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Re: Less Forums—More Moderators :: Time is running (Read 3554 times)
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Re: Less Forums—More Moderators :: Time is running
Feb 20th, 2005 at 2:19pm
Yaah Knooow Herb,

Actually those black holes, in my learning to step around them, have caused me to start, after 3-4 years as a reader, contributing to this board in earnest.  In other words in my efforts to support those hardy courageous contributors who have carried me through these past 4 years, I found the oomph to respond because of the BHers.  You’ve obviously found the oomph to expand on your creativity in attempts to warn us after their appearence.  But I do believe that trust, not control, is the first issue here. Psssst-I’ve heard that their aren’t so many respondents but there are a few guys working 24/7 who just keep signing on and madly cutting and pasting.  Get a life guys. So remember as they say in the Hitchhikers Guide- DON’T PANIC-this to shall pass-or not! All is well and it's happ'n the way it's spooose to.

I love reading your stuff-Jean
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Re: Less Forums—More Moderators :: Time is running
Reply #1 - Feb 20th, 2005 at 9:28pm
Herb I agree every post deserves an answer because every person on this planet deserves to be recognized and acknowledged and not pigeoned holed somewhere disappearing into cyberland. I remember times when I scurried all over the board making sure all bases were covered and asking myself always why I was doing this if it felt unrewarding or too time consuming. I guess I was remembering when I first came here hoping to find some growth and maybe just a friendly word and knowing I wanted that camraderie that Jean has mentioned. it would come and go, the camraderie that is. mostly it would go, lol! theres been some real good bashes here I must admit. I won't be here forever although it seems like I always threaten to leave, I don't. none of us will be here forever, many just passing through, get what they need and leave. others stay. It is Bruce's house and I feel like a guest still, and I'm with you, that if you're in someone's house, it's not right to put your feet up on their coffee table unless you ask first. it's just polite. guess we're not so polite in some of our rooms here. too bad we can't all meet in the same room like one big happy family. seemed like it used to be that way. Well, sometimes I wish Rosalie was back but as they say wish in one hand and.....
I appreciate you trying to bring the old values back that we used to have here, I too, just keep talking about the love part, the forgiveness part because thats the only thing I know works for sure from experience and I hope the noise from the other room will just get quieter maybe. I wish everyone would double read Bruce's books, but just because they haven't read them doesn't mean they're not welcome and maybe they will read them sometime, then we could be right on topic, in yes, Bruce's house, where Bruce pays the bills. You gotta ask this question here, and this would be pertinent, and this is the title of one of his books "Beyond All Doubt." makes you scratch your head sort of. what a lovely place to be; beyond all doubt. wonder where I can get myself some of that, eh? lol! I would love to moderate here Herb but you are already doing it although you said you were not a moderator officially. you gotta ask the people though how they feel about being "moderated." and like you said what does Bruce want for the board? are we making a mountain out of a molehill? whatever we do here it should be done in love and to take care of the many who come here hoping to find out if there is an afterlife. which btw, for anyone who can take my word for it THE DEAD STILL LIVE! lol! they are not resting in peace under the tombstone. thank god. I just know theres something I've left out that I want to do before I die and its so nice to know I can continue doing it over "there!" i just hope theres no computers over There. I sorta like the idea of instant communication after working this bugger! love to all those gentle souls out there, alysia...
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Re: Less Forums—More Moderators :: Time is running
Reply #2 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 9:36am
I don't feel overly constrained by the control on this board because as Alysia said it is Bruce's living room. In the early internet days, I frequented a site where people said pretty much what they pleased and sometimes it was pretty outrageous. But people did get flamed sometimes, and that was a problem. (Also the prankster who thought it was funny to reprint info on consumption of flesh, kind of put a dent in everyone else's freedom..)

Thbis site has a goal of sorts and there is a reason to keep it on target. I certainly go off on tangents and I appreciate the freedom but I agree that I'd like to see more retrievals or similar stuff posted here.

I get your point about new people as it is very difficult to break in where others obviously "know" each other. But I also see the same questions repeated continually and it gets hard to come up with a fresh answer. esp. when you know so many of us have read the same books and if the new person had only looked in those books they might have a slightly different question.

I personally would like to see more posts on how people recreate the unusual situations that have occurred to them. Yes some things happen by chance, but getting back to that place by purpose is particularly vexing to me. I need all the suggestions I can get!
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Re: Thanks for your thoughts
Reply #3 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 10:29am
Hello Alysia!

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Certainly your post, and Jean's as well, underscores the big fear on this site: control.

People want the freedom to do or say anything they wish here. "It's my 1st Amendment right, you know."

