Hi, Lilforestmusic.
It may be not a coincidence that you've been attracted to this board at a time a dear friend of yours may cross the veil. It could be an invitation, an opportunity to begin your own exploration of the Afterlife, motivated by your desire to keep in touch with your beloved dog. My heart is with you.
And I agree with you, there is many subjects than can be shared on forums like this one and not really elsewhere, not yet. For me, I don't currently have a pet, but I do love the energy of trees. I walk in the wood, and I feel their presence, their balanced, grounded energy. I look at them, I touch them, and somewhere deep in me, I feel they know me and I know them. Older trees, in particular, hold a special energy. Whenever I feel stressed by the agitated conciousness field of the city, a visit to trees is one of the best way to restore my balance. I could share with anybody that I connect with trees, and appreciate their friendship, but yes, I would often get laughters, and some would thing I am so weird, or simply nut
Spitfire, I understand you may be surprise that animals can easily experiment OBEs. But if you look at it from a different perspective, you may see that it is us, human beings, that has the most problems achieving OBEs. It's because our mind is very powerful, but not very harmonized with our Soul and with nature. On the opposite, animals are very well tuned to natural frequencies - remember those animals that went on heights before the tsunami. Most humans lock them up in a very narrow band of frequencies, and filter out the rest of the multidimensionnal information. We are addict to C1, the frequency of the waking state/physical world. Also, we very often get our mind stuck in loops, reprocessing endlessly our own thoughts, in particular fears and worries. If we so choose, reprocessing of joyful thoughts would be far more better for our health
I remember, on this board, someone posted about a conversation with another form of life, at focus 34/35. When asked this Being about who was the most evolved being on the planet, was shown a peaceful female gorilla, living a fully multidimensionnal life...hehe Our creative mind is our greatest gift and at the same time, our greatest handicap when not tuned correctly, scattering energy in many directions with no harmony, or tuning in thoughts of low vibrationnal rate like worries and fears. Love thoughts are far more better to enhance OBEs and psychic abilities, as mentionned by Justin in a recent post.
Peace and Abundance to everyone