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time is nothing (Read 4318 times)
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time is nothing
Apr 29th, 2005 at 8:22am
i wanted to share a few experiences with the board and get a little feedback on the matter. it will be greatly appreciated.

when i was quite young, i remember lying in bed at night and i would see what i can only describe as little bubbles floating around the room. they moved quite slowly around the room and i would watch them until i fell asleep. i never felt scared of the bubbles, mostly amused. anyone have a similar experience or any information on what this could have been?

as well, there were a few times when i woke up in the morning and i got up and did some things and i went back to bed because i was tired. during a couple of these sleeps i would wake up but not wake up yet i would get this incredible buzzing in my head. it felt like my whole head was shaking. then i would hear what i would call voices. they sounded like they were on a radio or something. i believe there was a man and a woman talking. at the time i could make out what they were saying but when waking up, waking up, i couldn't remember a thing that was said.

during this same period i would also hear my name whispered in my ear by a female voice. it was quite strange.

any ideas on what this two experiences were all about?

lastly, there have been a few times when i have stepped into this one individual's house it felt like i was on an elevator that was had come to the chosen floor but needed to re-adjust itself a little before the door swung open or the feeling when you are standing up and someone pushes hard on the top of your head. it was just weird as i have never felt anything like that before.

i haven't had any experiences dealing with those topics for a while now. lately i have been lying in bed at night and i have this thought about life.

it's a thought that comes to me and says "you are alive" and it freaks me out a bit, not as much as it first did when i had this feeling, but it is still a little freaky.

i guess my head starts to spin when i think of living on earth, a planet floating in what we call space. i think about how everything is connected and it starts to blow my mind.

i can't really say i hear voices because i don't know what that means but i do know i have what seems like a million thoughts at once and sometimes it becomes to unbearable to be around people and noise because i feel i am far too open.

so that makes me think, are these thoughts the thoughts i am thinking, or it is something else. i have talked to a few people i know about what they think about and the general concensus seems to be they don't think that much about things. they are able to wake up in the morning and go about their business without hesitation and for me this seems impossible because i have so many thoughts occupying my mind, i literally can't move because there are far too many thoughts floating around.

i try to live a healthy lifestyle. i eat properly, i jog once in a while. i often stretch my body out, and i will shower sometimes twice a day to refresh myself and that seems to work in keeping me somewhat sane.

i also feel sometimes i can read people's thoughts or emotions and because of this it is very difficult for me to be around people. it isn't a bad thing when people are happy but when someone isn't feeling so great, i am feeling exactly what i perceive them to be feeling. i then have to ask myself, i am projecting myself onto them or are they projecting themselves on to me?

anyways, any feedback would be appreciated especially on the points at the top of this writing.


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Re: time is nothing
Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2005 at 10:19am
Kip said: it's a thought that comes to me and says "you are alive" and it freaks me out a bit, not as much as it first did when i had this feeling, but it is still a little freaky.

Relax. it gets better. lol. I went through a year of this little voice telling me I had a life. it's your internal guidance system trying to make you appreciate yourself more.

had the radio voices also and the buzzing is the wake up call to your unlimited self, the beginning of astral travel perhaps, the awareness that you can mind travel, break out of the routine of eat, sleep, go to work, eat, sleep, etc. surely theres more to life than caring for the physical vehicle. it's you expanding.
lots of us are sensitive to crowds, is good idea to avoid crowds for that reason until you can differentiate your thoughts, feelings, from theirs. theres a grid thing around the earth for example; it contains all the voices of humanity echoeing down through the centuries. it's really noisy there. draw a map is my advice: put all the streets on it you want to go down; put a big X in the middle for a reference point, put some writing on the map that says "you are here." check the map frequently to get your bearings so you never get lost, return to the center as many times a day as you need to as some of those side streets are quite attractive to explore and we get lost easy.
thanks for sharing your honest and beautiful story....
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Re: time is nothing
Reply #2 - Apr 29th, 2005 at 11:16am
When your mind is getting blown, it could be two things happening. One, your using channels of your brain that you have never used before, thus opening them, or two, thinking thoughts that are way beyond the material mind's limit to handle, thus feeling as though youre brain is blowing up beause you must be out of the material realm to handle these thoughs, the mind being made of matter can just hold so much.
When ever I walk into a room, car, or area where there are non phyical spirits, my head starts to spin, and sometimes its so intense I want to fall over, they go straight to my head. 
Ive heard the voices too, go with your gut feeling. I used to have spirits parade through my bedroon door nightly, I got tired of them bothering me, but if they know you can hear or see them they show up.
The thing about time being nothing?  I notice people saying they are running out of time? What time???             Aloha
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Re: time is nothing
Reply #3 - Apr 29th, 2005 at 2:04pm
Hi Kip
Alysia is right on. You are one of those people blessed (?) with psychic abilities that are not yet well tuned. If you'd like to be able to tune your mental radio/TV system, you might try geting into a group that does kundalini yoga, based on traditional breathwork and meditation, especially meditation. As a quick way to get started, you could get a local hypnotist (ideally an IBRT certified one) to relax you while taping the session, with no instructions except that you are going always deeper into your inner self, and that each time you do it you will become better at it, more fully focussed, and more comfortable. However, you'll very possibly develop kundalini as well, and finding a source of guidance from a legitimate guru would be a hassle saver. Bruce's "do it yourself" fifth book/CD set is another place the get in touch with meditative methods.