So many unschooled people in America: Wouldn't know the First Amendment if it walked right up to them and tapped on their shoulder.

Nah, I'm not moderating here, I'm channeling. There's a difference, as you know. A good Nagual never fights his own battles, but sends his warriors in instead. Some people are scratching their heads, wondering what it's all about: Protesting over wounds that don't exist.

Me? I'm thinking, "Ah, it's all for the better. Time is short."

Too few sharing what's on their minds, though my email box begs to differ.

Thanks for weighing-in.


Seekers, finders and observors are we all I suppose. the thing about control issues, anti establishment mentalities is that we don't want to be led by anything other than our own inner guidance. Frankly I've seen some moderators who are very scarey people, or were scarey back then when I was seeking some answers. I challenged one such person when he posted verbatim ACIM. I told him I read the book, and was this a reading room, or a place to share? guess I got too personal as usual. I created negativity in my mind. I wanted him to change his ways. give me what I wanted; community. well, he was psychic. he picked it up, the negativity around the simple words "who are you?" for I did not find him and sensed he ran the board like a Hitler. he had to be in there somewhere. instead of telling me who he was, he came to me mental telepathy. I was weak and more easily frightened back then. of course, a loud voice in your ear would frighten most neophyte..... YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME ALYSIA? he shouted twice over. hmmm. now what have I done, I asked myself. he demanded an answer right on the spot just like a Hitler would. this moment might have been sort of an initiation into a wake up and smell the coffee moment. in that space I caught his attachment to the material of ACIM where his ego felt important while at home in his real life he was deeply unhappy. He didn't understand ACIM at all. He preached over and over forgiveness as if shoving it down all of our throats, yet he would not be able to forgive alysia for asking him who are you? right then I knew I was not being asked to be a part of "his" community. I was being challenged. I backed down and told him I would not question his authority and move on down the line, after all, there were other boards out there I could find community in. He must of known what he was doing as I had seen him brush off some newcomers to "his" board most unkindly, telling them they were in the wrong place. I differed with him because I don't think anybody is in the "wrong" place if they have found their way to a certain board. I found out from this little fiasco that I was too too attached to ACIM principles when it had instructed me to "forget this course." and seek an experience. I wished to defend it, like a staunch warrior and make of it a religion. that was wrong because now I had seen one who was doing just that, yet not applying the principle of forgiveness to me, who was a member. I was sad and hurt because I would receive no welcome there I knew. so that is the story of why I am leary of moderators and others may be as well. I'm glad it happened because ACIM is not meant to be associated with a religion and needs no defense from us. It is about in the end reprogramming the mind to come into information about our more unlimited spiritual self and our ability to self guide and moderate our own selves to gain peace of mind and hold peace of mind in the midst of a warring planet. no small task. we are in the midst of creating ourselves here and by holding peace within we can extend it to others as well by creating random acts of kindness, which gets more of the same. For many of us, it's an insult if someone says "you clearly need to be moderated". but ok, theres another way to look at moderation and it's a positive thing, but it always has to come from love and seeing people everywhere as having valuable input by looking beyond the mere words they put forth. we have to stop making snap judgments and read between the lines if we want to establish a community where people can come to drink from the fountain and realize this is just a movie and movies do end.....

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Re: Less Forums—More Moderators :: Time is running
Reply #4 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 1:26pm
Hi Herb,

it will may be surprising to you, but I'm happy to see that this board is more open than a few years ago to something else than retrieval accounts, questions about the existence of Afterlife, and how to explore it.  I am aware it is Bruce's board, and that the main focus has to stay his work, and Afterlife exploration. But opening the mind to multidimensionnal realities has its consequences on personnal belief system, and it's really a need that this board partly act as an agora to discuss about perpectives and personnal truths.

I agree with you, questions of new members should be answered promplty.  but I se you are good at it.  You apply something I see as of value:  be the source of what you want to see in the world Smiley

On the other hand, I don't share your desires about seeing clear cut folders on the forum, with everyone posting in the relevent folders, and avoid losing to be of support to Bruce's mission (what you refer to as Good Board Citizenry).  Typically, people post on the folder having the most activity in it, regardless of the titles.  they only want to be where the action is, that's all.  They post their comments on a thread, modifiying the subject, instead of starting a new thread.  I don't say it's the best way, it's just  the way it happens on most boards.

Let me go back to the control issue, and why I think it's healthy for this board to include discussions on "related subjects of the non-physical spiritual culture of current humanity consciousness", be it reincarnation, channelling, reiki, crystals, meditation, you choose....

