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Any ideas on this? (Read 3698 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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San Antonio
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Any ideas on this?
Feb 9th, 2005 at 5:15pm
Last night, or rather this morning, just before waking, I was somehow involved with what seemed to be a Chinese person, who then was two..hard to explain..

I say "Chinese" because that's the impression I got.  But..the face was long and thin. 

The two kinda joined..then it was like a drawing, which I've tried to duplicate (I'm no artist, lol) and the last thing I heard was "remember magpie"..

I have no ideas on the magpie thing.  I know they are a type of bird..a not so nice bird, like crows.

Anyway, here is my rendition of the drawing..(sorry, green was the only pencil I could find)

Any thoughts?


Also, the first face I saw was the clean-shaven, smiling one.  The second joined..but seemed.."dark" somehow..
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Any ideas on this?
Reply #1 - Feb 9th, 2005 at 7:04pm
Hi Shirley,  Today it's both Chinese New Year ( Rooster Year) and Losar, Tibetan New Year (Wood Bird Year).  I know in Taoism, the singing of a Magpie fortells good fortune, one's wishes fufilled. I'll show your post and drawing to my partner who practices and teaches Taoism. She might have something to say. (Or not!)    Looking at your drawing, my imagination said "the Sage". The Sage is the part of your being that one accesses through working with the I-Ching. Kind of a Taoist term for "Higher Self". The face in the drawing; one face looking to the year that has just passed, the other face looking to the year to come. That's what my imagination says... I know Buddhism well, but I looked at your picture and went "Taoist".     Interesting post!         Tim
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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San Antonio
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Re: Any ideas on this?
Reply #2 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 8:14pm
Thanks, Herb!  That about the magpie..makes more sense than I can even begin to explain..

A need to be free..of "truths" and "beliefs" that bind my spirit in odd ways..

A message from myself to me?   Cheesy
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Re: Any ideas on this?
Reply #3 - Feb 22nd, 2005 at 10:40am
Shirley, actually the magpie is needed in nature. if it is anything like the crow, what a crow does is clean up our environment by feasting on items which other birds won't. yet every living thing on the planet has a function, even those slugs I used to get livid over. somehow they all make our world what it is.

anyway, just my ...

hey, just sharing, the other day I received a name in the inbetween state "Kattonya".  I think I'd rather have a couple chinese people come visit me than just a name that I know nothing about!
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Ex Member

Re: Any ideas on this?
Reply #4 - Feb 26th, 2005 at 9:44am
Hi Shirley,

An intereesting experience. I love when that happens.  When I look at the picture and also what you wrote, "one looked clean shaven... the other dark, somehow" brings to mind also duality of our personna.  The fusing of our positive and negative images of oneself and trying to reconcile the two. 

In Ted Andrews book Animal-Speak, he speaks of the Magpie.  It's cycle of power being Winter and Summer and it signifying the "proper use of Intelligence, Familiars and Occult Knowledge.

They are the most intelligent of their group, among them crows and are very resourceful, using whatever is at hand.

"A magpie as a totem usually indictates that you are going to encounter the spirit realm and the metaphysical world in a different manner. You will enter into it and experience it in a way different from most-and often it is an unusual manner."

The questions he reommends you consider when magpie has shown up as a totem for you are:

Do you have knowledge and are not using it?
Are you employing whatever skills you have to get what you most need?

These are just excerpts from the text but hightlights.  I don't know if they resonate with you at all but thought I would toss it in the mix for you! 

Cheryl   Smiley
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: Any ideas on this?
Reply #5 - Mar 3rd, 2005 at 3:47pm
Hi Shirley,

My first reaction in looking at the picture you drew is that it is a heart and the dual polarity of each of us. Wink

love, Mairlyn  Grin
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