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Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stuff&q (Read 5432 times)
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Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stuff&q
Feb 18th, 2005 at 11:03am
   Hi all, top of the morn to you.

  I was wondering to what degree having gone to TMI for at least their basic program, has helped people learn how to navigate into their inner, and faster vibrating energies?   It seems like TMI and its energy is an amplified facilitator...? 

From what i read here, a goodly percentage of people here who do do retrievals have been to at least the Gateway program and many have been through Lifeline?    As mentioned before i am fairly interested in doing retrievals more consciously.

  There is a good chance of me moving to Va this summer, and this would greatly help if i did decide to go to TMI.  Just a matter of saving up and timing.  Yar, it does suck being poor at times...

   I'm not overly interested in having an OBE, if it happens it will happen.  My bro, fiance, and i purchased the Gateway in-home program, but i wanted it mostly as a meditation aid.
   Besides from what i understand of it, is that when people really have the sensation of going out of the body (a misnomer i know), feeling and looking somewhat physical etc, then they are probably moving into their etheric or etheric-emotional levels.  Isn't this what Monroe did in his earlier OBE years, then he gradually learned to phase into his higher emotional/mental and even sometimes spiritual Oneness energies (like when he visited the Aperature)?

I don't see anything wrong with OBE through the etheric or etheric/lower emotional levels, but its not my cup of tea.   It seems to me that what Bruce does through his "imagination technique" is essentially the same thing as having an OBE but that he is functioning from the higher mental levels of his consciousness, so he percieves things a little differently than say someone going into their etheric or astral energies?
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #1 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 11:12am
  Also, i was interested in what people thought of Discs/Total selves.   I was wondering a while ago, if there are actually a lot less Total selves than what most first would think with all the personalities that have been and will be on earth. 
  Do the Total selves that each of us are part of, have many more personalities going on in this same time/space.  I know it is supposedly common for people to have 2 or 3 lives going on, but could it be even higher?  I mean, of course it can be higher, but i mean on average.  Has anyone received info about this?  I've met people here and there who I could swear, just by my feelings of them, that they are part of the same Total self.   Or maybe it is just vibrational similiarlarity?
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #2 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 11:30am
Justin, I only have a few minutes until I have to pack up my computer so will be brief.  I feel that going to TMI is what did open me up. My life hasn't been the same since. I've done 4 programs, would like to do them all but finances say otherwise.  Yes, by all means, if you can find a way to go, then go.  You will be taking the 'red pill' when you take Gateway Voyage and you will be out of the matrix, or at least 'see' what the matrix is.  Good luck to you my friend. Wink

With Love,
Mairlyn    Cheesy
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Jeffrey Williams
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #3 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 6:27pm

I've never attended a program at TMI.  My experience with them is the first set from the Gateway Voyage home study course -- which you mention you did the whole course. 

I have studied meditation for many years so the use of imagination as a sensing tool on the non-physical level was already known to me under different guises before I found this website. 

I think you're right in your observations about the imagination method.  Here are my thoughts on the challenges unique to both the astral projection and the mental methods.

The astral body contains, in part, our desires and has a largely emotional component.  When going out-of-body, many people experience these desires and other feelings for the first time which seem magnified.  Sometimes you're like a different person in astral than the one you're familiar with.  So learning to project astrally may involve learning to control some of those desires and feelings in order to be able to explore.  The wonderful part of astral projection is that you experience the environments and interactions similarly to your waking experience.

The mental method is less likely to have this full blown "I'm there!" feeling (although sometimes I have “phased”).  However, the difficulty here is that you're accessing these nonphysical levels by "peering" through your mental and emotional bodies in order to perceive.  So you must learn to use what you need to explore and quiet down the rest so that it doesn't impede you.  That usually requires becoming more aware of what your thoughts are and any beliefs that might actually impede this type of exploration.

As anybody whose begun a study of meditation can tell you, learning to quiet your thoughts is one of the biggest challenges.  It can be done, but it's not easy.  We live in a society where to be constantly "plugged in" to something -- the Internet, television, news, your walkman, etc.  -- is the norm. 

