Ex Member
Hi everyone!
After my last experience in the Creation Center, I had so many questions that I just knew I had to go back, and try to get more understanding.
With this *intent* in my mind I went back to my place, and to my surprise Ajtosh was already there and said....'hey, I know you need some answers....are you ready to go back to the Creation Center?, I told him oh yes, more than ready, then he said lets go.
We arrived there, and the same ACC greeted us, I told him that I had many questions and wanted more understanding, he said.....'sure Marta, I will be very happy in helping you and answering your questions'.
My first question was, if everyone is naturally a creator, why is the need for Professional Creators, he answered......'Marta I will use an example, you have been an Architect on Earth, now everyone can imagine in their minds a beautiful house which is already an act of creation, but not everyone is an Architect, you had to go and learn the art of design, to know the materials of construction, structure that make possible the manifestation of the house, well in a way is the same what Professional Creators do'.
My second question was, if each of us creates our life and experiences, how this fit with the Creation Center, he answered.....'I will use again the Architect example, after you complete the design of a house and it is constructed, you don't go and tell the family who is going to live in the house how to furnish it, cleaning or mainten it, now don't forget that they came to you in the first place asking to design a house for them, which you did, meaning you took in consideration what they wanted, and then you designed the house that will suit the best to their a way this basically what this Center does, but with more scope, because here we create patterns of possibilities, coming back to our Architect example, it will be as you created many houses for the family to choose which one they wanted manifested'.
Then I asked how the Disk or I-There fits in all this, he answered.........'like the families that asked you to design a house for them, and after just lived in the house with entire freedom, maybe at some point they will come back to you for some re-disign...LOL, now Marta, everything is connected, we are not separated from you or anyone else, you see WE are ONE, any of our creations here, in a way could be said that are also creations of all of you too, the problem is in your limited concepts of what you are, on Earth you still see all of you separated from each other, you see yourselves separeted from the animals and nature, and there resides the problem, self-awareness doesn't mean separation, I'm aware of myself and at the same time I'm aware of being ONE with everything, but to realize that is part of your discovery lessons on Earth....then when we say that here in the Creation Center are creators Beings, you insist in seeing them as separated from you, which is not the case, everything is a conjoint creation with the purpose of joy and fulfillment, WE being ONE create possibilities of experience for the ONE manifested in many'. I told him that this was a great explanation, then he said.....'now, comming back to the Architect example, of course our *materials* are different to the ones you used on Earth for your house designs, we work with dimensional time, multidimensional space and energy units/concsciousness that are also self-aware and have propensities, in a way could be said that we work with mental concepts that are manifested as multidimensional patterrns of possibilities, now and this is hard for you to understand, bacause consciousness have propensities, there is kind of mobility, none of those creations are as finished products, you could say that are self-creative too, the best way to see those creations will be as master plans which contains inside endless possibilities of creation too'. Then he said....'remember the filament that contained the information of DNA for some specie in your plane, well what this filament contained was the patterns for many possibilities, all the ones that will be suitable to the conditions of this precise specie, now the specie will choose which one to manifest in their own realm, you see there is not only one physical Earth, there are many physical dimensional Earths, I think you call that parallel Earths, because you are not aware of them, doesn't mean they don't exists, is just that you are aware of only one, then this specie exists simultaneously in some of those Earths, and the specie of each Earth will choose the DNA more suitable to their conditions, but all the possibilities will get manifested'. He continued........'Marta is the same as when what you call your Disk creates a new personality, it endows the new personality with many characteristics and inclinations, but is the personality choice to expand that and enrich it, or ignore those inclinations and grow in a different way, both will be valid, nothing is an ABSOLUTE creation, any creation has mobility, it can't be otherwise'.
After those explanations, I thought that it was enough for my second visit and I wanted to remember all he said, then I thanked him for his answers. I said to Ajtosh that I thought this was a very interesting visit, thanked him and came back to C1
Thank you for listening.
LOVE Marta