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Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger (Read 453693 times)
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #60 - Feb 16th, 2005 at 11:44pm
Because if you would, I'm confident that I can convince you that just about everything that your Acharya S says can be decisively refuted

I didn't expected anything less then this from you..  but no thanks, I'm not in a need for your  wisdom or truth...

You keep yours, and I keep mine so are  those who have more then a limited awareness and think  themself? .
Of course the scholars, and everyone is wrong but you the one who knows the "truth" how pathetic is that... why not let  people decide themselves..what is correct for them or not based on the presented mythological and historical material...

In response to a caller's discussion of alien beings, she replies that she has been in "contact with strange entities" and admits that she is impressed with Tibetans who claim "ongoing contact with people who live inside Venus!"   She adds, "I've had beings around me and they are telling me to put this information out there. . .I've had many experiences in other dimensions."    

Oh really that is very interesting  Wink I don't think so...

" . . Some of [my] statements are certainly hypothetical. Most of them cannot be nailed down as absolute fact, but the evidence is profound . . .

"Statement no. 1:  Among the thousands of so-called UFO encounters reported around the world, primarily since the end of World War II, there exists a core group of authentic anomalous events connoting the presence on Earth of at least several distinct types of non-human, technically advanced beings that we'll term . . . aliens. . . .

"Statement no. 2:  This alien presence represents a monumental political dilemma of the type I will call . . . a 'metalever'; that is, an influence capable of disrupting the momentum of history on a global scale in completely unpredictable ways. . . .

"Statement no. 3:  The alien presence is the least understood, least recognized, but potentially most impactful of several metalevers currently pushing our world toward a state of extreme crisis. . . .

"Statement no. 5:  Without a doubt, the human future cannot be properly anticipated except with reference to the profound impact of the alien presence. In like manner, however, mounting evidence suggests that the human past, the deep antiquity of human origins, may also be rooted in the alien presence. In all likelihood, not only are we not presently alone, we have never been alone. . . .

"Statement no. 6:  The inescapable profundity of the alien presence has become a source of social pathology in our time. As a culture, we have not yet learned how to tell the truth about something so huge, so strange and so unexpected. . . .

"Basic premise no. 2:  Real UFOs exist.  Again, don't take my word for it - ask the government!  Believe me, they know! . . So, who says UFOs exist?  The Air Force, plain and simple. . . . The Belgian Air Force - Generals of the Belgian Air Force - just within the last few years have admitted, they've got UFOs flying around in Belgian air space.  They've chased them them with F-16 jets. They've sighted them on as many as four radar simultaneously.  They've seen them do things aircraft can't do and humans can't survive.  And they've said, 'Hey, that isn't us.' So, UFOs do exist . . . There's no question about it. . . .

"Now, some of those UFOs are things we DID build. . . . This question of alien spacecraft, though, is a nagging one, and you know something - we've got alien spacecraft. . . . Now, are there aliens?  Yes, there are aliens.  But again, don't take my word for it - ask the government.  They know there are aliens. . . . Public interest in UFOs definitely posed a national security threat. . . . And what did they do as a consequence?  They said, 'We recommend' - this is the CIA talking to the president . . . and they did this in writing - 'a policy of debunking.'  That was their word.  'Make it seem as if this is a ridiculous subject.  Make it seem as if anyone who believes in UFOs must be a lunatic, must be socially marginal, low IQ - all that kind of stuff. Make people feel that only turkeys and gonzos believe in UFOs.' . . . This is policy, to make you think this subject is stupid.  And you know what?  It really worked. . . .

"Ultimately we have to ask the question, what is so important, what is at stake?  And the bottom line obviously is the future is at stake.  How predictable it will be, and whether or not we will see the survival of the status quo. . . . There is only one real reason that the UFO metalever is unique, and that is this: [the authorities] already know they can't fix it.  Does that scare them?  No kidding.  You see, they really do think they can fix the nuclear problem.  They even think they can fix population, ozone, global warming, pollution.  They really do - they think they're gonna fix it!  No problem!  We'll fix it.  Aliens?  UFOs?  Oh no, we're not gonna fix that!  Unh-unh. That's gonna fix us! Big problem."

Michael Lindemann, "UFOs and the Global Situation"

Legends and artifacts dating back thousands of  years have ignited man's attention and imagination for centuries with theories of ancient astronauts and alien beings from other planets.  Sightings of UFOs of varying sizes, shapes and other characteristics have been recorded all around the world since this era of history began, some 6,000 years ago.  "Sky people" were purportedly recorded as having brought advanced culture to the hominids who live on this planet.  According to these legends, supposedly, this "first contact" had occurred previously, following cataclysm.  In fact, some stories relate this civilizing event to have happened several times during Earth's history.  Geological, paleontological, anthropological and archaeological data reveal that there have indeed been many cataclysms on this earth, several on a global level, with climate change and mass extinction.  The tales allegedly recount that after such a catastrophe, many surviving humans were reduced to the Stone Age but that more advanced humanoids descended from spacecraft and reestablished civilization.  Were these "sky people" aliens?  Have there been "aliens" amongst us all along?