What a lot of people don't understand is that thoughtforms are everywhere, not just in our personal mental field, but everywhere.  Monroe refers to it as the M-Band noise.  Just as it creates a blank wall that's difficult for perception for those spirits trying to look in and perceive Here, for us incarnates it effectively creates the same blank wall making it difficult for us to look out and perceive There.  Since our everyday minds are locked into and make up part of this M-Band noise, we need to learn to shift to another frequency to perceive outside it, sort of like parting the curtains to peer outside.

Unless you're a writer, artist or performance artist, the imagination is not considered as serious a part of our minds as is the intellect.  Our intellects ARE very important and a necessary component of living on the Earth plane.  But in order to perceive and travel in these realms using the mental method, the imagination must be engaged and the intellect balanced with it.  Not always easy.

Another interesting avenue is our dreams.  Four or five years ago, I became lucid in a dream.  I decided to try and go OBE by laying down on a bed in the dream environment.  I did and everything shifted.  To say that I had an amazing set of experiences is an understatement!  But I often wondered if it was just an amazingly vivid lucid dream.

I was pretty new to astral travel back then and later found out that many experienced OBE’ers have “converted” lucid dreams to full-blown OBE’s.

Last spring I had a lucid dream where I was able to make dream characters disappear.  Then, satisfied that I’d become lucid enough, I went OBE.  However, I’d shifted my perception so well that once I lifted out of the dream environment I saw everything as energy.  I saw something huge approaching me, a mass of lines of energy, and it startled me.  I moved back, apparently toward my body and the next thing I knew I was back in the same dream environment I’d just left.  Except this time there were no people, just the rooms, walls and furniture.  I explored the dream environment for a little while longer before walking up.

So I would say that dreams are definitely another area which, when utilized properly, can also aid in exploring other realms.

Oh well.  Took a lot of words to basically say "I agree'.

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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #4 - Feb 22nd, 2005 at 1:37pm
Hi Marilyn and Jeff,

  Thank you Marilyn, i would very much like to go there, and thank you so much for replying when you had limited time.  Good luck to you regarding your move.  WA is so beautiful, i was lucky enough to spend a week in a hostel near the rainforest out there near Forks.   Too bad you're leaving VA though, as i'm moving there!  Maybe you can visit sometimes?   Have you ever been in a Yurt LOL.

Hi Jeff,

  Thank you for the clarification about mental vs. emotional etc.    You're right about the meditation problem that a lot seem to have (and about the thoughtform aspect).  Never was much of a problem for me (quieting my thoughts), i took to meditation like a fish to water, but didn't know how to navigate through the different areas of consciousness, that's why i bought the Gateway program.  I probably would benefit a lot by getting back to it and practicing it more slowly...

Pretty kool experience, going from clear lucid dreaming to experiencing everything as energy....   I wonder what that would be like in the "real" world?   Smiley 

Well thank you very much for your very lucid   Wink and well thought out "agreement" reply.

Take care
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #5 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 10:08am
 Also, i was interested in what people thought of Discs/Total selves.   I was wondering a while ago, if there are actually a lot less Total selves than what most first would think with all the personalities that have been and will be on earth.  
 Do the Total selves that each of us are part of, have many more personalities going on in this same time/space.  I know it is supposedly common for people to have 2 or 3 lives going on, but could it be even higher?  I mean, of course it can be higher, but i mean on average.  Has anyone received info about this?  I've met people here and there who I could swear, just by my feelings of them, that they are part of the same Total self.   Or maybe it is just vibrational similiarlarity?

My current understanding is that a soul can have up to 2 simultaneous lives going on. There are I'm sure a few exceptions. But the soul energy must be parsed into each incarnation holographically so having simultaneity can lower the effectiveness of each division and thus reduce the ability to influence individual human bodies/personalities. This idea I gathered from Michael Newton's books.

