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Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger (Read 398211 times)
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #105 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 7:28am
What is especially appalling to me and others are those astral projectors here who sign their posts "love", and profess to liberate souls by projecting "Pure Unconditional Love", and yet, prove themselves here to be as vicious as any guttersnipe.  Of course, this contradiction is widely recognized by many on this site too.  And the contradiction is a convincing refutation of their retrieval pretensions.

It's not because someone can love that they will be albe to do it non stop. It would require perfection. I did know some christians that were wuite horrible to have around even though they were Jesus loving fellow (you know ? The kind that have bumper stickers and all that stuff to show their faith). So I would say it's a human trait but humans can still love.

My policy here is that people teach you how to treat them.

That's my policy everywhere  8)
But I tend to try being nice anyway (at first) when when the other is bad tempered because most of the time it tends to change them.

It works both ways...
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #106 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 9:47am
Bruce Moen is delinquent in his duties as a moderator.

You got that right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By now he should be sick and tired of YOUR ungoing implication about HIM personally for years  that he is lying, your constant insult toward anyone who don't agree with you and your like... your periodic  dramatic "grand exit" and reappearence to continue your agenda and patronizing "sunday school teachings".

Regarding my quotes from Seth and Elias... I use them mostly when someone like you intentionally twist their material to justify they own purpose beside if quotes not allowed to be used, then it is apply for the" manual"  how to be more limited, what you never fail to quote or reffering to. 

The bottom line is for like you and like is that only bigger thing then your ignorance is your arrogance.

By the way, there are delightful exceptions here too and not everyone here is a New Ager.

And even more delightful that there is more who are  dispute all of  your many years effort to discredit, still continue their own individual experiences  and explorations without limitation and fear whatever maybe their  experiences interpreted based on their own beliefs.

Bruce Moen is delinquent in his duties as a moderator.

YES, he should force the board rules more stricly especially when his own board turning to preaching play-ground and not related to the subject what the board created for.

Again it's not about discussion who believe what and why, it is about the righteous arrogance about that anyone can force their own beliefs and truths to anyone else.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #107 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 10:51am
J.D. Howes was doing two unforgivable things...
#1. Plugging his book, using Mr. Moen's limited bandwidth in an attempt to fatten his wallet. (I'd like this to remain a free forum, wouldn't you? Or would you rather have to pay for it? Sure it's a drop in the bucket, but drops add up...)
#2. Attempting to scare people silly with that godawful "Hell" doctrine. (I dumped Christianity when I was 13 years old, but how do you get over the aftereffects of a nasty, vicious threat like the traditional concept of "Hell"? It ought to be considered child abuse to indoctrinate kids with this vile crap. As adults, I think quite a few of us (myself anyway) don't want to think about "Hell" while we're here... and if we do, we can always go googling for a site which WILL remind us of it. Fundie sites are all over the Web for us to visit. That is, if we're emotional masochists...)
So, where's the hatred? (Though I myself will cop to a bit of contempt...)
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #108 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 1:34pm
Dear Legolas,

You're being comically ridiculous. 
(1) In the first place, I was content to let this thread go quite long ago and it is you who are resurrectiing it. 

Yes of course I am the one resurrecting it.  When did I say otherwise??  In fact I made it quite clear that I was resurrecting it by saying: 

"I know this topic has died but I felt a need to respond anyway. "

So your first point makes no sense.

    (2) Secondly,  I created this topic in response to Roger who asked me to share my perspective on hidden channeling agendas in my "Lilac Cologne" post.  True I've read only one of Bruce's books, but I've browsed others, and read all his online articles.

I got no problem with someone asking you your opinion BUT I do not accept that you are an authority on the matter which is how you come off and which is how you came off when we were discussing seth long ago.

That was one of my problems with you because you blasted seth while having no real knowledge of it.  That is dishonest and unacademic.

(4) Fourth, the site still contains undaunted Seth groupies.   

You say this as if this site should contain no "Seth groupies" with the connotation that Seth has been proven wrong and is widely accepted as being false.

I also take issue with the phrase "Seth Groupie" as it implies people who study the seth material do so blindly and without any critical thinking.

Should I call you a christ groupie??

  For example, no matter what the question for Doris Seth seems to be the answer.

One, I don't know Doris.

Two, Seth covers A LOT.  I mean a whole lot so it is not uncommon or a bad thing to quote him on a given subject especially if you have come to experience it as being true.

    So you still have your cult with this New Age cult to continue to dispense your New Age Fundamentalism. 

Please respond to me by what I post and not by what group you think I am affiliated with.

Honestly, you have idiots who read seth.  You will find these idiots within just about any organization or framework.

