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My First Experiences!! - using what Bruce said in (Read 203615 times)
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running with the wolves..
Reply #105 - Apr 7th, 2003 at 10:49am
From a friend.  Read and pass it on to those who would be comforted by this letter.
It's a letter from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D, author of "Women Who Run With the Wolves"
  Mis estimados:
Do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply
and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world right now... Ours is a
time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters
most to civilized, visionary people.
You are right in your assessments. The luster and hubris some have aspired to while endorsing acts so
heinous against children, elders, everyday people, the poor, the unguarded, the helpless, is breathtaking.
Yet, I urge you, ask you, gentle you, to please not spend your spirit dry by bewailing these difficult times.
Especially do not lose hope. Most particularly because, the fact is we were made for these times.
Yes. For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this
exact plain of engagement...
I grew up on the Great Lakes and recognize a seaworthy vessel when I see one. Regarding awakened
souls, there have never been more able crafts in the waters than there are right now across the world. And
they are fully provisioned and able to signal one another as never before in the history of humankind...
Look out over the prow; there are millions of boats of righteous souls on the waters with you. Even though
your veneers may shiver from every wave in this stormy roil, I assure you that the long timbers composing
your prow and rudder come from a greater forest. That long-grained lumber is known to withstand storms,
to hold together, to hold its own, and to advance, regardless.
We have been in training for a dark time such as this, since the day we assented to come to Earth. For
many decades, worldwide, souls just like us have been felled and left for dead in so many ways over and
over brought down by naiveté, by lack of love, by being ambushed and assaulted by various cultural and
personal shocks in the extreme. We have a history of being gutted, and yet remember this especially--we
have also, of necessity, perfected the knack of resurrection. Over and over again we have been the living proof that that which has been exiled, lost, or foundered can be restored to life again.
In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the
  world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency too to fall into being weakened by persevering on what is
outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails. We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great
souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear.
  Didn't you say you were a believer? Didn't you say you pledged to listen to a voice greater? Didn't you
ask for grace? Don't you remember that to be in grace means to submit to the voice greater?
Understand the paradox: If you study the physics of a waterspout, you will see that the outer vortex
whirls far more quickly than the inner one. To calm the storm means to quiet the outer layer, to cause it to swirl much less, to more evenly match the velocity of the inner core till whatever has been lifted into such a vicious funnel falls back to Earth, lays down, is peaceable again. One of the most important steps you can take to help calm the storm is to not allow yourself to be taken in a flurry of overwrought emotion or desperation thereby accidentally contributing to the swale and the swirl.
Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the
world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist
some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or
by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good. What is needed for dramatic change
is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, and continuing. We know that it does not take
"everyone on Earth" to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up
during the first, second, or hundredth gale.
One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up
  and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can
  send up flares, builds signal fires, and causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these to be fierce and to show mercy toward others, both, are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.
If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.
There will always be times when you feel discouraged. I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I
do not keep a chair for it; I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate. The reason is this: In my uttermost bones I know something, as do you. It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to Earth, who you serve, and who sent you here. The good words we say and the good deeds
we do are not ours: They are the words and deeds of the One who brought us here. In that spirit, I hope you
will write this on your wall: When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt.
But that is not what great ships are built for.
This comes with much love and prayer that you remember who you came from, and why you came to
this beautiful, needful Earth.
  Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D
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a recent death
Reply #106 - Apr 7th, 2003 at 10:03am
if someone had a dark side during this life what plane would they most likely be in? the reason for my question is, i was told many times in this relationship that if anything ever happened to him he would haunt me the rest of my life. this is not a very pleasant thought
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What to do when "someone" calls your name...
Reply #107 - Apr 6th, 2003 at 7:18am
Dear All,

I have been wondering about the following:

Several years ago I heard someone (a female voice) clearly call my name, as I was lying in bed (this must have been when I was in the "hypnagocic state"). She said my name as if wanting to draw my attention to something. I will probably never know what it was she was trying to draw my attention to.

