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CosmoEthics is defined by the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) as follows :
Cosmoethics (cosmo + ethics) – The ethics or reflection upon cosmic, multidimensional morality, or the cosmic moral code, which defines holomaturity. Cosmoethics surpasses social, intraphysical morals or those morals presented within any human classification. It is a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
Cosmoethics is the subdiscipline of conscientiology that studies ethics or reflection upon multidimensional, cosmic morals, which define consciential holomaturity, situated beyond social intraphysical morals or that which is presented under any human label, in the form of a maximum, moral and emotional discernment stemming form the intimacy of the micro-universe of each consciousness. It is a scientific subdiscipline of evolutiology.
For the sake of readers/visitors, as well as spiritual minded individuals who may already be familiar with this terminology, we wish to further clarify the concept associated with the use of this terminology.
CosmoEthics, to be exact, is a concept that refers to the most beneficial path of action, for all beings involved. Since all beings in Creation are inseparably interconnected, we can simplify it to mean, the greatest benefit for all Creation, for all the Cosmos; hence, CosmoEthics is the Ethics of the Cosmos.
Now, how can anyone know for sure what is the 'most beneficial path of action'? Can any one single consciousness, no matter how evolved, him/herself determine what is the 'correct' or 'most beneficial path of action', and thus 'lay down the Law' for everyone else?
Of course not. To be exact, what he, as an evolved consciousness does, is to *contribute* his/her perspective to the understanding of CosmoEthics, what is cosmethical in any given situation. This 'contribution' is not a verbal discussion, it is an implicit one, simply by his/her own existence and interconnectedness with all other beings in the Cosmos.
In other words, CosmoEthics, is what WE recognize as the most beneficial path of action, that which is for the greatest benefit of all the Cosmos, or all Creation. And who are the 'we'? It is ALL of us, each being that is a part of, a shareholder of, the Cosmos.
However, you will soon quickly realize, that some consciousnesses are more informed, more mature, more intelligent, more wise, and evolved, than others. Would a junior school kid or an experienced university professor be able to better grasp the complexities of the sciences/politics/philosophies of the world?
Thusly, it's an inevitable conclusion, that the more evolved the consciousness, the more it is able to contribute towards, and the closer it is able to approach, the collaborative concept of the 'Ethics of the Cosmos' or CosmoEthics.
Because every being in Creation, every consciousness in the Cosmos, is a unique manifestion ('spark') and reflection of our GOD self, each contributing to the experience of the Whole (GOD), hence, every being or consciousness, from all levels of the Cosmos, including the countless extraterrestrial races, the many levels of guides & helpers, to the Serenissimus, to way beyond that, ad infinitum; will each still possess a slightly unique perspective and contribution (of this perspective) to the Whole, to GOD.
Hence, we can get a better understanding of 'CosmoEthics' when we realize this, that it is a collective or collaborative concept, one that receives it's contribution from every being from every level in the Cosmos, including yourself. Even the many guides & helpers may sometimes have slightly differing viewpoints, on what can be of the greatest benefit in any given situation. However, collectively, the main points, or direction, which most or all of the most evolved guides & helpers would agree on, is what we can perceive as CosmoEthics, or to be precise, the closest that these most evolved guides & helpers can approach, towards CosmoEthics.
The purpose for this post, is to avoid the danger of dogmatizing this (very important) concept of CosmoEthics. There may be some, who might begin to develop a misconception of CosmoEthics, a dogmatization, thinking that CosmoEthics is a sort of inherent law of the 'right thing to do', a law of the universe that is laid out for oneself, and is beyond one's will.
Not at all. In fact (and the following point is the most essential point of the discussion), when you have begin to truly understand CosmoEthics, you will realize, that CosmoEthics is the Ethics of YourSelf. It isn't what the Cosmos wants, it what YOU want.
When you realize that You (the true You) are GOD, and that You've manifested YourSelf as each and every being of the Cosmos, that All are You; would you not want the best, the greatest benefit, for All of YourSelves? And hence, CosmoEthics is born. That which is what You truly want, for Your (God)Self.
When you look at all beings around you, all your loved ones, family, friends, brothers and sisters, all guides & helpers, angels, Serenissimus, all races of beings, plants, animals, everything on this planet, Earth herself, all planets, all galaxies, all universes, all realities, across infinity and beyond eternity, and realize they are ALL You (God), you arrive at the next inevitable conclusion - CosmoEthics is an expression of Love.