Seth called these people idiots (or maybe the word he used was moron) and Jane hated them.  She was SO worried that people would start to view seth as some sort of god and seth always discouraged people from looking at him in that way.  He always tried to turn people back towards themselves.

There is even an idea out there that Jane died when she did because she didn't want people to do what they started to do.

What I take issue with is people who aren't that familar with the Seth material but they still feel a need to trash it.  How can you do this?  YOU do this.  It is dishonest.

Do not speak about something with authority unless you know what you are talking about.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #109 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 1:54pm
That's the trouble with so many New Agers.  They can't distinguish "hatred" from honest diagreement.

There you go again with the lumping.

My policy here is that people teach you how to treat them.  Legolas was rude to me, so I am blunt with him.  Here at least I think it is good to give people a taste of their own medicine.

I wasn't rude to you.  Just blunt.

You are always quoting Seth and Elias and never willing to defend them against honest criticism

I doubt you give honest criticism ......

no doubt because they are just indefensible,

when you say something like this.

I loathe pidgeon-holing people.

you do it alot though.  you did it when we were discussing seth and the pope.

By the way, there are delightful exceptions here too and not everyone here is a New Ager.

I understand now.   You are a self-hating New Ager.   Lol.

Anyone who tries to astraly project is a new ager.

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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #110 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 4:39pm
Dora, is it really possible that you can't distinguish a reasoned critique from accusing someone of "lying"?  Bruce claims to be a parallel incarnation of Robert Monroe and thus that he and Monroe are part of the same Disc.  I think Bruce is deluded in that claim.  But his claim is based on his astral experiences.  So how does my critique imply that he's lying?  I pointed out that Monroe himself is informed in the astral that he has only one parallel incarnation--a female one.  Somebody's mistaken here, but this has nothing to do with lying. I must test the claims of others the best way I know how since I know that my own OBEs and retrievals are bogus. 

Legolas, as a Seth admirer, it is you who recalled this thread, which critiques Seth as just one part of its multiple focus.  You duck the obvious fact that you could of course have merely created your own post on Seth.  By recalling the post you create the expectation that you might actually have something worthwhile to offer in reply my multi-faceted critique of channeling.  But no, you choose instead to expose your ignorance by opting for ad hominen attacks.  You accuse me of something I've never claimed--that I am an authority on channeling.  As you point out, I've only read the Seth book I frequently quote and have just browsed the other Seth books.  But you are too dense to realize that by admitting this to you I am
denying expertise in Seth's philosophy. 

However, with my Harvard doctorate in New Testament, Judaism, and early church history, I do have some expertise on Seth's claims about that historical era and it is that area that I critique in this thread.  So season your penchant for bluster with a modicum of rigor and address your critique to the specific historical arguments I offer in this thread.   During my posts here, I sometimes critique aspects of Seth's thought as found in posters' quotes.  I'm confident of my criticisms there as well, though I wouldn't pretend to be an expert in those areas. 

By the way, I wouldn't mind being called a "Christ groupie" if there were a group of Christ defenders here.  But there is not, so the label would be inappropriate.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #111 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 8:25pm
Legolas, as a Seth admirer, it is you who recalled this thread, which critiques Seth as just one part of its multiple focus.  You duck the obvious fact that you could of course have merely created your own post on Seth.  By recalling the post you create the expectation that you might actually have something worthwhile to offer in reply my multi-faceted critique of channeling.  But no, you choose instead to expose your ignorance by opting for ad hominen attacks.  You accuse me of something I've never claimed--that I am an authority on channeling.  As you point out, I've only read the Seth book I frequently quote and have just browsed the other Seth books.  But you are too dense to realize that by admitting this to you I am
denying expertise in Seth's philosophy. 

What ignorance did I expose?  We've had this conversation before and I've finally found the posts.  Do you remember having this discussion with "Eric" or "Errecx"?

If you deny expertise is Seth's philosophy then you cannot speak on it nor can you include it in your critique of channeled material.

Also, how can you offer any legitimate, multifacted critique on something when you aren't an authority on it or have full knowledge of it??  Imagine a movie reviewer giving his opinion on a movie he has not seen, or worse, critiquing the directors style when he has no knowledge of it.

However, with my Harvard doctorate in New Testament, Judaism, and early church history, I do have some expertise on Seth's claims about that historical era and it is that area that I critique in this thread.  So season your penchant for bluster with a modicum of rigor and address your critique to the specific historical arguments I offer in this thread.   During my posts here, I sometimes critique aspects of Seth's thought as found in posters' quotes.  I'm confident of my criticisms there as well, though I wouldn't pretend to be an expert in those areas. 

