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Suicide an option ? (Read 3931 times)
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Suicide an option ?
Apr 14th, 2005 at 7:27am
Hi all, new member here.

Im just wondering if it is possible to have suicide wrote into your soul contract as part of a learning experince. The reason i ask is that i have so far had four old school friends kill them selfs over the years. Three of them over girlfriends, and one who was deeply troubled and had very bad depression.



Great site btw.
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Re: Suicide an option ?
Reply #1 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 4:25pm
Ok since nobody wants to answer, I'll bite !  Grin

Your question reminds me of "The Thanatonauts". A nice story by the way.

From what I understand, nothing is sure right now about how much is decided before birth. It depends on how much free will one has.


"suicide" causes death

and if

death is planned and part of one's destiny

than it is logical to say that suicide would be planned and part of one's destiny.

Though my next statement can't be proven. I believe death is not planned otherwise people wouldn't die having incomplete tasks/projects in mind that would slow them down in their reincarnation. Otherwise they wouldn't have died.
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Frederick, MD
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Re: Suicide an option ?
Reply #2 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 5:37pm

From what I've read of Michael Newton's,
I suspect that suicide is never bound in a
before-birth contract.
So long as suicide is a choice,
people have many choices to make at
every twist and turn in their life.
Sometimes, suicide
may be seen, before birth, as a probable
outcome, given the difficulty of a life, but
it is never a guaranteed outcome, since
the person can simply choose not to do it.

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Re: Suicide an option ?
Reply #3 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 6:12pm
Mendel, when you say Quote:
bound in a
before-birth contract.  
are you are implying that
1) your death is chosen before life
and that
2) Suicide is an alternative selected by free will ?

If that is the case there is a problem.
->Your death couldn't possibly be chosen before you were born because everything would still be mere possibilities. (to kill myself or not to kill myself)

So either
A) your death is planned ->suicides are planned
B) Your death is not planned -> suicides are caused by free will
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Re: Suicide an option ?
Reply #4 - Apr 15th, 2005 at 12:51am
Hello new here,
                        from what I have discovered through my journey in life and my curious nature. Death is pre-ordained you know as you decide to enter into life that you are going to die and when. Of course you have no recall of this information otherwise you would already know what your life's mission is and would get it done as soon as possible so that you might go back to paradise.  Unfortunately all humans have free will and suicide is part of free will, humans should not end life early as it does not release our soul from its lifes mission. most often we are given the chance of life to grow spiritually and we choose to come back but people who have commited suicide have no choice they must return to finish what the had previously left behind. This is not punishment as their spirit can not advance forward until they have followed the chosen path and learnt all they were there to learn. Well thats what I have been able to learn so far.  Smiley
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Re: Suicide an option ?
Reply #5 - Apr 15th, 2005 at 5:17am
you stated that
A)Death is pre-ordained
and that
B)all humans have free will and suicide is part of free will
and that
C)commited suicide have no choice they must return to finish what the had previously left behind.

A) and B) are in contradiction thus it's not possible. (see me last answer)

ALso you seem to link A) and C) together but I don't see the logic. Because if C) is true, then its the major goals/lessons that would be preordained, not death.

What do you think ?
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Re: Suicide an option ?
Reply #6 - Apr 15th, 2005 at 1:35pm
I think I'll jump in here and point something out.  If we are to believe the Bible, then we must believe that in at least one case in human history, a suicidal form of death was pre-ordained: the death of Jesus Christ.

Jesus chose to go to the cross when it was entirely possible for him to escape trial and execution and continue his ministry outside Jerusalem, or even in a foreign country if necessary.  It was because he believed God wanted him to die on the cross so that he could be resurrected from the dead, to help his disciples be forgiven of their sins and born again in the Spirit, that he decided to submit to martyrdom.  As Jesus explained to his disciples, "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life -- only to take it up again.  No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.  I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.  This command I received from my Father." (John 10:17-18 ). 

Jesus is saying that when he is crucified, nobody actually kills him; he is killing himself, because he believed according to his conscience that God wanted him to die on the cross and would empower him to rise from the dead.  No wonder, Jesus went to Jerusalem and allowed himself to be arrested, instructed his disciples not to prevent the Roman soldiers from capturing him, and did not speak out in his own defense at trial.  Pontius Pilate gave Jesus an opportunity to try to persuade him to let him go free, saying, "Do you refuse to speak to me?... Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?" (John 19:10).  Jesus did everything possible to ensure that he would die.

It is likely that Jesus was a highly unusual case, so we cannot necessarily draw any sweeping conclusions from it.  However, we should also look at the issue of martyrdom in general, which is closely related to suicide.  Thousands of Christian radicals, especially in the early church, willingly submitted to horrific forms of death to show the extraordinary strength of their faith.  In many of these cases, martyrs could have decided to avoid death without necessarily doing anything to repudiate their religious beliefs -- but they actually wanted to die in martyrdom and sought out a suicidal death, because it was considered a noble and glorious way to die, meriting automatic entrance into heaven.  Ironically, many Christians believe non-martyr suicides automatically go to hell.

Perhaps the truth is that a voluntary death can have various moral dimensions and meanings, depending on the exact individual circumstances.  Some acts of martyrdom might just be stupid, a waste of a good life that could have been better used serving God on earth for many more years.  Some other suicides might be justified because continued life in this world would be pointless or even produce a negative effect.  Only God knows, and Christians are not supposed to judge the state of people’s souls.

I think it's obvious that a lot of suicides are a poor moral choice.  Some suicides have little to do with choice and are basically pre-determined because of extreme mental illness producing a brain that goes into self-destruct mode, robbing people of their free will.  Other suicides are done in an attempt to prove a point, which may be a good or bad thing depending on the point and the effects it produces.  In the case of Jesus and suicidal religious martyrs, we can decide for ourselves whether the effect was good or bad.  My own view is that Jesus was pre-ordained to choose a voluntary death on the cross, and that this was a good decision that God wanted him to make for the benefit of humanity.

Those are some of my thoughts on this interesting issue.

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