In investigating the traditions, it becomes clear that there are a number of different types that now are compiled under the heading of legendary "sky people":  humans, gods and, possibly, aliens.  In our quest to discover the truth about this planet's history we find that "the gods" in general are not people or aliens but planetary bodies, such as the sun, moon, earth, planets, stars, etc., as well as elements in nature.  In addition, it is obvious from the legends that at least some of the "spacecraft" were of the probable previous earthly civilization, the "vimanas" and "flying machines" of lore.  Other legends say that when the chaos descended these manmade "spacecraft" transported a number of inhabitants to elsewhere, which is speculated to be the moon, Mars, Venus or other destination, including inside the earth or under the sea.  In inspecting these legends of "sky people," then, it would be most prudent to assume that, if they are true and not mythical, most if not all of these high-fliers were humans who had developed the capacity to fly.  However, there have also allegedly been found the skeletal remains of a number of bizarre humanoid and hominid races now unknown and extinct, indicating unexplained phenomena, if not necessarily "aliens" from another planet.

Recently, sightings of UFOs have been dismissed as the planet Venus or "swamp gas."  Many sightings are explainable by natural or manmade phenomena, but some are not, and millions of people in the past few decades have reported seeing something that is clearly unidentifiable.  Abduction by aliens has been ridiculed as hallucination, which, no doubt, it often is.  But is it necessarily always?

Over the past few decades, several excellent researchers have followed the lead of the fringe element and produced superb insights into the potential reality behind the tales and the sightings.  Despite being ignored by mainstream media, these credentialed and credible experts have managed to evince effectively that UFOs are real, extraterrestrials are here and abductions are occurring, among other "alien" behavior. Some of these "experts," however, may be disinfo agents, and this field is rampant with fraud and hoaxes, so, again, caution must be taken.

The "Experts" Speak
In 1997, White House correspondent Sarah McClendon released an article about a group of government-employed scientists and technicians who state definitively that UFOs and aliens are real and are from other worlds.  This group claims that intimidation is still rampant and people are afraid to come forward with evidence that the phenomenon is genuine.  McClendon states that the Clinton administration has had "many briefings on the subject."  Laurance Rockefeller, well known for his comments on visitors from outer space, was the Clinton advisor on the subject.  A number of other government officials, including Al Gore, have been privy to these briefings and documents.

To force the issue, McClendon reports, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence ("CSETI") is collecting a million signatures on a petition for a congressional hearing.

McClendon also relates the experience of Lt. Col. Philip Corso, who claimed to have worked on the back-engineering of alien ship parts from the Roswell crash, stating definitively that this work led to the development of a number of high tech creations of the past 50 years.  "Corso and hundreds of others who work or have worked in secret defense and scientific agencies, are willing to swear under oath that alien craft are repeatedly penetrating our airspace," McClendon reports. Now deceased, Corso has been the subject of extensive debunking by skeptics.

In another stunning statement, University of New Hampshire professor of chemical oceanography, Ted Loder, PhD, stated definitively that the government is engaged with aliens, that there is "an interstellar war" going on and that this is all being covered up by the brainwashing of the masses.  "And hoaxers who build crop circles and debunk UFO sightings are actually paid off by the covert organization," Loder says.  Loder also opines that the aliens are making themselves more known to try to wake up the populace because, "We're polluting ourselves to death."  He claims that the U.S. government, using "Star Wars" and, presumably, other methods, has been able to shoot down UFOs.  Loder also points out that by the government keeping this information secret, humanity is prevented from using alien technology that is free and clean, such that the environment is also suffering from this cover-up.  He further declares that humankind is going to have to evolve in order to join any cosmic community, and that its attitudes towards religion, race, etc., will have to change.

In addition, after centuries of being occupied by "aliens," the Vatican, represented by insider Monsignor Balducci, has appeared on national television in Italy to state that extraterrestrial contact is real.  Balducci has said that extraterrestrials "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully."  Various researchers over the decades have claimed that the Vatican has been quite aware of alien presences for many centuries, so this "admission" is not exactly a surprise.  What also is not a surprise is that, despite the probability of extraterrestrial life somewhere in the universe, the Catholic Church will cling to its ridiculous claim that a Jewish carpenter "always remains the center of the Universe. . . "  No worries at all for those who were concerned that the revelation of the existence of alien life in the cosmos would somehow affect Earth's religions in a detrimental way!  Humans will always find a way to remain entrenched in their conditioning, no matter how strong the evidence against it.