Do you remember calling Jane Roberts a fraud??  This is a very serious accusation and someone with a doctorate from harvard should know better and had better be able to back it up.   When I called you on it, you couldn't.   Your sole reason for calling her a fraud was that something seth said was similar to what gnosticism teaches.   You then backtracked and stated that the spirit that came to the gnostics might have been the same spirit that came to jane via Seth.

That's very poor academic work.  Not worthy of someone from harvard.

here is the link to the thread in which we had our conversation

[url]; [/url]
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #112 - Apr 23rd, 2005 at 10:33pm

You're really unbelievable.  Almost none of the posters here would claim to be experts on what they discuss.  Yet they rightly express their opinions on a variety of subjects and often display great wisdom in doing so.  To call oneself an expert on Jane Roberts, one should not only have read all her books, but should also ideally have attended some of her sessions.  I haven't done that and wouldn't dream of doing so.  Of course, she has passed away now.  Nor did I call her a fraud.  I think Seth is either a lying spirit or an unconscious projection of Roberts's personality.  Roberts's unacknowledged use of Gnosticism is either deliberate or unconscious, perhaps mediated to her by Seth.  I've read a review of one of her latest books, "The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto."  The reviewer noted that she herself often doubted the genuineness of the Seth entity and wondered if Seth were merely a psychological projection.  Frequnt self-doubt  speaks well of her or anyone involved with a controversial academic pursuit.  I'm sure she was a brilliant and remarkable woman.  It's just that on the points  I discuss on this thread I happen to think she's deluded. 

By the way, I'm sure I'm deluded on some important issues as well. I'm far, far from the last man who knew everything and have learned much from this site's New Agers.  And by conservative Christian standards I'd probably be deemed a New Ager myself.  I don't think either the "New Age" or "the Fundamentalist" labels are necessarily bad.  There are very bright New Agers and very bright Fundamentalists.  I myself just have too many doubts and questions to qualify as a Fundamentalist.  And if I could finally experience an OBE I deemed genuine, I'd practice OBEs regularly.  That would really make me a New Ager and I'd proudly bear the label, if I must be labelled.  But as I said, so far all my OBEs and retrievals seem bogus in retrospect.


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Lights of Love
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #113 - Apr 24th, 2005 at 6:54am
Hello Don,

Just wanted to jump into this discussion for a moment as I just realized something that I must have apparently missed previously.  If I understand your last paragraph correctly, when you use the label “New Agers” what you are perhaps meaning is New Age philosophy.  Guess I don’t care for labels because each individual is unique and their philosophy is dependent on their beliefs and life experience.  I think new age philosophy, like Christian philosophy or any other philosophy can mean different things to different people.  A label can mean one thing to one person and something quite different to another.  Labels are convenient, but they can also be easily misunderstood and cause confusion if someone doesn’t know the meaning being implied.  So that’s why I try not to label others or myself… I learned that it is too easy for people to misunderstand my honest intention.

I only have time to scan long posts, but from what I’ve read of the research you’ve done and presented here, I like the way you think and get down to the root of a concept.  And for those of us who sign posts with love… in essence I think the meaning behind that is understanding and acceptance for someone… just the way they are… no matter what way that may be... even with differing opinions where emotions become involved.  The person (perhaps even unconsciously) remembers that it is they who are angry and that their anger is really their feeling and in actuality doesn’t have anything to do with the person they are directing their anger towards. I think that’s a good thing because to me it means love at least has some presence in all things.

Love and peace,
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Touching Souls
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #114 - Apr 24th, 2005 at 7:11am
Kathy, you are so very right. We are all mirrors for each other. When I see intolerance in Don, what I am seeing is intolerance in myself. That's the same with all of us. We each need to look at ourselves. Shocked  Thanks for the wakeup call. Wink

Much Love Kathy,
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #115 - Apr 24th, 2005 at 3:41pm

You're really unbelievable.

I'm completely believable.

Almost none of the posters here would claim to be experts on what they discuss.


  Nor did I call her a fraud.

Yes you did.  The implication is in your original posts here and other places:

Sensing that her ignorance might be exposed, Roberts waffles a little on the exact date.

You are implying treachery on her part.   It is only later (when i called you on it) that YOU waffle and come up with that it was her unconcious or the same lying spirit that visited the gnostics.

Roberts's unacknowledged use of Gnosticism is either deliberate or unconscious, perhaps mediated to her by Seth.

Why do you assume it is gnosticism just because something seth says might be similar to what gnosticism teaches?
I can throw the same claim at xianity and say it is false because of it's similarities to mithraism.  But I wouldn't be correct would I?