In these last months, since I have started  actively "pursuing" trying to explore the Afterlife, I have heard my name being called 3 more times (not the same voice).

What do I do with this? The last time I heard my name being called (yesterday-night), I confirmed to this person in my mind that I had heard her/him, to indicate that I had heard her/him. Also I asked this "person" if she/he could let me know who she/he was, why she/he was getting my attention.

No response, unfortunately.

Again, what can I do with this, to somehow find out why "they" are calling my name? There must be some reason for this. But I don't know how and what to learn from this.

"They" will be well aware of my wish to learn and develop spiritually, and this must be the reason why my attention is being drawn in this way. But to what? How do I increase my chances of finding out?

Does anyone have any idea's/advice for me?

Thank you very much.

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Iraq retrievals and looking around
Reply #108 - Apr 6th, 2003 at 6:13am
letting the imagination go method to see what happens. even though I decide to just go there without asking for assistance, still its an unconscious habit I'm into. I'm always talking either to myself or invisable helpers assuming I'm heard. #1 first see american soldier holding something pointed towards the dark end of camp. first its a rifle, later it looks too large to be a rifle. he's supposed to be guarding the camp while the others sleep. he has been killed, ambushed. I tell him its no use, what he's doing. he's really transfixed on his job and not paying attention to me. from somewhere I get the idea to visualize I'm wearing comoflauge fatiques with a hat. I do this to be more credible to him and I assume a military attitude of toughness. I'm thinking, wow, this guy is so young! he pushes me a little as I'm distracting him from duties of guarding. he's playing tough so I play tough right back. I tell him straight out you're a dead man already, put the gun down and come with me. of course he doesn't believe me but I have his attention and I get that he wanted to come back home a hero, but to do that he has to shoot the enemy. he never did shoot anyone. in step 2 very military men with insigna and authority to which he is forced to salute and they take him off his post. his name was Johnny. #2 woman huddles with small baby in arms. they baby has died. I'm confused if she is alive physically so I almost wander on by. however something tells me to return and put my arms around her. I do this and direct her to a survivor camp I've just noticed is set up, others appear to lead the way. #3 I'm looking at a man, theres dark stuff all over him, I think it is anger. he hovers over a woman's body and will not leave for the camp until helpers bring a stretcher for the woman and they then take him to the camp. it appears that the woman's spirit has gone on somewhere, while he remained. when they leave I see the hole in the ceiling which exposes many stars. I notice the desolation of the house in contrast to the beauty of the sky and I move to the next retrieval like on automatic pilot. #4 four people in house, the father speaks to me. he just can't be bothered with all this war stuff, he's very flippant with me when I speak of a camp where food and others wait. its not real to him but his house has been bombed and he wants to continue as if nothing happened. I am amazed. he just sits there unconcerned in complete denial. in walks 2 Iraqi soldiers this time (helpers dressed up) with guns pointed, they order all to survivors camp. he understands orders and changes his attitude and leaves for the camp.

then I start to nod off to sleep but I'm still prowling Iraq. I notice a huge fire reaching to the sky, many non/physical helpers join hands around this fire which turns into a solid column of light ascending into the heavens. any soul who chooses to can go directly home from this locale in a swift manner. its like an elevator of pure energy light. this is not like the survivor camp. this is a faster method.
I'm just looking around a bit and see a soldier who is alive in a body. behind him a nun on his heels at every turn. I think how peculiar, why is this? I'm told he is a catholic soldier, a conscious objector to killing. he is trying to avoid killing and the nun on his heels is instructing him how to avoid it. I wonder how hard this must be, to be sent to kill yet every moment striving to avoid it. I hear him confessing his "sins" as he walks through rubble. the nun acts as a priest would, in absolving him of his sins. and I wake up to write it down lest I forget. I wonder why he didn't claim that status of objector from the beginning? maybe its not that easy anymore. but there he was, ready to defend himself if necessary, his body from harm, but thinking that he would be condemned to torment if he killed someone. the relunctant soldier. hmmm.
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BSTs- Here and There
Reply #109 - Apr 5th, 2003 at 6:43pm
Watching the endless stream of commentary about the Iraq war, you can't help but conclude that earthly BSTs are almost as powerful as those in the afterlife.