Yet, until human beings reject their silly, egocentric interpretations of the cosmos as found in myopic religions, they will not be viewed as "intelligent life" by any extraterrestrials. As Lloyd Graham says, in Deceptions and Myths of the Bible:

"Recently I heard a religious group discussing this, and one of them said if ever space travel became a possibility they would carry the Gospel message to the other planets - some of which may be billions of years in advance of us.  What would the beings there think of it?  Would they not be surprised to learn the mother of their Creator was a Jewish girl by the name of Mary, and that their world was created by her Son saying Let it be?  No, if ever we go visiting cosmically we had better leave our provincialisms at home.

"Since this was written, cosmic visiting is underway. Men can now go to the moon, and yet believe in Genesic Creation; they can transplant hearts but only 'with the help of God,' as one stated.  Can we not see that this is but our way of thinking, and that the beings on other worlds never heard of this God, His mother, or His word-of-mouth creation?"

This comment about stubbornness applies to the hardcore skeptics as well.  "I don't believe in UFOs," they say with great smugness, as if that proves they are very wise and strong people who can resist such incredible but seductive tales.  The facts are that UFOS--i.e., unidentified flying objects--do exist, and that chances are there is life elsewhere in the universe.  The questions are:  Are any UFOs "spacecraft" powered by "aliens?" And, has alien life thus found its way here, to this dinky little speck of space dust in the middle of nowhere?

Forget About Worshipping Aliens
It sounds great at first to think that there are aliens among us, at least in the New Age arena, where the "aliens" always claim to be trying to help but never do much of anything.  If such good guy aliens are around, they certainly should not be worshipped as gods, any more than cultures with advanced technology should be worshipped by inhabitants of jungles or remote islands.  Any "aliens" who may be lurking about on this planet must also be questioned as to why, if they are so advanced and evolved, they have allowed such a despicable scenario as what has been happening on Earth for the past several thousand years.  They should not be easily let off the hook, not even if they claim "prime directive of non-interference."  Who makes up such rules anyway?  There is no such god person who will frown upon helpful interference to pull humankind out its squabbling, puerile state.  So why not interfere?  Why not assist?  Why allow people to crash into mountaintops and then eat each other to survive?

If we were visiting another culture upon Earth and happened to stumble into internecine warfare, where children were being killed or some other atrocity being committed, would we stand back and say, "Oh, I can only watch as that young girl is burned by Napalm, because I'm under the order of prime directive?" That lazy and callous attitude of non-interference is one of the major problems on this planet, so why should we consider "aliens" who would behave in the same manner to be "advanced gods" worthy of worship?

While we may never need to castigate any alleged good-guy ETs who may eventually make themselves publicly known, we must also not revere them more highly than ourselves; for, it is we who have suffered as spiritual soldiers on this madcap planet, with little if any of their assistance.  We will not recognize them as saviors, although we will certainly graciously welcome their assistance.  Yet, if it is true that they have been engaged in stellar wars to keep this or any other planet safe from the bad guys, then we will certainly hail them as heroes, just as we would any human who puts her or his life on the line for the greater good. And then we will incorporate them into our lives as guests and members of the cosmic family.  We will also express our gratitude that they have finally revealed themselves to be real, such that humankind will at last be freed from its intense "island madness" and now know that it is NOT alone and is NOT responsible for the maintenance of the entire universe.

Caution is Necessary
In addition, it is very wise to keep in mind that, while it appears the various world's governments are covering up the UFO/alien phenomenon, it is also clear that someone in "the government" is using the phenomenon to manipulate the masses in some bizarre and ungainly manner.  Within this mind control operation are "UFO cults," such as URANTIA and others that espouse mystical mumbo-jumbo.  In Messengers of Deception, French scientist Jacques Vallee, who, legend holds, served in part at least as the inspiration for the French scientist in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," cautions against the problems with the UFO paradigm:

"Racist philosophy.  The pernicious suggestion that some of us on the Earth are of extraterrestrial descent and therefore constitute a 'higher race.'  The dangers inherent in this belief should be obvious to anybody who hasn't forgotten the genocides of World War II, executed on the premise that some races were somehow 'purer' and better than others.  (Let us note in passing that Adamski's Venusian . . . and many other alleged extreterrestrials were all tall Aryan types with long blond hair.)