As far as Disc Selves simultaneously living -  they are truly innumerable. Discs refer to large groups of souls. There could be some vibratory similarities between souls of the same Disc. Probably explains why we resonate with certain people in life. Also, explains, for me on a personal level, why I only had friendships and romantic relationships with certain people. Disc Selves are by no means all alike. In fact, it would be self-defeating. Each Disc, in order to graduate from the Earth School, must gather in a rather diverse set of information about the School (e.g. how to play the Game, how it functions behind the scenes, etc.) So the Disc produces souls of all sorts of potentials and desires (vibrations?) to explore the full gamut of Earth experiences.

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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #6 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 1:16pm
Hi Mike a.k.a Mendel,

  I also read Michael Newtons books too and liked them a lot, with a few minor disagreements (of course Grin).   But it seems like with his "spirit" regressions a lot of his clients are what he calls younger souls.  I believe he mentioned something like this too, so maybe the more intune a soul, the more they can split in the same time/space?
   I thought a Disc was the Soul as the complete being with all its various different personalities?  At least that is what i got from Monroe and Bruce's books.  I know Discs are connected to other Discs and I call these Soul groups, where Discs have been working with other Discs for common purposes and soul growth.  LOL and i know first hand that sometimes they take on antagonistic roles. 
   And in Bruce's 4th book, he talks about finding Discs behind his immediate Disc which are connected and the "8th generation Disc" is directly connected to the Planning Intelligence (which i call Christ consciousness)....   I was wondering about these Discs behind the Discs, and what they represent.   I've had the intuition that the second Disc perhaps could represent out Twin Souls Disc?  Maybe the 3rd Disc represents lifetimes in another system...?  The 4th maybe our immediate Soul group, the 5th the ones closely connected to our immediate soul group..?
    Yeah, i've been trying to relate these different "potentials and desires" i.e. vibrations to astrology, and how it fits together as far as incarnational cycles in different time/spaces and different personalities within the same Disc etc.   I've even seen a connection between astrological ages, their zodiacal indications, and between a person's "history", or in other words their strongest influencing personalities that made up their present personality.
   Or for example, a certain personality or vibrational emphasis in a particular lifetime can also be related to a particular body part which symbolically represents that "activity in consciousness" this is also interrelated with the zodiac signs which all correspond to different body parts and different consciousnesses.
  Each place, each time, each cycle has its own unique vibrational signature and i believe a Soul or a Disc calculates which lifetimes-personalities go in which time-space for specific vibrational reasons.  Just a matter of figuring out the averages and the general rules and correlating all of it.   Am finding it mighty hard to do, especially with such a lack of data.   
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #7 - Feb 25th, 2005 at 6:56pm

As far as the definition of a Disc as the Soul or group of souls, I don't have any personal experiences to back up my view yet. The reason I assumed the Disc was a group of souls was that Bruce met up with several of his Disc members in his F27 space including two contemporaries Monroe and "Rebecca". I truly doubt M and R have the same soul as Bruce. M claims he's finished incarnating excepts perhaps for one more spin in the 3000's, and Bruce has mentioned on the board before he thinks he may have a few incarnations to go and not ready to graduate just yet.
I agree with you though that there are Discs of Discs, Discs of Disc of Discs, and so on.
With respect to astrological principles, vibrations, and incarnations. The actual formulae must be pretty complicated, in my opinion, perhaps not even quantifiable. The solar system is simply a precise clock according to Bruce's book. But determining when on the clock things should happen depends on the interplay of many different time lines of souls and events. There are experts known as Time Masters who figure out how to put events together. Maybe you are in training to become one?
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #8 - Feb 26th, 2005 at 11:00am
Hi Mike,

