Sometimes I think the main reason we all are here is to overcome fear. At least it seems to me that it's like a full time occupation for most of us. As we live out the events in our lives fear appears and fear also disappears after all it is only an emotion. We can instantly change our emotions according to the thoughts we have, but how many times do we think about attaching a different emotion to the same thought?
Most of the time we don't want to feel it. Too much of the time we are scared of being scared and try to block the fear or make it somehow go away by rationalizing it. Most of the time we use our mental capabilities to try to eradicate fear and yes we do need to understand what we are afraid of and why, but I have found that one of the most effective ways to overcome fear is to use our emotional capabilities in combination with our mental capabilities. The next time you have an automatic fear reaction to something that you are thinking about, try to continue to think about it, but change the feeling of fear into a feeling of love. Do this not by mental thinking, but by emotional feeling.
Usually when we are afraid we also begin to feel helpless and powerless. Learning to replace a negative emotion with a positive one within the same event helps you to realize that you are not powerless at all.
Love and peace, Kathy