"Technical impotence.  The statement that the birth of civilization on this planet resulted not from the genius and ability of mankind, but from repeated assistance by higher beings.  Archaeologists and anthropologists are constantly aware of the marvelous skill with which the 'Ancient Engineers' (to use L. Sprague de Camp's phrase) developed the tools of civilization on all continents.  No appeal to superior powers is necessary to explain the achievements of early culture.  The belief expressed by the contactees reveals a tragic lack of trust on their part in human ability.

"Social utopia.  Fantastic economic theories, including the belief that a 'world economy' can be created overnight, and that democracy should be abolished in favor of utopian systems, usually dictatorial in their overlook."

Vallee's book also asks, "Is there an international UFO conspiracy?  Are human programmers manipulating the UFO phenomenon?"  To these questions, the late, great Jim Keith answers "yes," in his book Saucers of the Illuminati, which reveals that, indeed, human puppetmasters are behind much of the phenomenon.  Keith recounts Vallee's work:

"A remarkable UFO group was contacted by Jacques Vallee in Paris, France.  The group is called the Order of Melchizedek, and it uses the Star of David for its emblem, and for its program espouses a one world government and the doing away with money and religion - except for the UFO-oriented sort of religion, I would imagine.  The Order is cabalistic in its mystical practices, the Qabalah being an ancient form of Jewish mystical cosmology, a philosophy also employed by other occult groups such as the OTO and the Freemasons.  Vallee notes the curious number of organizations that the head of the French Order of Melchizedek fronts, including the Front for Christian Liberation, Jesus People Europe, Jesus Revolution, the Charismatic Christian, the Christian Socialist Party, and Jew and Arab movements.  Here revelant cross-currents include cabalism, the Order of Melchizedek, and the Star of David."

In this case, it is obvious that the same old terrestrial powerbrokers are up to their old tricks.  The Order of Melchizedek, in fact, is named in the Bible as the highest priesthood, of which Abraham and Jesus are made priests under Melchizedek.  Therefore, "Melchizedek" or "Righteous Molech" is the highest figure in the universe under God.  Melchizedek is in reality a mythical character, being the Molech or Moloch of the Old Testament, the god to whom children were sacrificed in burnt offering or holocaust by Phoenicians, Canaanites and Israelites.  The Order of Melchizedek, then, represents a very ancient esoteric cult that has as its central practice, one that disguises it in fact as the Order of Melchizedek, the sacrifice by fire, whether human or animal.  Melchizedek, of course, also figures quite prominently in the URANTIA cult, whose book is one of the most clever and insidious brainwashing devices ever devised.

What Does It All Mean?
What all this means is that there is some unexplained phenomenon going on. Despite the theories put forth by a number of individuals, the "evidence" of extraterrestrial contact dating back many thousands of years, including legends and bizarre artifacts, is very slippery and uncertain. The legends, in fact, are highly mythologized and in general cannot serve as "history." In more modern times, such stories become more straightforward and do seem to reflect encounters with actual, third-dimensional entities who could be termed "aliens." Whether or not this phenomenon is real--and the many thousands of reports every year indicate that at least UFOs are "real," in the sense that a certain percentage of them are indeed unidentified flying objects--it has most definitely been seized upon by terrestrial beings, i.e., humans, within the government or private sector who have used it to manipulate and play with the masses. Such behavior, no doubt, will continue, and the alleged reality of aliens will not be definite until they make themselves known, concretely, without all the shadowy nonsense. In the meantime, and if such an event ever occurs, these entities do not deserve worship of any sort, or even an amiable nod, until they prove they are friends of humankind.

© 2004 Acharya S.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #61 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 12:26am
You ask: "Why not let people decide themselves what is correct for them or not based on the presented mythological or historical material?"

Why not?   I fear I must be blunt here.   Because you are simply accepting claims that you are not qualifed to assess.   I on the other hand, have spent most of my life studying the primary sources and what the acknowledged experts have learned about them.   I can prove that much of your quoted material is wrong.  So for the third time I pose the question you've ducked 3 times now:  if you were fundamentally wrong, would you want to discover this?  If not, your spiritual quest is bogus and I guess you just need to hide behind your unverifiable Seth and Elias and this discredited New Age maverick you refuse to subject to critical scrutiny.  How sad!
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christ as mythos / john of god
Reply #62 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 1:15am
Greetings all,

I had written a longer original post....but while trying to submit computer blipped out and the post was lost  Cry

So...will summarize. First,...I have flipped thru 'The Christ Conspiracy' before....and am open to critical research on all aspects of the person of Jesus. I am also open to accepting various aspects of Jesus personified as 1) the historical Christ; 2) the mythic Christ; and the 3) mystical Christ. I believe that the Christ embodies all 3 aspects. When one is focused primarily on one aspect.....there is imbalance and lack of wholistic vision of Christ. I embrace the Christos in all aspects as the Light/Logos of the Living Father/Mother God. Even if the Christ-story is mythos still carries within it parable-truths and potential metaphors relevant to the consciousness of Soul.