Liberals still wring their hands about the war regardless of how it's progressing, and conservatives still take every opportunity to dump on Bill Clinton.  It never ends.

But it strikes me that's there is one difference.  From what I understand about BSTs in the afterlife, it's really a closed loop.  There is no one there to counter their beliefs, no one to present an opposing point of view.  Everyone reinforces the particular belief, and no one challenges it.

At least here, you can tune in on any cable channel and hear all sides of the argument.  It might not affect your point of view, granted, but nevertheless the various viewpoints are constantly being presented.  And there's always the outside chance that maybe your world view might..just might...change or at least be altered.

Seems to me that BSTs in the afterlife are limited to those who are dead set in their own belief system.  For someone who can see both sides of things, or at minimum are open minded to the possibility that they might be wrong in their beliefs, why would they go to a BST when they die?  And if they don't, where DO they go? 

Michael Newton says they go back to their "cluster" (or disk) to review their physical life and to plan for their next one.  I guess my question is, if there are folks who hang around the earth plane to continue to get their kicks (booze; gambling; sex; whatever), who or what gets their attention to persuade them to knock it off and get on with their own spiritual evolution?  Or can they continue with their voyeurism indefinitely?

Sometimes it seems as if there are guides or Helpers whose job it is to steer us in the right direction, and other times it seems as if we can do whatever we want as long as want. 

I realize it is we who do the choosing, but if our choices are bad, aren't there teachers (just like a good parent here on earth) whose job it is to put us on the right path?
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Gender: female
Two War Retrievals
Reply #110 - Apr 5th, 2003 at 11:51am
Hi everyone,                   

After spending some time in the 3D blackness, knowing I wanted to connect with a Helper and assist in any retrieval, if necessary, connected with the war, I then spotted a small opaque area and focused in on it. I was then feeling a sense of motion through blackness and someone to my right, a female.

When the sensation of movement stopped I was standing next to what my interpreter said  was a tank directly to my left. I could feel another type of vehicle to my right and sensed more of the same in the area. No one was around. I waited a few seconds and then sent out a hello and sensed someone was on the other side of the tank, but wasn't responding. I started moving around the vehicle and saw a young black man in fatigues, staring at me..and I could feel he was scared and very confused. I concentrated on a feeling of calmness, friendliness and sent this to him along with telling him my name. He took a few steps toward me and stopped, asking where everyone was. His fellow comrades were gone and he was frightened by this, feeling vulnerable. I told him all was well, that we were there to get him. As he was looking into my eyes I held out my left arm to indicate others where right behind me and the Helper appeared. I moved away as they started communciating and it wasn't long before he left with what felt like three or four others.

I was then suspended in blackness for just a moment and another scene opened up. I was inside a building that had pretty much been demolished. Some of the roof and walls were gone, cement support beams were holding up what remained. I then watched a little girl of around six walk through the room and stop. She looked over at me and I had a feeling she was the child who had popped into my mind over a week ago. I felt instant guilt that I had not followed up on that impression then, but decided to push it aside as she certainly didn't need to experience my stuff.