   I haven't had personal experience with it either, but i do know a few of my other influencing personalities.   Yep, i remember reading about the Moen and Monroe meet up.   But do you remember how floored Bruce was, when he found that info out?  He already knew Bob as a friend in-physical so why would he be so surprised, unless there was a more intimate connection?   Or, look at the vibrational similarity between their names Bruce Moen--Bob Monroe, even has a similar sound.   
   I've heard of personalities part of the same total self even having the same full name but in different time-spaces.   Anyways, what you bring up about Bruce saying he has more lifetimes to go and Bob saying he has one more left in the 3000's, is interesting, but i believe that can be explained by what i call the Fluidity nature of Spirit, or the variable non static nature.   Perhaps your higher self had planned a particular path, but because of certain variables, it changes the plan?
   Also consider that in one of Monroe's books, he mentions in a question and answer sect. in the back that indeed simueltaneous lifetimes exist and that he was even given the address and name of a lifetime of his in the same time-space, but that he was not brave enough to check up on it.

   Well either way, i guess only Bruce could answer this one  Smiley but it is interesting.   Oh, i definitely agree with Bruce that the solar system and any physical object that has a regular and repeatable pattern is used as part of the big clock, but astrology with all due respect to Bruce and his info is much, much more than that.   Every aspect, and i mean every aspect of the ELS and the human soul is tied into astrology.  Its the old metaphysical principle of the Macrocosm relating to the Microcosm.
   Even your physical looks and heredity can be related to astrology.  Genetcis, heredity, karma, vibrations, and astrology are all interrelated and just different sides or aspects of the same coin--vibration of energy.  I've guessed people's birthtimes just from analyzing their looks and knowing that it corresponded to a particular Rising sign and influences.   Course i'm not always right, and it is made harder to do since an average percentage of people do not enter in at actual physical birth.
  LOL so yes, the actual formulaes are pretty complex, but not beyond knowing at least the more prevalent patterns.   One of the few charts which i have been able to analyze at all in this manner is Edgar Cayce's chart since his most influential lifetimes were outlined in depth and detail.  For example, Cayce had two influential personalities known as the Egyptian Ra Tah (or just Ra) and a near Master fellow called Uhjltd who was actually the father of a "earlier" incarnation of the soul Yeshua, as a guy named Zan.   These two personalities were very influential, and also his fastest vibrating Graduates in his Disc. 
   When Ra entered in, the Reading stated that he entered in from Sun or infinity forces.  So astrologically he was very influenced by the Sun's energies.   Interestingly, this lifetime also took place in the Leo age and Ra's physical looks as described sound very much like a Sun Rising or Leo Rising influence (very similar in some ways). 
   Uhjltd was born during the age of Leo, but probably lived to see the beginning age of Cancer.   Uhjltd entered in from Arcturus's forces which is similar to the Suns but even more powerful in its "spiritual" influence.  Remember how Bruce talks about "loaners", well Arcturus is that dimension through which one from the Earth system experiences other systems that are much more "mental" and less densely physical in nature. E.C. had Leo rising in his birth chart and their seems to be connections between why he was born with this sign rising, and between two influening Graduates within his disc.  I can't go into all the specifics here since i would be writing a small book, but suffice it to say i do see connections here and there. 
   Astrology is the science par excellence of energy-vibrational relationships, of physical to mental symbolisms or representations and is interrelated with every other metaphysical concept, at least in my experience.
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Touching Souls
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Re: Regarding Retrievals, TMI, and other "stu
Reply #9 - Mar 2nd, 2005 at 9:45am
Justin, yes I have been in a Yurt. LOL  I slept in one in San Andreas, CA about 12 years ago. I think they're great.  Plus I lived in a tipi for 4 months also. Wink 

BTW, I moved from VA to Oregon last June and am now in Metaline Falls, WA where I lived for 12 years before moving to VA, so I've sorta gone full circle because my spiritual path (the Moen, Monroe path) all started here 5 1/2 years ago. Wink  When I think of all I have learned in this amount of time, it is mind boggling.

I just wanted to add something about going OBE. I have just finished reading "Soul Journeys", Rosie McKnight's book, and her guidance told her that we don't 'truly' go out of body.  It's all a matter of going within.

And if you're ever up this way, come and see me. Wink

Love, Mairlyn   Grin Cheesy Wink
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