Dora, is nice that you wish to enlighten us about this authors(and her schools) response to traditional beliefs held about Jesus....but cutting and pasting all that here is not really appropriate here and it is off topic. (no offense hun,....just my first reaction to the pastings  Wink  ) I understand your reactive impulse at the suggestion that some forms of mediumship might be in some ways deceptive. I happen to believe mediumship is a neutral function.......and truth or falsehood that is conveyed thru its transmissions will be relative to interpretation and at last....objective and subjective analysis.

One of my recent investigations has been on John of God in Brazil. A recent ABC special on him has inspired a closer inspection by this entity  Smiley
This flows coincidentally with my recent exploration into spiritualism/spiritism......and the ministry of healing. John of God is world renown for being a 'man of miracles' he channels or is the medium thru which spirit-doctors operate....doing visible and invisible surgeries/healings on the thousands that come to him from all over the world. (hes been doing healings for over 25 years).

In our more traditional/pentecostal/charismatic circles......we attribute healings (the gifts of healing and miracles) to the Holy Spirit. I have had many wonderful experiences of being anointed by the Spirit in the ministry of healing and have always sensed/understood the spirit-power being of Gods Spirit. In my growing studies....I am more open to the possibility of angels of healing working with ministers. However,...the idea of disincarnate human spirits(doctors, saints, prophets, etc.) working thru an incarnate medium is unusual....but certainly more common in certain spiritualist sectors of the religious spectrum. I have recently wondered if in our traditional/charismatic healing ministries if angels of healing are present in ministering to the sick. I used to assist a lady-evangelist friend in her prayer and healing meetings...and she would always invite the Holy Spirit and the angels to attend and assist in the meetings. I am sure however that she never incorporated spirit-doctors in her physical body (as a medium) this is contrary to conventional christianity. may see my keen interest in John of Gods methods of healing as compared to the churches methods of ministry.

In covering these subjects.....and the afterlife in general......we are faced with the notion that mediumship is possible....and we fathom if such could be employed for good the service of Man and God. While there appears to be some dangers in the practice of mediumship of various kinds....there also appears to be consistent and successful the area of healing and teaching.....which are good and apparently fruitful. So.....we see that proper, careful and wise appropriation of this function can serve ethically as such is used rightly with continual discernment and validation.

I read channelled works with carefulness.....just as I would read any other supposed inspired writings. At last....we realize that divine Spirit and good spirits(angels)[and maybe even human spirits] are sent to minister to the heirs of salvation. I am convinced God and his spirit-helpers do assist in our ministries - however,...the practice of disincarnate human spirits working thru mediums(particularly in healing) is still in my 'research' file.

Worthy comments welcome.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #63 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 1:57am

You are correct that UFOs and aliens are real.  I don't believe all claims in this area, but undoubtedly solid evidence does exist in some cases.

On the other hand, you are very wrong about Jesus being merely a mythological character.  There is overwhelming evidence for Jesus's real existence as a historical man, Yeshua of Nazareth, who started a ministry of miracle working and teaching against the religious corruption of first century Judaism, and who claimed to be the Messiah of Israel and was executed on a Roman cross.  Hardly any credible scholars deny this anymore.  I have a degree in religious studies and I have read all kinds of scholarly books and articles on Christianity, so I know this as a fact.

Donald a.k.a. Berserk has a doctorate and taught theology.  He knows what he's talking about when it comes to issues like, "Did Jesus exist?" and "Who was the historical Jesus?"  You should be more willing to listen to him on topics he is expert in, if you seek to discover objective reality rather than mere personal opinion.

If you are genuinely interested in learning about the other side of your current beliefs, to try to determine the truth for yourself, I would like to suggest you read The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel.  This book presents interviews with university professors and scholars on various topics related to the authenticity of the New Testament, who was Jesus and what did he teach, was he really crucified and resurrected, etc.  The author is a former atheist who became a Christian after thoroughly studying the issues and questioning scholars.


Paul a.k.a. Freelight,

I agree with you that mediumship is neutral.  It can be used for good and truth, or evil and falsehood.  Just like any other function or faculty can be variably used, depending on the substance being generated or disseminated through it.  That's why I am careful about believing in channeled materials or statements of mediums, because it is difficult (sometimes impossible) to determine validity.  I prefer to keep an open mind about these things rather than seek them out and profess belief in any particular channel or medium.

