for us to create and experiment in.  If we all return, what then?  Seems that it takes us back to the very beginning when God/The Source (Curiousity, per Bruce) first acknowledged the strong desire to explore and experience and learn, but had not yet figured how to do this.  This is illogical...and I wish Boris would read this thread and comment on it as he is one of the most logical people I know! Boris...where are you?  Smiley
One additional thought...we continue to learn and grow in immense ways while in the spirit world...this has been documented by many.  This seems like a valuable process to me.  And it also seems we could always choose to go to the Gold Light from any level of the Afterlife if we felt so inclined.

Love, Sydnei
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #8 - May 4th, 2005 at 12:11pm
   Hi Sidnei,

   I don't know if God wants us all to return right away, freewill implies return in your own good time and besides, did we ever really leave?  I don't think it is a matter of space or time but more so consciousness.

   But, i believe this existence, in this universe is kinda like a test run.   The children (us) get to work on our powers of creation, and love in an already prefabricated existence with its own immutable laws, yeah we can paint any pictures we want, but the basic building stuff, or energy that allows our creating seems to be within certain confines (i.e. like attracts like, like begets like).  Kinda like first we start of as mini-creators, but then move on to full blown, fully conscious grown up creators. 

   I think when we "graduate" as Bruce and Bob call it, we then become creators in a much fuller sense, perhaps being the directing energy behind the designing of our own unique universes with their own inherent laws, etc.   But before we create to this degree, first we must learn the most powerful and all encompassing energy--love- in its entirety.  Creation of that magnitude requires a certain amount of maturity, i would think...

    I like Bruce's  4th book a lot, it was very strange when i read that book because i had had many of the same intuitions about our ultimate destiny, and that was the first book or any info i had read that really talked about it in a fairly clear and concise manner.    At one point when Bruce was talking to the Planning Intelligence i.e. the 8th generation disc connecting to each other disc of his, the P.I. tells him something about how the P.I. was created, started off as a child, and that we were the children of the P.I., "just as you are my children, so i am my Father's child too..."
   Besides my own intuition about this stuff, this seems to coincide very strongly with the E.C. readings, about the evolution of the Spirit of Christ (Universal Love), and how the Creator created all creation through its "son" the Christ also referred to as Light, Mind, the Logos, Love--i believe these are all synonomous.  Interesting and very deep stuff.....
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« Last Edit: May 4th, 2005 at 1:43pm by N/A »  
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #9 - May 4th, 2005 at 5:16pm
Hi, Justin ~

Thank you for your cleared up some things for me.  Like you, I truly enjoyed Bruce's 4th book and I do remember the part you refrenced.  In this framework, I can relate to "graduating", or returning to The Source.  The part that is so important, in my view, is the part that stresses that each of us must do this when we are ready.  This allows for personal soul growth and learning and evolution. And this can and does take place in the Earth Life System, the Astral, and the Spirit dimensions.  To view these levels as a trap is completely negative and just doesn't make any sense.  They are all part of the total process.

Thanks again.  Love, Sydnei
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Re: The Gold Light
Reply #10 - May 4th, 2005 at 10:11pm
hi Claudio. thanks for the interesting link, I read a little over half of the entire thread. the people over there  just about cover every topic we got going on here. I liked it and might return and post maybe.
I still subscribe to we can create our own personal reality within by keeping and holding a center that only listens to spirit/intuition/inner guidance. this personal reality then often affects people u come in contact with and a sort of harmony gets established. speaking personally about how people I meet here in Roswell respond to me as if I am someone they like to be around. It didn't always used to be this way, so I'm trying to express that there is a shift occurring here and we can notice it happening inside of us, then check the internal monitor of how life was not nearly quite so interesting nor responsive perhaps last year at this time, but perhaps it wanted to be responding, but I had more fear or distrust than now. now, it's more like if death come's a'knockin' I say, oh, just a few more years, ok? lol. so it's more than just creating your own little world when you hold your peace center still. of course I am not lecturing to you dear one. Claudio your presence is lovely here. so I can't really say that dying and looking for the gold light versus the white light makes a bit of difference in my thought system if the one I already have in place works well enough. yes, I know people still get stuck when they die though,  and still believe its a temporary progression of events aided by PUL and full time workers in these dimensions. but it's not like a big video game out there, there is order and plenty of lightworkers who work within order and within PUL, compassion and random acts of kindness. there is order and beauty because we wish it to be so....
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