I smiled and said hello, told her my name and asked what she was doing. She looked down, saying nothing. Dark, curly hair surrounded large black eyes. I got that since I was not a member of her family she wasn't sure about me...she wanted to wait for one of them to come and get her. She seemed to be in a mild daze and yet I sensed she was knowledgeable of what had caused the building we were in to be destroyed. I moved a little closer and noticed she was holding something and got that it was a small doll or toy. I slowly knelt and told her I had a doll too and would she like to see it? I handed her a doll which had a dress with sparkly rhinestones and what looked like glitter in the fabric, braided hair, fancy shoes and lacey socks. Her eyes widened as she took it.  She gave me a careful look as she marveled at the doll---she wasn't about to reveal her emotions to me. I then said I knew a nice lady who had lots of dolls, just like the one she was holding, and would she like to go see them? She hesitated, staring me in the eye, and then nodded. The Helper was right there to our left and I moved back a few feet as the girl seemed to be listening to her.

And that's the last I remember as I fell into a nice nap.

Much love,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Question about interpreter
Reply #111 - Apr 8th, 2003 at 12:05pm
Hi Ginny,
Wonderful stuff, as always Smiley  I have a question about something you said...

: When the sensation of movement stopped I was standing next to what my interpreter said  was a tank directly to my left.

It's the "what my interpreter said" that's got me questioning.  First off, I'm new to this.  Second, I'm aware that how or what I "see" might be influenced by a particular belief I hold or, what I thought until now, what my interpreter has chosen to label it as (i.e., interpreter overlay).  But your statement makes it sound like you *actively* listen or communicate with your interpreter??  Help! What am I missing?

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Re: Question about interpreter
Reply #112 - Apr 8th, 2003 at 2:51pm
Hi Mitzi,

Oh---lol!...yea, just a choice of words. When I first arrived I perceived sky and a sandy landscape ahead, with the feeling of a large, dark mass to my left. I 'saw/felt' wheels on tracks. All of this happened in a split second. My interpreter was offering me, 'tank'...what I guess was either there in that soldier's world, or the nearest thing it could relate to according to what's stored within my own subconscious. My interpreter doesn't talk to me as if it's a person...but I do communicate with it while in the afterlife, such as using Bruce's technique whereby if we don't understand what we're perceiving, we can 'let the image go and ask for better understanding'. I'm learning as I go regarding how we interpret and perceive the nonphysical, but one thing I do know for sure and that is whenever I ask it to interpret better it tries its best---Shocked).

Much love,


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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Can a person die and not know it
Reply #113 - Apr 4th, 2003 at 6:08pm
I have heard of people who have died and did not know it.They could be dead for years,and still carry on as if nothing happened,How could this be.There must be a difference.Or do they create it.But if they could not make contact with anyone,would this tell them they are dead.Could someone explain this to me.George
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gordon phinn
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F23 Exploration + HS Merge + Retrievals
Reply #114 - Apr 4th, 2003 at 4:56pm
Friends:  knowing it was about time to get over to Iraq instead of just talk about it, I put aside an hour, dug out the Monroe Inst. tape "Transcendence", and lay down in my darkened bedroom (change of pace from public pool hottub!).  I relaxed and focussed, listened to my own brain chatter for a bit, and then rose up and moved west over landforms and lakes towards the Atlantic (I'm in Central Canada).
(two points here: was determined to move more slowly than past retrievals, and determined to "do it all myself" without helpers)
Over Eastern Canada over sea towards Europe, over W. Europe over Meditteranean towards Israel.  Impression as I approach of dark clouds of anger/fear over Israel.  Of course, not surprised.  Stop to do the "white light searchlight" thing (as I call it) ie. channel the light of love & understanding (pul if you like) and kind of stand there like a lighthouse beaming into the murky churning inky black clouds.  To not much effect I'm afraid.
Voice on tape tells me to go deeper.
Having practised a bit with moving aspects of myself to do distance healing recently, I take this as a chance to further experiment and leave an aspect of Gordon to continue the light beam work and move "up" to higher focus levels, past F24-26, thru F27 right up to that "sea of white light with the twinkling golden globes"...the sphere where the Higher Selves/Discs/ Monads dwell.  Merge with "mine" (how do I know which one? good question). Exchange greetings and ask question from board member re inevitability of war etc.