Blessings to all in the Spirit of Truth,
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #64 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 10:30am
Paul aka Freebird

Dora, is nice that you wish to enlighten us about this authors(and her schools) response to traditional beliefs held about Jesus....but cutting and pasting all that here is not really appropriate here and it is off topic. (no offense hun,....just my first reaction to the pasting

I believe it  is up  to every individual if they recognize the similarities between the mythological gods, and think-  and this  informations not Acharya's  invention - butdocumented  mythological history -or they keep expressing  their beliefs in the Jesus figure. This are always was and will be subject to individual awareness and beliefs, and not matter of cutting and pasting.... - by the way I'm not your hon

Donald a.k.a. Berserk has a doctorate and taught theology.  He knows what he's talking about when it comes to issues like, "Did Jesus exist?" and "Who was the historical Jesus?"  You should be more willing to listen to him on topics he is expert in, if you seek to discover objective reality rather than mere personal opinion.

That is merely you opinion, and the only thing you have to care about  what you should do, and not what I should or shouldn't.

That's why I am careful about believing in channeled materials or statements of mediums, because it is difficult (sometimes impossible) to determine validity.  I prefer to keep an open mind about these things rather than seek them out and profess belief in any particular channel or medium.

I'm so happy that you agree with me...  Grin..... and I prefer to keep open mind myself as well....and I'm perfectly aware what are my preferences and choices in beliefs.

Do you have the integrity to take responsibility for your positions and defend them beyond simply citing chapter and verse from Seth and Elias? Or are you just another example of the low vibratory level of New Age fundamentalism

But certainly refuse to even respond to the angry rampage from who have no other weapon then a personal attack because someone not aligning with his truth and actually as usual turning  the board to a "sunday school" where everyone have to behave accordingly....

There is a difference between disagree with someone else beliefs, or attacking and making false allegations about others, just to be right... and that is the question of integrity

So long from  the subject in  my part...
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #65 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 12:51pm
Dear Paul,

You and I disagree on some basics, but your posts are very rational and worthy of further probing.  It's sters like you that keep me returning to this site. You've read the repeatedly ignored challenge I've directed to Dora: "If you were fundamentally wrong, would you even want to discover this?"   I pose this challenge because she always ignores the evidence I present and simply attacks in an irrelevant direction.   But, of course,  I also feel an obligation to apply this same challenge to myself.  Even if decisive, my unanswered critiique of some channelers does not impugn all channeling.  For example, Ouija boards are conducive to  channeling the worst types of entities, and yet, some of the most compelling channeled communications are transmitted through this vehicle.  I have taken note of the sources you cite and hope to investigate them as I find time.

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Roger B
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #66 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 2:23pm

Anyone can find material on the web and then cut and paste it.  Few people, however, have had the kind of personal, life changing experiences that you have shared and that are so profoundly inspirational.

And your question is right on target-folks who are devotees of Seth and Elias are not open to even the slightest possibility that they are being misled. 

As to the agenda question, I once again have to wonder how many of those people who seem to think Elias and Seth are infallible communicators of the afterlife are worshippers of God.  I know myself I found it impossible to worship an entity that is so impersonal that it's called "all that is".  The most important thing in my own life is to re-establish a relationship with the Creator, and for sure Seth or Elias is not the route for that objective.

It's ironic that these followers are on Bruce's website, since it is Bruce himself who often warns of the dangers of embracing a belief system so airtight that no other beliefs are allowed.  All that does is set themselves for the big crash that is bound to come.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #67 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 2:48pm
Paul aka Freebird

Paul is FreeLIGHT.  My name is Eric and I go by FreeBIRD.

I prefer to keep open mind myself as well....and I'm perfectly aware what are my preferences and choices in beliefs.

Are you open minded to the possibility that Jesus was a real man and spiritual teacher, and that your current preferences and choices in beliefs may not be accurate?  It seems to me like you are more interested in pushing an agenda of discrediting Christianity.  While I can understand where you're coming from (I'm a former fundamentalist), I think it's unfortunate to completely reject Jesus when there is so much evidence -- historical as well as personal experiences -- in support of his existence and spiritual power.

But certainly refuse to even respond to the angry rampage from who have no other weapon then a personal attack because someone not aligning with his truth and actually as usual turning  the board to a "sunday school" where everyone have to behave accordingly....

You don't consider it an angry rampage to copy and paste huge articles attacking the idea that Jesus even existed, when there are people on this board (including myself) who have had personal spiritual experiences with Jesus?  I have had two dreams in which Jesus appeared to me and helped me progress on my spiritual journey.  I have also heard an auditory response to prayer to Jesus which answered a question I was concerned about.

