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What ties the world together? (Read 18023 times)
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What ties the world together?
Dec 20th, 2005 at 3:08am
From the vantage point as ..lets say a small group of three for starters...that group will have a common interest of somesort. a like attract like attraction and basically believing the same things.
Though, from there into larger groups, like citys and state and countries, churches,.. it breaks up, you have on one hand the smaller group, and on the other the larger groups that hold these smaller groups within them and being part of the larger group is something that all the smaller groups have in common...
With the recent advances of technology we see alot of the world these days.
Alot of variety, and cultures, all these differences in sociologies from the smaller the group to the larger.

But, what is it that is the common thread of the world, what ties the world together?  What does all the world have in common?
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #1 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 9:27am
I'm not sure I understand, could you rephrase that question ?

For now I could say usability, or the forces of the universe (gravity, magnetic, etc) and more. The question is too vague.
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #2 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 9:45am
Love of others and inerests, so love...
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #3 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 11:55am
Consciousness binds us together.  On a certain level, it may be love, but this is difficult to prove.  So, I would say our conscious awareness, and interactions between this awareness or being (which is a form of the divine) is what binds us together.

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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #4 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 12:42pm
I agree Matthew but on say a scientific side, or a logical side our conciousness is what ties us together....blood in a family if you like ties us together. But what is it that makes us be together, tie us together specially in this world where everyone doesn't believe in a conciousness...well one that exsists after death... i do truly believe love, and this isn;t unconditional...just love for someone or something.

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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #5 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 1:11pm
It may be Ryan.  I think you may be onto something.  I tend to think of each of us as a small part of divine consciousness.  Struggling, trying to express ourselves and to understand the meaning of life.  Since we all have this "spark of God" in us, it is naturally something that binds us together.  For in one sense, God is never truly divided but we may think we are. 

Is that unity love?  Yes, perhaps.

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Touching Souls
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #6 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 1:32pm
We are all a spark of God and that is what holds the world together. Love is the glue that holds everything together. IMHO LOVE is the greatest energy there is.

In Spirit of ONE,
Mairlyn  Cheesy
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #7 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 3:47pm
LOVE!!! LOVE is super!......or not.

Love does'nt hold didley squat together, you see a kid in africa starving and you have a good cry and you moan about it, the goverment aint doing enough, but then again after you have had your moan and a cry, you sit down on christmas day and stuff your face.

Love is a fantasy. Pure and simple, if it was truely a wonderful binding force, it would be un bendable, yet people fall in love and out of it, every minute of everyday.

Love, is a program, like religon. It has a purpose to keep order in society.

Love did'nt exist, until modern man started living in communitys.

Love is a tool, which has become a symbol/fantasy of a wonderful imaginary force, which is purer then pure, it rise's above all other things. But people tend to forget, hitler loved germany, and look what he did to protect it.

What really holds the world together?

we have the same urges, the same needs as one another, it gives us a common bond/goal.

you see a rat dead on the road, you would'nt pull over and stop....why? becuase you know a rat would'nt care if you were dead. yet since a human works by the same function as you, you stop, and help, and you would expect the same in return, if the situation was reversed.

when common urges, become to different, conflict starts, then wars.

love is merely a word used for the time when the urges of 2 + people match closey together.

Love, like all things fades with time.

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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #8 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 5:02pm
This is exactly why I think the question is too vague.

Spitfire : commonality ? Maybe for living things but not for the world.
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #9 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 5:19pm
Awareness, creative thought energy, and PUL ties all of existence together.

After a while you can see that these three things are everywhere, intermixed, and have a common source.

Because they are able to work together so marvelously, existence can be a wondrous thing.

If you take one of these aspects away from the other two, life wouldn't be complete.

What good would it do to have creative being, if nothing was aware of it?

What good would it be to be aware, if there wasn't anything to be aware of?

What good would awareness and creative existence do you, if PUL wasn't there to make everything seem worthwhile?
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #10 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 5:20pm
Why is it too vague, raphael? you havent really said the reason.
It was actually a leading quaestion to get you to answer your opinion about what holds the world together.
Maybe vaguity holds the world together somehow, eh?

for specifics, i mentioned the word sociology, so you could answer according to the social aspect of our world and what it is that unites the individuals and groups and world group as a social group...

But if you would like you can answer according to scientific principles  or whatever.

A agree with spitfire and what i am looking for is what is that social common ground of the world group. Do we have a world goal that all the world participates in achieving?  Or is it simply that the world is a bunch of groups with no common interest at all.

I expected at least half of you to answer with love.  But the whole world wouldnt answer that way? correct?

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Red Hot Chili Pepper Fan!

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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #11 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 6:06pm
LOVE!!! LOVE is super!......or not.

Love does'nt hold didley squat together, you see a kid in africa starving and you have a good cry and you moan about it, the goverment aint doing enough, but then again after you have had your moan and a cry, you sit down on christmas day and stuff your face.

Love is a fantasy. Pure and simple, if it was truely a wonderful binding force, it would be un bendable, yet people fall in love and out of it, every minute of everyday.

Society has created a image, a common acceptable, love is easier fallen into and fallen out of...this is not the love I speak off. I don't usually use love as a reason, mainly for the reasons you do Spitfire but you have to look really deep.

Ok seeing a kid in Africa isn't love, if you can sit down and stuff your face like you said it isn't. It doesn't mean you care and love and want these kids to be well, there are different degrees of love and we have a battle here, a few who believe in love, a few who don't. Each group is right but theres a middle and no one is willing to go there.

Love is a unbendable bendable because it isnt encompassed fully....and we can't possible even begin to in this life time...i one don't believe we can love unconditionally down here, not really and truly... love can be as deep and as shallow it is still love...and it still binds.

I agree with Matthew with conciousness...but i do hold love strongly in this topic....for like i said we can have a family but it doesn;t tie us together apart from we are a will....i think conciousness is the platform and like Marilyn said love is the binds which can use the platform to connect, to tie us together.

This love argument keeps coming up over and over again.... lets truly accept it plays a part because this argument is getting boring.

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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #12 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 6:49pm
If you want to speak about social groups than I would go with the others and say love and common goals.

But I wouldn't say that's what causes matter to stay together or that it's the reason the universe doesn't explode.

*music* Love is in the air, look around it's everywhere lalalala lol
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #13 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 8:27pm
thats nice raphael, but somewhat vague. theres alot more in the air then music and love. Well at least there are songs that dont deal primarily with love,  hehe

and see, it does in a sense deal with matter exploding...hahahah
The social structure of the world and the explosion of matter can be connected, ya know Wink
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Re: What ties the world together?
Reply #14 - Dec 20th, 2005 at 10:45pm
Money.  Capitalism.  Seriously, money is a language that all understand.  It is the means of trade between the various countries today.  It had a lot to do w opening the east to the west.  It doesn't matter that much what religion a person has either.  Atheist, fundamenatlist, agnostic, communist, new ager - money is the language understood by all, and causes interaction between them.  Even people that hate each other will have interaction by means of it.  Voltaire saw the beginnings of this, and commented on it.

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