Guns wrote on Jan 18th, 2009 at 7:06pm: Just wondering what it is like to get "stuck".
Probably the best way to understand what it is like to be stuck is to remember what it feels like to be in a dream. Typically, you are completely unaware of the fact that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. So, for example, if you are being chased by some big-toothed-monster in a dream you treat the experience as if it is really happening, you run to avoid being caught and eaten. During the dream you wouldn't stop to think, I am dreaming and there is no monster so it is okay to stop running. Instead, you just continue to react to the elements of the dream as if they are real.
Being stuck after death is like that. Whatever you are experiencing you become stuck within that experience to the exclusion of everything else. Nothing else exists except the dream you are stuck in.
So why can't friends, Helpers, Angels, etc. just pull you out and take you to Focus 27? If you completely believed you were being chased by the proverbial monster, stuck in the thought that you must run or die, do think you would even hear anyone calling to you?
Now, not all people are stuck in such dramatic ways, but the ways folks get stuck tend to keep them stuck because they typically make it difficult to impossible for them to even realize they are stuck. It keeps them isolated and unable to communicate with anyone on "their side" of the veil who could help them get unstuck.
Hope that helps,