Answer seems to be approximately this:  "The fact of war means little or nothing to me, at least in the humans sense.  AS a set of experiences its value is equal to all other sets of experiences.  They all become useful information in my data banks.  I have seen several physical plane civilisations rise and fall on this planet, each one a fresh experiment rising from the ashes of previous destruction, and I only use the word "previous" to give a sense of familiarity to your accustomed linear sense of history.  For me, if I choose to so focus, the fall of Atlantic is simultaneous with the heights of Ancient Egypt, or Europe being decimated by the black plague.  The joys of a wedding day in classical Greece can be felt at the same time as the targic death of a baby in renaissance Italy.  The senate of Athens and the senate of Washington.  I can tune into both and comapere it to a meeting of tribal elders in pre-historic Siberia or Australia before the Europeans arrived.  The destruction of Atlantis, although stretched through many decades and even centuries can be compressed and compared to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  The persecution of heretics by those who truly fear for the upsetting of their belief system; the torture of dissidents by the cynical and depraved; the repentance and forgiveness in the between-life state.  They all can seem simultaneous to me.
For you, if you choose to temporarily ascend and merge with your HS/disc it xwould be similar to watching, say, ten or so equally engrossing movies all at once.  And if not over whelmed, you could focus in on any detail, or set of details, that caught your fancy.  I am as interested in war as I am in peace, in fighting as much as nursing, in cafe arguments, barroom brawls and high level diplomacy.  All forms of government and all forms of citizenship.  The practise of power and the habit of submission."
I thank HS for this and said I would do my best to remember and communicate it on this board.  HS asked that her love be passed on to all on this board.  Farewells.
Back "down" to the aspect of Gordon I left trying to spread some lovelight over Israel.  Re-merge and move quickly to F23 over Iraq.  Meet uop with a band of dead Kurdih fighters, who seemed, after a bit of chat, to be splitting their time between their families and trying to help out their living comrades with strategic information.  Retiring to any kind of heaven was low on their list of priorities.  Defeat of the regime was uppermost in their minds and nothing would deprive them of the joy of victory, not even death, which they readily acknowledged.  They certainly seemed to "get" what I was up to.  I left them and seemed to link up quickly with some dead us soldiers, who were friendly enough but seemed kinda suspicuous of my angel/helper status. (forgot to check my outfit)  Their main effort seemed to be locating fallen comrades, dead, buried, tortured, whatever.  A strong sense of duty was apparent.  I told them they could continue this activity, but that there wa a rest centre available for them.  They could go there, have some R&R and then come back.  They whispered among themselves, still supicuous, but decided to give me a chance.  I asked that they gather close (usual male discomfort at intimacy) and stood at the dge of the group of eight to ten, spread my arms out by some mental projectio of psychic energy, forming 'energy bonds' linking us in a circle.  Expressed intent "Reception Camp Now!"
Suddenly on periphery of tented camp area, set up to look like they'd espect.  Still suspicuous, they wanted me to walk in with them, which I did.  A voice somewhere said, "It's okay he's with us" and then it was okay for me to go.  I told them there would be those there who would "show them the ropes" and "give them some slack".  This seemd to satisfy them and I returned to my bedroom.

cheers for now: gordon
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"Picture Perfect Mom"
Reply #115 - Apr 3rd, 2003 at 3:49pm

