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My friend (Read 3607 times)
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Posts: 537
San Antonio
Gender: female
My friend
Dec 31st, 2004 at 8:56am
Last night, I began with the intention of focusing on the tsunami victims.  I knew almost immediately that I could not do that, so I backed away..and looked for my friend who passed a couple of weeks ago.
I found him, sitting on a stone slab similar to those at Stonehenge.  His back was to me and he wouldn't turn around.  I'm pretty sure he had no idea who I was.
As I stood there behind him, a baby was in my arms.  A fairly newborn, at the most 2 weeks.  She (I say "she" because there was a pink blanket around her) was beautiful, perfectly formed.  She never opened her eyes..just lay there.  Full head of black, curly hair.  She was a black child, quite dark.  Before my eyes, she just vanished.
I came back to physical consciousness..
After a few moments, I went to find my friend again.  He was still sitting there, on the stone slab.  He would not look at me, even when I went around to the front of him.  He was very confused.  He wanted to know if he was waiting to go to hell.  He had this strong belief that one unconfessed sin, and you were doomed to hell.  I assured him he was not going to hell.
Then he stated that perhaps the Catholics were right, and he was in pergatory.  I again assured him he was not in pergatory. 
He wanted so badly to go to "heaven"..I couldn't seem to communicate with him any further.  He took off for that belief system..and I believe he is now in "Christian heaven"..
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Re: My friend
Reply #1 - Dec 31st, 2004 at 11:27am
Hi Shirley:

Say prayers for your friend to move on into the Light. Our prayers help them in their journey. When my mother-in-law died, she came to me in a dream. She seemed burdened so I asked her what was wrong and she said she needed prayer to move on. I prayed for her and haven't seen her since!

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Linn  Conyers
Ex Member

Re: My friend
Reply #2 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 9:45am

       Dear Shirley,
                             It has been my personal experience that when I tune in and see a spirit with his or her back to me they are letting me know that they in some way are responsible for their own passing, in some manner they have caused their own death to come about. I would continue to surround this individual with love and encourgement and to tell him he must forgive himself.     love linn
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San Antonio
Gender: female
Re: My friend
Reply #3 - Jan 1st, 2005 at 2:49pm
Linn, that makes alot of sense in his case.  While not directly responsible, as in suicide, he did put off seeking medical care and once diagnosed, he stopped treatment pretty quickly also.  So, I could see how he would feel responsible.
Last night, I got a brief glimpse of him.  He seemed to be sitting in a chapel of some kind.  Perhaps he was seeking his own forgiveness there.  It was too brief to be sure of anything.
Love, peace and blessings,
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gordon phinn
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Re: My friend
Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2005 at 9:45am
Feels to me, Shirley, like he's on his way through his version of the purgatories.  He'll slowly forgive himself on whatever issues he's punishing himself for and everntually he'll wind up in say, catholic heaven focus 25-26, or if he gets tired of that,  focus 27.
whatever happens, you can be sure you're interest and love awakened him for the journey;  Sometimes that's all they need.  I've had this very expereince several times myself.

love, gordon
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 537
San Antonio
Gender: female
Re: My friend
Reply #5 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 6:31pm
Last night, I saw my friend again.  He's still sitting in that chapel..
I had a hard time staying focused there..kept being pulled elsewhere.

I tried talking to him.  Convinced him to leave the chapel and go "get something to eat"..there was a meal he really liked..with potatoes and bologna..a breakfast scramble kind of thing.

I told him they were serving it.  He got up and walked out with me..then I seemed to be elsewhere, with other people.

I focused on him again..he had walked back into the chapel.  He asked me if we could pray.  I said certainly!  We prayed together..and I "disappeared" again. 

I went back once more.  He was irritated with me.  Ask me why I kept leaving.  I couldn't really explain it to him.  It wasn't of my own doing..I seemed to be pulled elsewhere.  That was the last I went back.  I'm going to try again this evening.
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