I don't know for how long you've been on this board, but I first came on this site in 1999, I think.  My profile says 2000, because, if I remember it well, it was the year where a frenetic poster flooded the board with his messages, and that's when Bruce put in place registration in order to be able to post on his board.  This poster got Bruce busy with up to 600 posts a day, if I recall it well,  and I don't say nothing about the content and quality of those posts   Wink  Mandatory registration solved the "problem". 

But registration wasn't what kept me away from this board for about 2 to 3 years (I resume visiting this board a few weeks ago, so excuse me if I don't know all about the recent dynamics, and as of why you are considered a maverick here Smiley  ) .   It's because I felt my posts where somehow perceived as out of place, even if I felt a strong connections with many members of the board.  My posts were not often about retrieval accounts or direct experiences in the non-physical realms.  They were mostly about my own reflexions, considering my experiences and those shared on the board, helping  others "figure it out",  strenthening their new mainframe "view of the universe", because it is one thing to learn to explore Afterlife, and it is another to harmoniously introduce the new insights and knowledge gained, without going through a belief system crash (as goes the expression used here to express the impact of the new thoughts with the old ones).  these posts, of course, were also helping me clarifiying my own thoughts and overview, and I was not only replying to questions posted by others, but was posting about my own reflexions as well.

The many threads I started never had much success.   The board was all about "first hand experience", and questions about how to get it.  That's ok, it was the main goal of the board, and I enjoyed reading many, many retrival accounts, and always learned from it. 

but people need to discuss their new beliefs and experinces, to integrate them in what they already are!  I stopped to come to the board, because to me, there is no ultimate "raw", first hand experience.  I have a quantum view of life, and the observer is part of the experiment, and how you see what you see affects what you are actually seeing (hmmm, not the clearest sentence of all, but since I am a french canadian, I cannot match your vivid and crisp writing style, Herb, and I am sure the meaning get across anyway  ).   

There is a critic phase, at the beginning of a personnal shift, between the time where you start to live things that greatly interfere with what you have believed so far, and the time you have established a stable connection with inner guidance that helps you sort it all and make sense of the new picture.  If this board helps someone take its momentum and jump in the air, i think it should also be their  at the landing, hopefully, not a crash landing.  And, as in any board, there is still more people reading the posts than those actually posting. Many questions are kept untold, and many may quit afterlife exploration, because of fear of belief system crash.   Would you stay for long on a board that brings  interesting but disturbing experinces in your life, without offering some reflexions about how to blend in nicely the new stuff with the rest of your life, including your current ideas, religions, values or other references?

So, you may not personnally enjoy a discussion about channelling, and the historic reallity of Jesus, but it is important that people test their beliefs and truths, exchange point of view, try new possibilities, iin order to continue evolving in a smoother way.  There is other board for discussing it, but why not here, too?   Just take part in discussion you enjoy, don't read the rest.  The board won't get empty, the net won't run out of potential new members, and net surfers are used to the messy mix of subjects you find on any board, knowing to seek what they are looking for, and craeting a new thread if necessary.

I started again to write here because I saw there is threads like the one Lucy started on good and evil polarities,  ( )
and a few days ago, the one on "what do we really know?
( )

Well, I realize I never really made it clear to me why I stopped to come on this board.  Your post was the occasion for me of an intention "retrieval"...hehe  Hope this reflexion will be valuable input for your own reflexion.

Joy and Abundance to everyone!

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Re: Less Forums—More Moderators :: Time is running
Reply #5 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 1:51pm
Again Alysia, your way words is eloquent!

So much for Bruce to ponder here, don't you think? The maverick, Herb, is no longer regally ensconced in his comfortable echo chamber.

Bloom rules! Success! At last the rank and file have emerged from behind their secretive PMs and emails and out into the full blazing glory of sunlight!

Ah! I tell you, Alysia, I was for sure my Light Worker wings had been pruned. But, no!



well, Herb I doubt it's pruning season just yet and you must really be impressed with the Bloom person (did u notice my pun.hee) because you mention him so much. I will have to check it out and add it to my list of 180 books that are a must read. and thought I'd mention in passing how instrumental you have been in my growth causing me to notice what I "felt" but did not comprehend too well. thanks again dear fellow. really, we run amuck every chance we get, not many have a clear overview but the old timers. nice to have the lurkers input too. would surely welcome more participation and extend a welcome to them here. I'm aware there's a lot of intelligent people out there in these matters of the afterlife. Perhaps that's why they don't post? although we have some mighty fine posters I can never quite get enough of; I'm a listen hog as well as a board hog I guess. oh well, hogs will be hogs I guess. ok, I'm out of here.......

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