I met Rose last year, she is in real estate and showed my husband and myself some properties, dont remember how the conversation got around to chatting about the afterlife back then but it did. Last week I ran into her in the grocery store, we sort of waved hello to each other and went our separate ways, when I got home I saw a message on my machine from her and returned the call. She told me she was getting some tickets to go see John Edwards several states away from here in July and asked me what would her chances would be of being picked out of the audience for a reading. I said , Rose if you would like me to see if anyone in spirit wants to make a connection for you I will. So today I went over as she lives close by and we met in her bedroom as it was the most quiet room in the house. I need to back up here a wee bit, early this morning, really early I was awakened by a spirit , a female, I sleepily said, please wait till this afternoon, but I did take note of how this lady in spirit looked appearance wise. So when I got to Rose's I described the lady who woke me this morning, Nope dont know who that is Rose said. Well write it down and write everything down that I give you Rose for later reference please. So there we sat in chairs by Rose's bed, chatting to different spirits coming in to say hello, several family members quickly came in and just as quickly stepped aside, it felt like they were waiting for someone important to make an entrance. And an entrance she made too, this lovely lady in spirit dressed to the nine's, she sort of whisked in and immediately sat on Rose's bed ( rose's bed was sort of raised up high like on a pedestal) and I pointed this out to her, this female spirit is sitting here looking at us with her legs crossed with polished nails, lovely dress and her hair is done up high with curls on her head. Yep thats mom alright ,Rose replied. Always done up perfect. Well Rose she is saying you are doing something with her handbags? Oh dear, yes I am , I was going through some of her things and going to get rid of these handbags. Well Rose she is saying, they are much too expensive to throw out. Rose chuckled , I might keep one or two. She is also telling me that she liked the funeral but did not care for the catering afterward, something about too dry pastry or desserts. Rose chuckled again, no pleasing Mom, she was just too darn particular about details. She is also telling me about a wedding coming up soon and to look at the cake. Rose made a note to do that, this wedding is next month. Rose's mother made other comments about her daughters garden but then she showed me the house that she lives in over there, boy was it grand, I described this house to Rose and Rose said she has dreamt about her and her mother being there at that very house visiting together. Her mother mentioned that she visits Rose all the time , and keeps an eye on whats going on. Rose said she felt her mother around her a lot , Uh,think she will continue to do so Rose I gotta feeling this is one lady who likes to run things and is still particular and picture perfect about details. Now the lady who visited me this morning,well have a feeling Rose will figure this out , it felt like a old friend from Rose's past. She gave me some clues and one is that Rose has a old perfume bottle that she gave her, and once she finds this bottle she will know who this is. Spirit can sometimes be mysterious and make it hard to figure out, or be like Rose's mother , just sit and chat on the bed. I wish you all well, xxxlinn

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My return to "a vague retrieval"
Reply #116 - Apr 2nd, 2003 at 3:05pm
Hello Ginny and Alysia,

Thanks for your encouragement. I decided to have another go, and "return" to see if I could find Maria Lucus again, the person I "met" but that I didn't know if she needed retrieving.  I  did go back and meet her, although it was words or impressions, but nothing visual. I asked her if she was stuck or waiting for something, and she said Yes, that she was waiting for her crew (or team? or unit?) to come back and rescue her...they had to go on but they would come back to rescu/evacuate her as soon as they could. I told her I had some helpers who could help her, evacuate her if she didn't want to wait, and we could get word to her crew  and let them  know. She agreed, seemed eager to go, and in good spirits. I felt she/they were about to go and I said "one thing, Maria, before you go, do you have any siblings, brothers or sisters?" Yes, a brother. "Can you tell me his name?" Marcel. That was all. Again, all very quick.

I googled the name Marcel Lucas, did not get anything  in Toledo Ohio, which is where I got before that she was from. Interesting thing, though, it is the name of an artist from Belgium, who's work is very interesting and makes me think of exploring.... In case you'd like to take a look and see what I mean here are his sites (I hope this is ok, to put these urls. I'm not trying to sell his work, I don't know him, but I'm intrigued by his work and would never have seen it if I hadn't gotten his name while exploring...):

