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Setting intention while awake (Read 7638 times)
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Setting intention while awake
Feb 3rd, 2005 at 4:31pm
Hi, I've had some problems with my kundalini energy that I can't seem to shake... I've begun to think how nice it would be if I could go to one of these astral healing centres while I'm asleep, to get some help with this.

Have any of you done this, decided what you want to do or where to go, before going to sleep at night? Please share Smiley
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #1 - Feb 3rd, 2005 at 5:04pm
I have, in the past, gone to The Healing Center/Rejuvenation Center in Focus 27 for myself and have also taken people with me, with their permission. What I have experienced is a very loving feeling of being with a lot of Light Beings who are administering energetic healing and also using color and music.

You could set your Intention before going to sleep to experience this and I see no reason why you won't because once we set our Intent, it happens.

Mairlyn   Cheesy
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #2 - Feb 3rd, 2005 at 7:08pm
I feel lighter since I've thought of the possibility of doing this. Even if I won't remember anything, i might notice it in other ways. thanks..
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #3 - Feb 4th, 2005 at 11:57am
  Hi Nrgstream,

  One very useful method I have found to help with virtually anything is self-subconscious programming.   I bought a VOX micro-cassete voice recorder and i sit down, think deeply about some problem or something i want to change and i write down some suggestions.   Then I tape the suggestions that i want.   I usually fast forward a little bit before i start recording because I will push play before i go to bed or before i meditate and i don't won't to disturb my relaxation state.  Here is an example that i shared on another site:

"I made suggestions on a micro cassette recorder and I plan on
turning it on right before i go to sleep for awhile. It seems like the subconscious is somewhat like a computer and it is easy to program right before you fall alseep, somewhere in between deep alpha
wave levels and between mid theta wave levels. It goes something like this "Your deepest desire is to experience, to recieve, to actualize, and to express only the most positive, helpful, patient,
apprecietive, and uncondionally loving energies, thoughts, feelings and actions in your existence.

Because you are one with all of Creation and everything that you think, feel, and do has an effect on everything else, you will always
think, feel, and act with pure unconditional love energy.

Whenever you or someone or something directs or expresses negative energies towards you or any of Creation these negative energies will
simply pass through you without any negative effect and you will remain positive, calm, compassionate, and loving.

From now on you are always completely and powerfully connected to
Spirit and to your highest guidance.

Because you are completely receptive to and desire only to express the highest vibrating energies of all Creation, you can automatically
percieve and experience any dimension or energy you so desire. These perceptions or experiences will always be crystal clear and you will
remember them fully and accurately."

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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #4 - Feb 4th, 2005 at 5:40pm
Hello Justin,

I think that's a very good idea you have there. I do like to use technology for personal progress.
(I was taking a nap today, and was dreaming like mad about alpine skiing. As it turned out I had left the tv on Smiley )

It's been awhile since I've tried the method you suggested.. I've never thought of using it as a means of doing energy work, though. Hmm, lots of room for creativity.
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #5 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 8:41pm
Hey, I like the idea of using a tape recorder. That probably would come in under the radar. 

Not to change the focus too much, but could we also discus what an intention is?  I mean technicaly, not in general.  What is this thing called having intention? It's said that it is not wishing. It is often described as saying something in a firm way without weakness or hesitation.  Why? Would writing it down be better than saying it?  Or better than just thinking it? What are you doing when you speak or write?  Letting someone know what you want? If they know enough to help out, why do they need to be told that you want it?

This tape recorder idea is a way to trigger responses or connetions that already exist in the brain.  Why would that work if intention is a willful act of consciousness? 

A better description, to me, is akin to programming.  You create a pattern in any medium and some feature of the universe will weave any new pattern into the cloth of reality. 

I ask because if I understand how something works, I can figure out how best to do it. Just being told what to do does not light my fire.

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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #6 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 9:44pm
You have some good questions... I'm not sure I'll be able to answer them very well, though. I'll try.

Intention is perhaps the beginning of the process of achieving a specific outcome. For me it is usually visualizing what I want, followed by a congruent feeling that this is what I want to achieve. It may also be a feeling of openess, if I'm not certain of the specifics of the outcome. I'll set the general intention of what I want, and let the universe fill in the rest, so to speak. Some people are more auditory, and will say what they want in their mind.

I think that being more conscious of how you set your intentions, will help to filter out anything that isn't in your best interest. Writing it down helps, if you want your outcome to be more clear and detailed.

If you've made a tape, then you've already set the conscious intention that you're unconscious will follow the instructions on the tape while you sleep. However, from what i understand the unconscious mind has a wisdom of its own, and will filter out any instructions that isn't in accordance with your beliefs.

If you don't like to be told what to do, perhaps you could make the instructions more open-ended.. like "Ok, John.. now that you're asleep, what are the best experiences you could think of having? Any specific place you want to go?"
I haven't tried that myself, but it's worth a try. Smiley

Also, I think Bruce wrote an article about using intention.. something about learning to recognize intention by bending a finger. Or maybe it was in one of his books?
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #7 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 12:31am
Hey nrgstream,
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, I seem to remember Bruce's example with the finger, been a while since I read it.  I'm struggling with the big  picture.  I'm not comfortable with bits and pieces of the Universe, need to see the big picture before the details. 

If I remember Bruce's example correctly, he was trying to get us to feel what we do when we actually make something happen as opposed to just wanting it to happen. Like intention is some sort of mental stance or specific experience. Seems like an experiential thing rather than something that can be described.

Considering the recorder idea, I'm thinking how I can use a computer to deliver the recorded sounds late at night.  Something that will play a long wav file on a schedule and loop it.  Not something a battery powered recorder can do very well.
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #8 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 1:07am
Now, that I can help you more easily with..
go to control panel, scheduled tasks. When asked to choose the program you want run, click browse and choose the audio file. If the audio file for instance starts in winamp, make sure winamp is configured to run files in loop

(or windows media player)
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #9 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 12:02pm
[quote author=John_inAustin

If I remember Bruce's example correctly, he was trying to get us to feel what we do when we actually make something happen as opposed to just wanting it to happen. Like intention is some sort of mental stance or specific experience. Seems like an experiential thing rather than something that can be described.
[/quote]            Hi John,   I think Bruce is describing the 'place of intention'. More than a mental stance or temporary experience, it is an area we can access or visit. The example of intending a finger to move is a very clever way of accessing state-specific memory, as a means to be in the 'place of intent'. (I have found this idea of state-specific memory to be of profound use.) The info is contained in the After-Life Knowledge workbook and referenced in Bruce's books.    I leave it to him to describe it more fully... To me, your question "What is this thing called intention?" is one of the most important questions a being could ask. It is one of my own key questions, one I continue to explore.    Tim
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #10 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 10:00pm
Nrgstream, worked like a champ.  \thanks!

Tim,  hey,  "area" is not a defined concept for me.  Could be anything.  While trying to write this reply, I decided that talking about it is not the answer.  I don't see any source of objective knowledge on the subject and speculation feels like a waste of energy. I'll just let it develop into what ever it needs to be and give up trying to describe it.
I agree it is an important question.
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Setting intention while awake
Reply #11 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 10:50pm
Hey John,  I used the word 'area', because it sometimes feels like I visit a place in myself that intention resides, that it isn't an attitude or thought, but a spot I can rediscover.....yeah, words and descriptions fail, but I love words! Words are fun and foolish....               Tim
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