yeaaa!!! happy birthday Ram! he's alive you guys. felt him vibrating in me head one time. it's my secret to tell. those warm vibrations people are talking about is PUL. you get them physically and someone is in the room with you non/physically. listen up as it can be subtle and you can tune it out easy. don't tune it out and u can get messages.
I read Monroe in the 80's and was led to my first retrieval as direct result of reading Far Journies. came to Bruce's website around 2000, happy as a hog in mud.hee.
anyway, I've told this story about Monroe before but will tell it again for others who may have missed it. so, I knew it was him. this happened after I'd joined the board here. sit down my own head said. then the vibrations in the head said Bob was here. I said Ok, this is kinda neat. he gave me a message and I didn't want him to leave, so I started conniving, right? I know, I said. I'll make small talk. (not good at small talk, ok?)
lol. I said say Bob, don't leave yet, tell me, whatcha doing this days? lol. he just smiled and said he was in a lot of places at once. I think I never understood about being able to divide yourself into 6 to 12 or more people but thats the image I got. so that's it and it was real to me as I said the warmth of the vibes do not lie!
love, alysia