Hi this post, i think, is mostly for you, since I thought what you mentioned on another post was interesting, but may help others out there.
I wanted to share some knowledge about some "aids" i have come across in helping to phase into our Light body-- to create the Transfigured body like Yeshua. Lol of course PUL is the most important aspect in this, but even Yeshua used aids to help balance the phsyical body enough to move into those energies. Coure we don't have to either...NO PRESSURE, NO PRESSURE lol
I have noticed that a good percentage of people connected to TMI, seem to ignore the important facet of balancing and strengthening the physical body so the higher emotional, higher mental, and spiritual aspects can "shine through" more clearly. Rosie talks a bit about this aspect and devotes a whole chapt. in her book though. I've been a physical healer type many lifetimes, so this is facet is very important to me personally.
First aid is becoming slightly more balanced towards the Alkaline through diet, meditation/prayer, and attitudes mostly. A particularly healthy, alkaline reacting, and "spiritual food" (insomuch that a food can have a spiritual effect) is a meal commonly known by Cayce students as, "Mummy Food". This is a very high vibrating and nutritious food in which the ancient Egyptians and Atlanteans (especially the Priests/Priestesses) largely subsisted on. You take one half cup of dried figs, one half cup of dried dates, and cut finely, put in a handful of cormeal (not too much as grains and fruit digest differently) and cook with a couple cups of water on medium heat for about 15 to 20 mins. I put in either a little almond milk or goat milk (the Atlanteans and Egyptians used goat milk in this preparation).
Stones and creating homepathic Amethyst water: I found a very, very powerful electrical and high vibrational stone called Azurite. It is mostly made of raw copper ore, and ranges in color from a bright mid-blue azure to a very deep indigo color. I have a feeling that this stone will resonate with you and some others on here, it is the psychic and centering stone par excellance. It resonates most with those who have a powerful Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune indications, and to a lesser degree with Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, and Sagittarius (especially Sun or Rising in) in about that order.
If you want really deep, intense, and powerful meditations put a piece of Azurite on your forehead about 1 1/2 to 2 inches above your eyebrows, near the Pineal Gland. But it is usually good to have a piece of Rose quartz on your Heart center at the same time to help balance the intense higher mental energies of which the Pineal and Azurite resonate too.
This next one is good for anyone, not just those who resonate with a particular field of vibration. Take a good sized piece of Amethyst put it in a preferably enamel pot with distilled water, submersing the stone. Heat this to a boil, and occasionally try to swirl the water around it. Put a small amount of deep sea salt, like "Real Salt" in with it as it is cooling down. Do not use table salt! This has harmful additives and no nutritional value, but deep sea salt has trace minerals like gold and silver which is very important for a spiritually developed body.
Put into a clear glass container with the Amethyst, shake vigorously and if you want you can charge it in the Sun which will add much Prana to it. At least a couple of hours is good, but the longer the better. Sometimes I put a clear Quartz in with the Amethyst...whatever your intuition tells you. Then drink, this is like a Purple power boost to your etheric, and along with minute vibration of Gold will help to stimulate your Pituitary gland.
Then there is the Solar prana direct through the eyes method. Very important to do this when the Sun has just risen and just near setting so you don't harm your eyes with too much UV rays. And you need to stand on bare land, and I've found it helps to hold out your hands horizontal, palms up. This directly stimulates the Pituitary and eventually helps the body to become more rarified, if you eat very little food and LOVE a lot--not for most people right now!! But i get the sense that a few on this site could benefit from this. I wish i lived in a warmer climate--i would do this much more and eat less, but what the hey..got to deal with what you have at hand.