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The meaning of Loosh (Read 22582 times)
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The meaning of Loosh
Mar 27th, 2005 at 4:31pm
I think most of you have read Monroes books - like i did some time ago. When it comes to "Loosh" i always thought of it as some sort of emotional energy, as a synonyme for love.

A few minutes ago i found that i either need to improve my english reading skills (i'm German) or really was off track here. In a text about RAM, Loosh and the creation of earth, the author states:

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In the beginning, the demiurge (or “partial power,” “lower potentate,” what the Gnostics called an Archon) was interested in death itself, in any form it occurred; for the energy released at a being’s death supplied an essential force to enhance the tyrant’s own existence. But as time passed, the demigod discovered that the highest quality energy emanated from the death of sentient beings. The higher the consciousness attained by a bodily being -- the more aware it is of its tenuous hold on life and terror of death -- the more valuable the nourishment released at its demise.
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I'm still having a problem with Monroes theory of earth created as a "Loosh farm" which does not really match my understanding of an earth school created to collect experiences.  But i never thought of Loosh as an energy of death and separation...?

Was i really that wrong in my understanding? Or are these just different forms of the same because without love, separation and death would be meaningless?

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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #1 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 7:06pm
In the beginning, the demiurge (or “partial power,” “lower potentate,” what the Gnostics called an Archon) was interested in death itself, in any form it occurred; for the energy released at a being’s death supplied an essential force to enhance the tyrant’s own existence. But as time passed, the demigod discovered that the highest quality energy emanated from the death of sentient beings. The higher the consciousness attained by a bodily being -- the more aware it is of its tenuous hold on life and terror of death -- the more valuable the nourishment released at its demise.
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I'm still having a problem with Monroes theory of earth created as a "Loosh farm" which does not really match my understanding of an earth school created to collect experiences.

Why would anyone want to believe that earth is like some kind of gigantic cocaine plantation for supernatural beings who get high on our fears, instead of the idea that earth is a school for souls to develop towards Love?

Does this philosophy of "loosh" actually benefit anyone, or does it drive people insane?  I know I couldn't stay sane if I believed we are all like just a bunch of lab rats being produced so that some sick sadistic "god" can get high on our terror.  Why even bother considering such ideas, when accepting them could only lead to feelings of greater fear and despair about life?  Even if it were true, we'd be better off not knowing it.

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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #2 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 8:13pm
I read an experience about someone on a dmt analogue that was similar to this.  Those beings seemed gothic, and were harvesting off of the person doing the drug.
Why even bother considering such ideas

In nature, all animals live off of other animals, either getting eaten or eating.  Bacteria and plants are involved in this.  Because we are used to the idea that we are at the top of the food chain, it may be a shock to us if it was proved that we weren't.

Mr Satan
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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #3 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 10:17pm
hey Joan thanks for that link, I read the whole thing and aside from loosh which is just an interpretation after all, it gives a brief run down of Monroe's journeys. now I'm interested to re-read all of his books. facinating stuff. currently speculating on the bodies of man. Monroe called the astral body the second body. then later, he discovers the 3rd body and it is this body which rises above all fear. most interesting. ...
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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #4 - Mar 27th, 2005 at 10:24pm
I read an experience about someone on a dmt analogue that was similar to this.  Those beings seemed gothic, and were harvesting off of the person doing the drug.
In nature, all animals live off of other animals, either getting eaten or eating.  Bacteria and plants are involved in this.  Because we are used to the idea that we are at the top of the food chain, it may be a shock to us if it was proved that we weren't.

Mr Satan

I suppose there probably are beings who are superhuman and evil.  But why would these beings be in control, unless evil is more powerful than good?  The only thing that gives people any hope and comfort in this world is the belief that a Higher Power is good and wants to help us.  I mean, if the evil beings really are in control and there is no good God to save us, then perhaps the whole human race should all just agree to commit mass suicide.  Let's just set off all the nuclear bombs on this planet and be finished with the whole thing.  Then at least no new humans would ever be created for purposes of exploitation.  The logical implications of the "loosh" cosmology is so repulsive that it is simply not worth considering as a belief system, for it can only lead to negative consequences in people's lives.  Ever hear of an abused animal behaving good when it decides it's being mistreated?  No.  Therefore, I simply refuse to consider the idea that earth is a spiritual drug plantation as a viable possibility for a belief system.  Anyone who wants to believe it and destroy your mental health, go ahead, nobody can stop you.  But a word of caution: be careful what you choose to believe in.

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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #5 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 12:05am
On a lighter note.... I was watching a kids show with my daughter called Monsters Inc.
the monster"s world goes to the earth world and create fear to bottle as energy for their world. In the end they discover laughter to be a more powerful energy sorce............
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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #6 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 1:37pm
quote author=Firequeen link=board=afterlife_knowledge;num=1111966265;start=0#5 date=03/27/05 at 23:05:26]On a lighter note.... I was watching a kids show with my daughter called Monsters Inc.
the monster"s world goes to the earth world and create fear to bottle as energy for their world. In the end they discover laughter to be a more powerful energy sorce............ [/quote]

don't u love the metaphysics in cartoons? and don't forget the highly evolved soul who created the Freddy Kruger films...the heroine is instructed to not believe in Kruger thus feeding him fear fuel which gives him his beingness, at once she comes into her power. lol.

this thread is a discussion about the pecking order in the chicken pen. I found the chicks had to be kept separate from the adults until they could fend for themselves, then all the pecking would blow over in due course. and energy is recycled, but never lost. isn't it interesting to be standing on soil here, composed of the bodies of our forefathers? I might be standing on a former body of my own self?...
its just part of the natural order of things to accept death and life as a cycle or a wave of seasonal energies. Monroe was exploring the two extremes of God stuff, achieving dominion over his own passions and curiosities. he eventually found what he calls the 3rd body and left all fear of what we call evil behind and became immune to fearfulness itself. You are love Freebird at your core. we are only in a movie because we can. we have never left the heart of God. (ACIM) anyhoo, this idea is no different than spirits being addicted to the fumes and energy that alcoholics produce while drinking; many spirits will try to maintain their self from breaking up with this energy. it's a little like the vampire myth. but if you are not addicted to anything as you go through life you have nothing to be concerned about. and that means you can't even be addicted to love. lol. thought I'd throw that in. Grin  actually, I see life as a series of small addictions to surf through. ...
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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #7 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 2:03pm
Aloha Alysia!!
intresting how youve noticed that you might be standing on your own bones. Once while visioning and traveling the ancient lands of the earth I came apon a large pile of bones . While looking at them I came to the realization that these were the bones of my past life bodies. I am a painter and have painted this journey, it happenes to be one of my favorite paintings. Kiss
Love and light!!!
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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #8 - Mar 28th, 2005 at 3:02pm
oouuu! what an affirmation is such a painting! it would frankly bliss me out! Wink

once when a kid, we all played cowboy and injuns. we always took a long time portraying the act of death...remember anybody? you'd stagger, throw your hand over your heart, make faces, ham it up to the max. finally, you'd keel over legs sticking straight up while the other kids would shout hurry up and die already! then they'd go into their death act. in some ways, we're all still haming it up. love, alysia...
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Re: The meaning of Loosh
Reply #9 - Mar 30th, 2005 at 9:28am

In one of his books robert monroe tells of meeting an entity which kept demanding 'do you fear me?'  Quite similar to an entity in the book to which you may be referring.  Monroe backed away from the thing, saying  something like 'i find the demaning of fear entertaining'.   Robert carried on w his journey, leaving it behind.

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