- dave
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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: time is nothing
Reply #4 - Apr 29th, 2005 at 8:23pm
Hey Kippen,

Thats blows my mind! because when I was a kid I would see those little bubbles float around my room at night time, I cant beleive someone else seen them too. It seemed if you would look at them real close they looked like tiny snow flakes or stars and some were purple some red I think some green to, it was so, so long ago. I would first see one or to then a few more would float around the room. I have no idea what these could possibly be but I know they were real. I have lost these visions ever since childhood. Strange Huh.

Also I shared the same experience with hearing those voices that seemed to be comming from a radio inside my head it was like you were picking up radio freqence from inside your head  and I also heard my name called loud in a womans voice from my head as well? Mostly the voices would be in the mornings. I had that paralizing feeling and unable to wake up but you were awake but your body still paralized then finally you would burst up awake! Those were kinda scary although I never had a obe as a child. I would of never thought someone else has had these experinces as well. Perhaps there are others out there too.
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Crying Raven
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Re: time is nothing
Reply #5 - Apr 29th, 2005 at 9:20pm
Hi Kippen~ Welcome  Grin

Regarding the bubbles...I think those may be (only personal opinion...I'm by no means an expert in this arena) either our guides or elementals (some people have elementals as guides).  I use to see little balls of light either from the corner of my eye when I was younger or once a green ball of light the size of a tennis ball - went flying by me through the kitchen and out the door. crazy as this sounds...I swear to goodness it was a fairy (I was a lot more open to these beliefs when I was younger  Grin ).  At the very least I believe they are something (whatever that something is) watching over us.

As for the buzzing, I believe it is somehow related to OBE or it may have to do with that inbetween state you get into between sleep and awake.  Once I woke up in the middle of the night and I was sitting up in the bed rocking myself back and forth plugging my ears because it sounded like someone had put the radio on FULL volume and put it inside my ear drums and I thought my head was going to split.  The even funnier part is it was a song like from an actual radio station (don't remember the exact song...but it was by Garbage).  I was disoriented because I had just seconds before been in a dead sleep and when I looked behind me I realized I was half sitting out of my body so I slammed backwards to make the noise stop and instantly became paralyzed...and the memory of the song was still making my ears ring.  However, once I woke up there was no radio playing anywhere in the house...I could never figure out where it came from.  That was a completely freaky moment.

Also, for a couple of years I lived in a very 'haunted' apartment.  I seemed to have a steady stream of 'visitors'.  Every night my room felt like a 'standing room only' party was going on in my bedroom.  And everytime I started to fall asleep and was in that 'inbetween' state I could hear all of them and it would scare me awake again.  Till this day I have to sleep with the tv or radio on so that I can tell myself it's just the tv so that I can fall asleep.  (Am I a big baby or what?)  So the 'voices' might be you hearing the otherside or afterlife or something like that (either other spirits or other beings?).  So maybe it's that (which sounds like you are sensitive to these things) or perhaps it is the M Band noise that the others mentioned that Monroe talked about.

I've also heard my name spoken outside of myself (vs the normal chatter in my head) and it was male and I believe it was a guide of mine.  I've wrote about the experience on another board, and there is a little discussion on it.

Being around crowds...hmmm....Alysia is right...there are a lot of us who are sensitive to crowds.  I use to not even be able to go to shopping malls (much to the chagrin of my female friends) because after an hour of two I felt like I was going to pass out from sensory overload.  It seems to be about being empathic (feel others feeling/emotions) and sounds like you may even be telepathic.

The suggestions from the others here are great.  It will be important for you to learn how to ground yourself, to shield yourself, and how to clear yourself of what you pick up from others so you don't end up taking on their stresses as well (I'm sure you have enough of your own).  There are so many resources regarding these things I wouldn't even know where to begin.  Hopefully others here will actually have books or sites they could recommend since I'm currently blanking out on any.

Much love,


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Crying Raven  
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Re: time is nothing
Reply #6 - May 1st, 2005 at 11:06am
thanks for the feedback. i appreciate the time you've spent sharing what you know. it's always a good feeling to know people look out for each other in this crazy world we call home.

i read something recently and i sure hope it wasn't here. it had to do with time.

basically if you ask someone to help you or something like that and they respond by saying i don't know if i have the time, what they actually mean is they don't want to. i thought that was spot on.

thanks again,


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Re: time is nothing
Reply #7 - May 1st, 2005 at 7:34pm
Hi, Kip!

I see little lights often, some are colored, some are silvery white or golden white.  They come in varying sizes, but mostly I see little pinpricks of light - very bright.  I know they are my guides, angels, or other beings.  Though at times I feel that I am looking through my own aura.  At those times I feel the lights are more diffuse.

Good luck with your projections!

Miracle Tracker
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Re: time is nothing
Reply #8 - May 1st, 2005 at 11:00pm
I live in the county and at night when there are no lights around I become blinded by the light of  looking through my own aura. Its a difficult task to look through the light so that I can actually see in the dark.   Aloha
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