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meeting my disc pal
Reply #117 - Mar 30th, 2003 at 7:08pm
met face to face in lucid dream one of my disc members.  was hoping to elicit some discussion with other board members about meeting "others" who are also one and the same essence/probe, from the same disc as described in Bruce's books. this experience could either be in an altered state, such as dreaming, or could be a meeting in physical reality. what say you anybody, I'm curious. I'll try to briefly describe this fellow I met who is me, and yet not me, insofar as my personality goes.
found myself exploring a large house, I was sensing presence. I heard an instruction to look within a full-length mirror in front of me. ok, I thought I will, what do you think I'll see? go ahead and look and don't ask questions they say. so I look, expecting to see an image of myself. instead, from within the mirror striding towards me comes a man of 5'7, dark hair, he's stocky, maybe swarthy is the word.  we grin at each other in happy reunion feeling, as if to say, its been a long time, we meet again! theres a wink in his eye and we now share a secret, we have discovered each other in C1 limited consciousness through this dream experience, that was the secret shared and that was the cause of our joy.  I do not look out through his eyes as Monroe described  with his future self, and I get a sense of concurrent lifetimes. I am  told  we are the same being or energy or disc, whatever you want to call it.  we are like probes or a soul split into two different areas in order to assimilate experience from different roles. to get a clue how this other me is operating and the sense of the role he's playing, I look into his eyes  where I notice energy emanates and I feel our oneness and connection there and he tells me I'm doing ok with the polarity energy within myself. in regard to his role as head of household of large family environment, (the opposite of my life) I get a mixture of his experience being within this large family, I feel much emotional energy such as would be found in another culture, similar to, or could be Italy, there is  a facination and involvement with his life,  you would not call it boredom exactly! a lot of humour leavening the struggles, a lot of love. his children grow in independence from being able to defy him, which he plays along with subtly yet he struggles to maintain some sort of control over his children who fly in every direction. the children only listen when it turns out he was right the first time, this he deals with as the way it is. all this was rolled up in what Monroe would call a rote. we acknowledge silently that we will reunite at some point when we have finished up here and this does not entail loss of our individuality, but only causes the thought of joy. we are not soul mates. we are the same person focusing in two different directions, generating two different personalities, roles, for the sake of experience.  it was a joyous experience I cannot describe! love, alysia
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An Iraqi man in F23
Reply #118 - Mar 30th, 2003 at 11:38am

Hello everyone,

After floating in the 3D blackness for awhile, having already decided I wanted to meet up with a Helper and assist in a retrieval connected with the war, I focused in on a portal and then found myself standing inside a dark building. There didn't seem to be anyone around and yet I sensed an urgency  about the situation, so I opened up to hopefully get more information from Helpers.

I then heard someone saying, "May God be with you. May God be with you", and I turned to my left and saw a doorway leading into another room.  As I moved into the room it was obvious the only thing that had not been destroyed were the walls. I momentarily picked up on patches of broken light, rubble and a sense the air was thick. A man was sitting on concrete flooring with his back to a wall (I had initially arrived on the opposite side of that wall), reciting to himself, "May God be with you." I wondered if he was talking with someone but got that he was definitely alone...and for some reason I knew that what he was saying was being instantly translated into words I could undertsand.

He was unaware of me so I waited a second and then moved a little closer to him and said, "Sir? Are you all right?" (I don't know why I was using "sir" but it just felt correct and I went with it). I could feel his sudden awareness of me but he refused to look up. I was only around five feet away from him but I sensed I needed to be careful as he brought his arms up to shield his face, as if to say he wanted to be alone (or that's what I thought). He was in a state of complete despair. I waited a moment and then knelt down in front of him and told him we were there to get him out of the building. I could feel he had been injured. As I was about to explain further he became quite upset, saying he didn't want to be rescued. He started throwing his arms around, shouting that he just wanted to die. I didn't move as he became angrier and started crying...saying he didn't want to continue living. What came to me was he had had a life of such hardship and hopelessness that anything, even death, had to be better. He just wanted to sit there and die.

