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I finally have something great to share !!! (Read 1188 times)
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I finally have something great to share !!!
Nov 11th, 2003 at 8:46am
Hi all I'm so happy today !

I finally found a way to make contact with the afterlife ! Well in a way Smiley I was interested in the tarot but while searching about it on the net, I found info about the pendulum. I was thinking about it for a while, even before I got interested in the tarot but I didn't know where to find info about it. Well I found all the info here:

I made my own pendulum, did the ritual (it is suppose to make it work better and since I have nothing to lose...) and made contact !!!

Here is a transcript of my first session. It doesn't contain anything great but for ME this is a BIG step.

I can't have full blown conversations like some of you have but at least I can ask yes/no questions. It seems we can do more with the pendulum but since I'm a beginner, I want to make sure I understand it well at firt.

Question #1: Please give me a yes (I must tell you at first it didnt really work, my yes and no answers were the same so I had to do it a couple of times before everything was clear)
Answer: (left to right)

Q2: Please give me a no
A: Vertical movement

Q3: So a "no" is a vertical movement ?
A: Yes

Q4: So a "yes" is a vertical movement ?
A: No

Q5: Is it true that ma name is Raphaël *** ?
A: Yes

Q6: Is ***, my grandfather, dead ?
A: Yes

Q7: So *** is still alive in the psysical world ?
A: No

Q8: Are my parents currently alive ?
A: Yes

Q9: Am I currently on a waiting list to enter medical school ?
A: No

Q10: Are we currently Wednesday ?
A: No

Q11: Are we Tuesday in Quebec ?
A: yes

Q12: Could you answer with a lot more power with my pendulum ?
A: Yes (a strong yes)

Q13: Could you answer with that much strenght in the future ?
A: yes

Q14: Are you a god ?
A: No

Q15: Are you my spiritual guide ?
A: Yes

Q16: Will you help me to evolve spiritually ?
A: yes (I ask this twice and got yes for both)

Q17: Will you be able to help me to develop my psychic habilities ?
A: yes

Q18: Will you be able to help me astral project ?
A: Yes

Q19: Will you be able to start to initiate me to astral projection tonight ?
A: Yes

Q20: In the gree blastic bowl in front of me, there are 3 bananas right ?
A: False

Q21: I autorise you to help me in radical ways in my spiritual evoluton, do you understand ?
A: Yes

Q22: So I autorise you to help me thru my dreams, for example, do you understand ?
A: Yes

Q23: You refuse to help me ?
A: No

Q24: For the last answer, you used a lot of strenght, will you always be able to use that much strenght ?
A: Yes

Q25: Are you my higher-self ?
A: Yes

Q26: WIll it always be you that will communicate with me ?
A: yes

(sorry for the next 2 questions but it seems I had the right to ask them since he answered me)
Q27: Is Bruce Moen, the one who has and the one who has the forum which I use, lying about his explorations in the afterlife ?
A: No

Q28: So is "phasing" technique actually works ?
A: Yes

Q29: Are you always saying the truth ?
A: yes

Q30: So you are constantly lying ?
A: No

Q31: I thank you for your time. Do you understand me ?
A: Yes

Q32: Does it bother you if I communicate with you later ?
A: No

Thank you very much

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Re: I finally have something great to share !!!
Reply #1 - Apr 11th, 2004 at 7:30pm
Oh yeah... "THAT"...

Well I made my own tests and it didn't make sens after all.

I quit this method after 2 weeks of comparing my results. You can try by yourself but it seems it isn't a valid method of exploring the afterlife.
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