I can see Monroe's loosh rote reads as far out, but its not really. Its not an interpretation; its actual; but it leaves a lot out that would reveal a fuller, rounder and more natural picture. I expect like some I would have thought it is false or a poor interpretation or something, except that I've seen the loosh business, what it is, how its made, refined, harvested, used and so on. I expect that sounds far out too, even on a far out website like this one! Monroe was right but he was describing someone else's communication to him, and doing so accurately, but he was not describing his own seeing and understanding of the loosh operation. Personally I don't like the term loosh, although it is accurately descriptive - like the word moo is to a cow's moo. The word suits an external or objective view of the substance and its processing, like a machine might sound from afar, but it sounds different to the sound that its parts sound like within each of them. Subjectively, from within the Earth life system, and from within the living parts or units, like within each of us, loosh is more like stress, or rather, like stress-energy being created, that is, stress of all grades and sorts, from most coarse and physical stresses to the most fine and spiritual stresses. Loosh is normal ethric/prana/chi/Mfield/bio-energy/vitality getting processed through stress/sufferings/dilemmas experienced by the unit and comes out refined and more potent than it was before in its natural state. The degree of refinement corresponds with the degree of coarseness or fineness of the stress experienced by the unit, which roughly speaking ranges from grossly physical, through emotional, mental, spiritual. As we as individuals develop in our fineness, fineness of consciousness, and our problems/dilemmas/sufferings/stress become capable of being finer in grade, so we refine natural vitality into a finer and more potent product. It is harvested via "wind pipes" or "breathing" of other beings. There is an overall system, and lots of lesser systems parasiting off of it, just like a great food production factory that makes food for people, can have the mice living in it eating the crumbs, the birds living on the roof eating the scraps out the back, the cockroaches in the crevices and dark places, the rats living off the waste down the waste pipes, etc. So too, the great stress/conflict/dilemmas of life-universal and its greatest overall benefit and purpose, is sort of parasited off by countless other lesser life systems, that are parts of the overall system. Loosh is not love, but it is related to love in that as the unit becomes more loving and utilises more love in its life and stresses, it then produces a more refined loosh. But as said, subjectively, from our perspective loosh is subjectively known like stress of various grades and kinds, from most physical to stresses of soul, heart and conscience. And also, the production of loosh should not be considered a big issue, in fact, it is beside the point of our life and living. Just like the life of the mouse in the factory, although it lives in the factory, the mouse's life and all his issues are irrelevant to the greater factory and its productions and servicing to the wider community. So too, the overall production of loosh that results from life is not of concern to us and our life, even though we are part of the system. We make other substances too, even what we call waste, but its useful to some other life, but its not the only purpose of our living. Our purpose is to our soul; all the other purposes are incidental. But, of course, the loosh business is interesting as a subject of thought and amusement and to those who are aware of it. In its essence, at its very base, it is to do with relationship between the elements. I mean the occult ones, fire, earth, air and water, not the periodic ones. It is the coming together of these elements within a freewilled soul immersed in a world of illusion, insulated from greater truth and from true and complete perspective, that produces conditions for production of refined vitality. Looking at it basically, when fire and matter come together they burn, and heat and light, and also smoke is made. Smoke is incomplete combustion. It is that, on every level of being, from the coarsest and most physical stresses of the body upon the soul, through to the most fine and spiritual stresses of heart and conscience, where fire/spirit and substance/all grades of matter/energy come together, and where there is incomplete combustion, as it exists upon that particular plane of the stress, that is the making of loosh in its grade according to the plane. Loosh is smoke, but in an occult sense. Every plane has its kind of smoke. The smoke that results from stress, in all its grades and kinds, and on all its respective planes. Stress is a type of fire, but people can't see it. It is the sensation of fire not fully combusting the material it is burning and making smoke according to that plane. But these behaviours of the elements and how they work in nature and within life units are occult, or not seen by most people. In regard to this loosh business, the purpose of living is our own, and is of the soul and its development and realisation of itself, and although the production of refined vitality(loosh) through experience of grades of stress is part of an overall system of which we are incidentally involved, all that matters to us as individuals is that we live our own lives as right and best as we can by those around us. There is nothing else to be concerned about.