I've read a review of one of her latest books, "The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto."  The reviewer noted that she herself often doubted the genuineness of the Seth entity and wondered if Seth were merely a psychological projection.  Frequnt self-doubt  speaks well of her or anyone involved with a controversial academic pursuit.  I'm sure she was a brilliant and remarkable woman.  It's just that on the points  I discuss on this thread I happen to think she's deluded.

Jane, in the beginning, questioned the validity of seth not because what he was saying was false but because that's who she was.  That is why the seth material is so good because in the beginning she just doesn't fall in line.  She'd  follows seth's advice and then sometimes she wouldn't.   Hell, for a time she engaged in scientific tests of seth with dr. g.h. estabrooks.

Jane stopped doing that as time went on and she began to trust seth as she started to explore and experiment with what he was saying.

But how would you know all of this?  You would have to do a bit more digging than reading through a book and a review.

An opinion that is given out of IGNORANCE of the subject is not a valid opinion.  Hell, my opinion could be that the sun revolves around the earth but I would be wrong.
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #116 - Apr 24th, 2005 at 3:44pm
Kathy, you are so very right. We are all mirrors for each other. When I see intolerance in Don, what I am seeing is intolerance in myself. That's the same with all of us. We each need to look at ourselves. Shocked  Thanks for the wakeup call. Wink

Much Love Kathy,

If I may, I think that's true but only up to a certain point.  Sometimes people are just intolerant. 

You wouldn't go up to a nazi and say "the intolerance I am seeing in you is a reflection of the intolerance in me" would you?
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #117 - Apr 24th, 2005 at 4:21pm
I appreciate everyone's recent comments--except the childish carping of Legolas, to whom this post is addressed.

Legolas, I repeat: I did not call Roberts a fraud and you are wrong to insist that I implied as much.  Her waffling implies uncertainty where it is warranted and this can be a sign of intelligence.  She may sense where her material is vulnerable to criticism.  That does not make her a fraud.  We all convey our opinions with varying degrees of certitude. 

Seth's discredited use of Gnosticism is not motivated by the standard Gnostics concerns.  Gnosticism is influenced by Middle Platonism, which would preclude the possibility of a suffering god.  I doubt that Roberts shares that Gnostic motivation.  So once again you are wrong when you allege that I assume "it is Gnosticism."It is merely adapted from Gnostic ideas. 

IMHO Seth, not Roberts, is the deceptive one.  If Seth is merely an extension of Roberts's personality, then her error is not CONSCIOUS fraud.  Besides, even if AI did rethink my position (which, in this case, I did not), so what?  People revise and nuance their views over time.  So stop being so petty and engage my arguments head on, if you must.  I repeat: it is you who recalled this thread, not me.

Or again, why don't you merely create your own post on Seth.  I wouldn't dream of interfering with it.   


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Touching Souls
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #118 - Apr 24th, 2005 at 7:59pm
Legolas, I stand by what I said. No, I wouldn't go up to a nazi and say anything. I would already know what they were going to say and wouldn't want to get into an arguement. I'm the peaceful kind myself.

I've had plenty of chance to talk to nazi's/white supremacists as I lived quite close to one when I lived in the town before. They're still living up there on the mountain close to my family.

I don't know if you've ever heard of Bob Matthews who was the head of a group called The Order back in the '80's. It was an offshoot of the Hayden Lake, ID group.  Do a search on google if you want to know more. Anyway, he was killed on Whidby Island, WA in 1984 by the ATF, FBI, etc.  His training group for the group was at their place and on my property before I moved there. Then later his wife married a man who ended up shooting several people at a Jewish center in L.A.

I used to do craft fairs and set up close to Debbie Matthews, his widow. I never once mentioned anything and she never once spouted her philosophies to me.  We would talk about things in general. 

Anyway I stand by what I said. WE ARE ALL MIRRORS FOR EACH OTHER.  We are all ONE. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Lights of Love
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Re: Channeling Agendas: A Reply to Roger
Reply #119 - Apr 25th, 2005 at 6:25am
Legolas, I tend to think of mirrors in terms of degrees and also in terms of energy.  For example, to the degree that you are able to love yourself, it is to that exact same degree in which you will be able to love another.  The same goes for intolerance… you will have intolerance for someone else to the exact same degree you have intolerance for yourself.  I think the key is having an understanding of the energies at work here.  The term Nazi is a label and can be interpreted differently by different people, but I think all would agree that this label could stand for the desire to overpower which is a result of the fear of powerlessness. 

To look at this in another way…it is the desire to the exact same degree that one would have to overpower someone else, would be the exact same degree that they feel powerlessness within their self.  It shows them where they are not loving and understanding their self.  Does this make some sense?

Love and peace,

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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