Dear Polly,
You and Freebird might be interested in a conversation I once had with a woman I'll call M. I met M over a drink in a bar in Cambridge Mass. M was the director of the Day Care Center for the Harvard School of Education. She shared some amazing comments made by the 2-3 year olds under her care. One little girl suddenly pointed out, "It's your birthday today, isn't it?" M was shocked because she hadn't told the kids this. M replied, "Yes it is, but how do you know?" The child calmly explained, "I found out in heaven before I was born. I found out my Mommy's birthday and and my uncle's birthday in heaven too."
Another child once proudly proclaimed to M: "During naptime I fly all around the room. The other kids do too, but they don't know it." Again M was stunned and asked, "Why don't they know that they fly around too." The little boy frowned and observed, "Well, it's like a little mousy doesn't know that he's a mouse."
Curious, M notified the parents about their kids' bizarre comments and asked them if they spoke to their kids about psychic experiences. All the parents were incensed: "No, we don't believe in that nonsense. Don't you be putting weird ideas into their minds either!" So apparently the children's comments were not fueled by their parents' discussions of psychic phenomena.
Whether you believe in reincarnation or not (I do not!), the first child's inexplicable knowledge of these birthdays at least seems to suggest the preexistence of her soul prior to birth. And as I have said elsewhere, the soul's preexistence is a well established, but neglected early Judaeo-Christian belief.