This made me pause and I opened up, silently asking Helpers, since he was so determined to face death, could he deal with the truth about his current situation? I got back a strong, warm knowing that yes, he'd be okay.  I then reached out and touched his right hand, intending for the admiration and respect I felt for him to be transfered to him, and I asked, "If you don't want to be in this world anymore, where would you like to go?" His anger and fear subsided as he struggled to soak in my question...and I could feel he knew. He finally looked at me and the entire right side of his face and head were badly torn up. I briefly saw a closely cropped dark beard on the uninjured side.  He was self conscious about his appearance, or maybe over the fact that he was injured, I wasn't sure. I began feeling what he was thinking and he wanted nothing more than to go to the paradise he had longed for all his life, the heaven of his religious beliefs. To him it was a place without strife and sorrow, a place of wonder, fulfillment, joy.  I told him someone was here to take him there and a Helper was then standing very close to us. All I could see from my perspective was the lower portion of a vague, humanoid shape surrounded in light. I moved away as I could feel they were communicating and within seconds we were moving away from the room. It wasn't long before a blue sky opened up before us and I briefly picked up on a lush landscape, branches of tall palm trees rustling in a breeze that carried a soothing warmth. It felt wonderful.

And since my dogs were suddenly barking I decided I'd best return to C1, which I did.

Thanks for listening and much love,

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North/West Coast
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Checking on a Friend..
Reply #119 - Mar 29th, 2003 at 9:21pm
Thursday, March 26, 2003
8:15 PM

Did all the 3x3x3 relaxation and ask for a helper. Helper (George) came and join. Ask him to help me locate “....”, repeated her name a few times,.... , nothing happened, so I went to my Log house in F25 and sat outside on the veranda.There a  few people there that I don’t know, but have a feeling they are part of my I/There disk, ask them for help to locate _____.
So they form a circle around me and help me open up my perception and consciousness by sending me love energy, what a great feeling. Stay with them for a while before asking again for information’s about “____”.
All of a sudden a cloud of purple/pinkish/blue colours started flashing around me, surounding me and a very bright light at the left corner of my eyes, that I sense being an angel, very bright, very loving, got a sense of love emanating for it, very loving being. I felt good in that presence, to the point of not wanting to do anything... just stay there and baste in that loving energy.
Ask who it was, got the impression that it was a “Healing Angel”, “_____” Guardian Angel it says, so I ask why you’re here, I’m asking for “_____”. Where is she?
I said _____ mom and her sister  ask me to check up on her. They love her very much and miss her very much and  that is the reason why I'm here an asking about her!!
The Healing/Guardian Angel said “____” is in Focus 27 Healing Centre, and being protected by this Healing/Guardian Angel, got the impression that it’s her Guardian Angel. She enveloped in a cocoon of love, that's the reason I can’t access or approached her. Or it will disturb the healing? or process/progress ??
I ask why, the Guardian Angel or helper if you want to call it that way, says she had a traumatic Death, not an easy death/cross over. I ask why, the reason was because of her Believe System, she hanging on to some of her Earthly Believe system!
I ask what BSystem and got the impression of “ Lutheran”, believe system?  I know nothing of that religion (sorry) was she Lutheran? Nothing!!
Ask for a message for her mom and sister, and the angel said she miss you both and love you very much, and she will visit both of you in your dreams, tell them to pay attention to their dreams. I told the angel that her sister and mother  are trying to contact her also, no answers…
Ask for a message for validation:
Message is “Tell mom and sis that she found the lost car keys in her left Jean Jacket pocket?  Don’t know if I made that up, but that's the imp I got???
the Guardian Angel said you guys, don’t have to worry about her she is being taken care of very lovingly. She need some time to absorbed what happened during and after her life here?? Who know, but all it well and she being taken care of.

Finish at 9:20Pm.

That all I got for now, will try again soon to get more info.
Anyone ever come across a situation like this, when your stop from seeing a person because he/she is in the Healing Center or a cocoon of love?
Thank you for listening...Smiley

With Love

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