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The Head Honcho,Galactic Center&Changes (Read 2275 times)
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The Head Honcho,Galactic Center&Changes
Feb 1st, 2005 at 1:56pm
  Hi all,

  I wrote this after analyzing some Cayce readings about the changes.  And then reading other books with which resonated very strongly with, like Bruce's books, Rosie's first book, and Monroes' books which all mention the changes to some degree or other.  I'm not a doom and gloom type at all, but I have felt since around age 13 or so, there would be some major changes going on.  When I first started to learn about the changes, I focused on the physical aspect but now know that is just a slice of the pie.  Nor do i believe we should focus on it, since ultimately there is nothing in this Uni/Multi verse to fear.
   Remember in Bruce's third book where is in the Gathering and talking to some "E.T" types, and they tell him about an alignment with some kind of major energy source..Big Daddy, Head Honcho etc.?  I'm sure others have had this intuition too,  I very much connected this to our Galactic Center and its growing influence on our system and Galaxy--the Galactic center may also be the physical representation of the Aperature in Bob's and Bruce's books, but am not sure on this aspect.  anyways,  here is the piece i wrote below.

  First off, what does those “periods of 1998” mean anyway? We must first ascertain what this, more specifically means, to have any fuller understanding of what this particular Reading “implies”. To my mind, it is talking about the Earth Changes.  Do not mistake me; the Changes are much more than some eventually catastrophic crustal shift, which has happened many, many times in the Earth’s physical and geological history.  The Changes are more about the energy and spiritual changes (at least to me), the awakening of the entire human race (the group—Aquarius Age symbolism) to the knowledge of its Oneness.  But, the physical changes must happen too.  Why?  Why can’t one happen without the other?   Two main reasons are evident. 

   Earth and humanity’s energies are very polarized right now; there is a lot of friction going on spiritually, psychologically, and physically.  Hence the Fire symbolism of this cycle as mentioned in one reading.  These consciousness changes are fairly extreme and part of what is causing so much friction at this time, is the in-pouring of powerful and intense Love energy from other dimensions and Great Centers (especially since 1998)—that have to do with immensely large cosmic cycles (and also great Beings pouring forth love now).  The Love energy itself isn’t causing the friction; it is the collective consciousness of humanity that is fighting this powerful River flow, which is causing the heat and friction.  Picture pure, intense, all-powerful, and transformative White Light being poured into a room that is filled with darkness, with very Red colors, very Brown colors, very Gray, dark Green and Black colors, and many higher vibrating colors all mixed in with those predominant energies.   The White Light will help to transform those that are in the higher emotional, higher mental, and spiritual energies of their existence and facilitate them moving into even higher levels, but, it will also tear down the illusions, the power struggles, the lies and littleness, all of the unregenerated crap of humanity’s collective consciousness which has been so predominant since the Great Pyramids were built in the last Golden Age, which was in Leo (12,500 yrs, or so, ago). 

   Also note that this past golden Age of Leo is in exact opposition to our present Age of Aquarius.  No doubt there will be problems, UNLESS, we collectively start to align ourselves with this powerful White Light beam, more so than we are doing now.  The Iraqi War is a symbol that we (especially us Americans/former Atlanteans) are not doing this and it will not be a smooth transition for this sin-sick and selfish country that so reminds me of Rome, Babylon, and latter Atlantis.

    The second reason that physical changes must happen is simple metaphysics or energy-physics 101.  Remember we talked about how things first happen in the pure energy and consciousness levels and then trickle down till it reaches matter?  And that matter and energy are in reality ONE?   The changes first start to happen in the Spirit levels, then in the consciousness level of humanity, then also spilling over into the dense physical matter of Earth.  A change, especially such a strong and powerful change, can’t happen in just one “area” strongly, without happening strongly in the lower vibratory area, correspondingly.  How much change in one area is directly proportional to how much change in another (though the “time” difference can be quite off) and the degree of change depends on how well we are collectively aligned with these powerful in-coming energies or how polarized.

  Believe me (or don’t), this All Powerful White Light energy is extremely impersonal and could give a rat’s ass on the specifics of how you end up changing.  The personal aspect of “God” being involved has much more to do with the warnings and rescue efforts of those Masters, higher Initiates (Edgar’s future life), and other Beings of Light from other systems, for when the physical part of the changes does catastrophically culminate.
  Judging from the intense polarization going on in America (like as happened in Atlantis) this country in particular is going to go through some heavy collective shite; at least from the point of the materialists and those of dualistic thinking.  Those who choose to be in their higher energies see nothing wrong with a breakdown of the old, especially if it allows for much clearer _expression of the more Oneness Christ consciousness.  Through change/destruction of one form, comes forth the birth of another.  The Earth Changes with the Mother Earth are much like a woman being pregnant.  Though the labor is painful, is it “wrong” or even “bad”?  Isn’t the pain worth it in the long run?  Even many “spiritual students” live and think in the realm of duality, so they view the Changes (especially the physical aspect) as something “bad”, or not “good”.  But who are they to judge such happenings?  And who are we to judge those who judge?! 

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Re: The Head Honcho,Galactic Center&Changes
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2005 at 7:48pm
Thank you for posting this, I find information about the earth changes very fascinating.

I've also noticed how some spiritual information tend to be polarized. Often there is talk about lightworkers working to raise the vibration of the planet vs "ordinary" people going about their daily life, the importance of sending healing for the Highest Good (as if there is a thing as Lowest Good).. and so on  Tongue
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