Millions of people all over the world, and throughout history for 2000 years, have had experiences of encountering Jesus.  We also have several texts written within one generation of his life on earth attesting to his existence and the fact that he was a spiritual leader, where he was born, names of his family members, his geneology, and names and biographical sketches of people who knew him and followed his teachings.  And you have the audacity to claim he didn't even exist except in people's mythological imagination?  Gee, it seems like you're pretty quick to write off people's experiences and testimonies when it doesn't agree with your preferred personal beliefs.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I hope you understand that your opinion is the equivalent of laughing in the face of those who sincerely believe in Jesus and have had spiritual experiences in which he appeared, including NDEs, OBEs, dreams and visions, responses to prayers, soul retrievals, etc.  Is that the stance you really wish to take?

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tuning into the right channel
Reply #68 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 2:48pm

Hi all,

Yes,......its good to keep an open mind. I have found that much channelled material can/does offer to the spiritual seeker a platform for the expansion of consciousness. Each spirit-teacher and channeled message will have to be examined in the light of its own worth/validity in light of the Whole.

Also...we might realize that spirits from the other side may be of varying calibers of spiritual evolution and refinement. Some promote the idea of reincarnation...while others do not or interpret such on a spiritual level - so we see that there are varying degrees of perception from dimension to dimension. However,...many sound spirit-teachings do all have in common the ethic and essential understanding of the law of love, universal undestandings of karma and other aspects of soul-growth that appear quite rational.

I dont really know if there is an agenda of deception going on in the New Age venue as a whole....but in the conflux of spiritual teachings and expansion of consciousness...there may inherently be mechanisms within that may lead one deceptively relative to their own subjective perceptions of reality. And that is where things can get tricky. But we do have a conscience, and some grant of intelligence (an inner monitor) that can help us discern what is true and what is false at any moment during our souls evolution and progress towards greater Light which is in true accord with divine Will.

The very idea of transdimensional commication is wonderful...and so much more when such dialogues can be of service to mans own understanding and enlightment as to his true purpose and destiny in the Universe. Not ALL spiritual truth is contained in a collection of 66 books neither can be. (this does not discount the truth and benefit that such a collection may afford).


I think reviews of Jesus are healthy...and that some orthodoxy has painted a less than perfect portrayal of Jesus. Christ as Myth and the mystical understanding of 'the Christ' have their place within our heritage. We all need the Christ of God.(the logos, light, anointing of our Great Source and Parent God).


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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #69 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 3:33pm
You don't consider it an angry rampage to copy and paste huge articles attacking the idea that Jesus even existed, when there are people on this board (including myself) who have had personal spiritual experiences with Jesus?  I

So????? And I have personal experiences with Elias, so why your experience more real then mine?
Just because?? Why my beliefs and experiences is different then yours or anyone else?
The copy and paste is reflecting my alignments in beliefs and perfectly point out the Encyclopedic mythological data in the similarities... would you care to challenge those?

Other then that IT IS SUBJECT TO BELIEFS mine as well as yours...

You are entitled to your opinion, but I hope you understand that your opinion is the equivalent of laughing in the face of those who sincerely believe in Jesus and have had spiritual experiences in which he appeared, including NDEs, OBEs, dreams and visions, responses to prayers, soul retrievals, etc.  Is that the stance you really wish to take?

So as laughing in my face, and insulting personally regarding my beliefs, and many of my personal experiences in retrievals, which obviously you not aware of.  The only difference is that I don't try to convince anyone year after year that someone should and must believe my truth...
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #70 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 3:54pm
, I once again have to wonder how many of those people who seem to think Elias and Seth are infallible communicators of the afterlife are worshippers of God.

I any given time I rather align with and not worship the following then  other source...because my experiences, support it and made many thing possible, what previously was limited by my own beliefs... 

ELIAS: “It is unnecessary to be creating of destruction and doom and trauma. It is more efficient to be creating of ease, and the manner in which you create ease is to be listening to self and not accepting all of what is offered by what you perceive to be outside of self.

“In like manner, I express to all individuals to not be following of this essence. I do not require disciples. I do not solicit followers. I am encouraging of every individual to be following of themselves, to be acknowledging of themselves, and to be recognizing that it is unnecessary for you to be continuing within your belief systems of authorities and other individuals that shall direct you.

“YOU hold the ability to direct YOU! You do not need any other individual or essence to be directing your movement. You may direct your own movement, and create wondrous experiences in your own direction!”

And by the way if somewhere in the way you lost interest  to understand Seth and Elias material as you requested from me privately that is your choice, but that is certainly not  base to your assumption that myself or anyone worship Seth and Elias or not...

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #71 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 8:40pm
I have personal experiences with Elias, so why your experience more real then mine?
Just because??

