Ex Member
Hi all... I was just reading in the archive an account of Ginny's retrieval of a suicide from an F23 thought form/structure that looked like his kitchen. Although the account was from last July, for some reason as I was reading it I wanted to see if I could actually get a correct visualisation of the in, whether or not what I saw was similar or identical to what Ginny had percieved.
I don't know whether or not this is simply stuff from my own head, because most of what I saw mentally seemed like generic characteristics of virtually any kitchen on the planet...but anywayz. The two main things that stood out in my own visualisation of it were the colour, which was a sort of grimy lemon...very dirty, or fairly, anywayz. The other thing that persistently stuck out was a pair of scissors, although I have absolutely no idea why...Scissors can be found in virtually any kitchen anywhere, including my own...although the pair I've got here had plastic coated handles, and the ones I found myself seeing were the old pure steel variety. *grin* On a more serious note, I found myself with the impression that the kitchen (at least the construct which the guy's spirit had created, anywayz) was an intensely lonely and boring place, completely devoid of stimulation of any kind. I haven't tried doing any retrieval stuff myself yet, but from what I've been able to figure out from the other accounts of course is that the spirits in question get so completely locked into what ever pattern they were in when they died, that they simply can't focus on anything else. I might be bragging here, but I don't think I've ever been that unconscious in my life before, so I'm sitll trying to get my head around it. It's quite staggering.
I'm trying to redevelop my ability to visualise, and reading an account of Bruce on IRC with some people also helped, because I remembered that I used to know a woman on IRC with multiple personality disorder, and I was actually able to see her personalities...or the physical characteristics that they imagined themselves as having, if that makes any sense. I'd describe them to her and she'd verify them to me, often with some surprise that I was able to pick that up.
I think I have a block about this though because I went through a two year period of smoking marijuana which ended a bit more than a year ago, and during that time I became scared/convinced that smoking that had impaired my ability to imagine/visualise pretty much anything. I'm still not sure whether or not I actually did do something to myself then, or if it is just a block.