I'm not saying your experiences are less real.  I don't think I ever said that.  I certainly didn't intend to give that impression.  I don't know enough about your experiences to attempt to analyze them, and I don't know enough about Elias to form a judgment about how real he is.  So please don't think I am denigrating your experiences; I am not.  Smiley

The copy and paste is reflecting my alignments in beliefs and perfectly point out the Encyclopedic mythological data in the similarities... would you care to challenge those?

Just because the story of Jesus is similar to mythological figures and legends does not prove, or in any way imply, that the Jesus Christ described in the Gospels is a myth.

I once wrote a 25-page term paper for a graduate level course in Buddhism, entitled "Jesus and Buddha: Brothers in Spirit."  In the paper, I argued for the thesis that if Yeshua of Nazareth had been born in the time and place of Buddha, he would have ended up being Buddha, and if Siddhartha Gautama had been born in the time and place of Christ, he would have ended up being Christ.  There are a lot of fundamental similarities in their philosophies and teachings, and most of the differences are in my opinion attributable to the different cultures and religious traditions they were operating in.  (I got an "A" on the paper, by the way.)

My point is, if Jesus is similar to some other figures, either historical or mythological, that doesn't mean he was not a real person.  I definitely agree with you that there are important similarities between the story of Christ and some other stories and legends.  I just don't see how this in any way undermines the truth of Jesus Christ as a real being.

So as laughing in my face, and insulting personally regarding my beliefs, and many of my personal experiences in retrievals, which obviously you not aware of.  The only difference is that I don't try to convince anyone year after year that someone should and must believe my truth...

When did I do any of these things?  I am not laughing at you, personally insulting you, or denying your retrieval experiences.  I am not trying to tell you or anyone else that they should and must believe my truth; I am only encouraging people to think critically and open their mind to other perspectives, and it's up to them to decide what to believe.  I happen to be coming from a Universalist Christian perspective, which makes me a whole lot more open minded than most Christians, in any case.  I am not quick to tell anyone their experiences and beliefs are bogus, unless it goes against objective facts, in which case I will point it out.  I have never said that your beliefs are wrong except that I believe you are wrong to deny the historical existence of Jesus, and there is ample factual evidence backing up my belief on this issue.  But perhaps we will just have to agree to disagree.

Peace  Smiley
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Roger B
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #72 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 11:26am
Hi Freebird-

This whole dialogue (well it's really not a dialogue) reminds me of the frustration I have with a very close friend who is a Jehovah Witness.  Discussions get nowhere with him because he refuses to acknowledge even the possibility that his beliefs just might be wrong.  I am the one in the wrong and therefore I am the one who needs to be converted to his religion or else I am doomed.  There is no mid point, no compromise.  It's all or nothing.

When a person becomes that captive to a dogma or a cult or a religion or entities such as Seth or Elias, there is really no point in trying to have a productive discussion.  It gets nowhere.  It's a solid wall that simply can't be penetrated.

I'll say it again....I don't know if Seth/Elias is right or wrong.  I don't know if Jane Roberts fooled lots of folks by pretending to be a channeler for Seth or whether Seth really is a discarnate entity.  And even if he is, I don't know what his agenda is.  It might be totally innocent and he might be an educator, or there might be another agenda at work.

The point is, I don't know and no one else knows either.  That's why it's important to keep an open mind when you read that material, and avoid the temptation of swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

Because once you do that, you effectively close off any other possibility, including the possibility that the whole thing might...just bogus.

I value the contribution of Don (Berserk) because he forces me to consider other possibilities.  The reason some folks on this board find him to be objectionable is because he challenges their own belief systems.  And belief systems, once they have become internalized, are impossible to change unless or until there is what Bruce calls a belief system crash. 

Those crashes can be extremely traumatic so, as far as I'm concerned, I try to avoid locking myself into beliefs that allow no possibility of other explanations.
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #73 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 12:45pm
" The reason some folks on this board find him to be objectionable is because he challenges their own belief systems.  And belief systems, once they have become internalized, are impossible to change unless or until there is what Bruce calls a belief system crash." 

Hi Roger,  It's probably more accurate to say  'I believe the reason some folks on this board find him to be objectionable is because he challenges their own belief systems.'      At least that's my belief.      Tim
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Roger B
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #74 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 1:26pm
Hi Tim-

Yes, you're right.  I should have qualified that statement!

The other thing I should have qualified is that while I don't have dogmatic beliefs, I didn't mean to imply that I have no beliefs whatsoever.

For instance, I do believe in the existence of a Creator and I'm reasonably certain there's an afterlife of some sort.  That's about as much as I can say, at least for the time being.
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